Love & Sex Second Base Free Download


Love & Sex Second Base Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Love & Sex Second Base Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Love & Sex: Second Base is a dating sim where a geeky guy or girl (hopefully you) gets to be be roomates with two very hot people and meet plenty of others in their daily life. The player has the choice of taking on the role of either a guy or a girl and meet a whole cast of unique and memorable characters along the way. Mike is a young code monkey in a big company, even surrounded with beautiful girls his love life is in disarray. His high school sweetheart cheated on him and his latest flame is dating on of his friends. Will you be able to help him find love and avoid the pitfalls of dating life or will he end up alone and unhappy? Bree is a college freshman, penniless and a bit socially awkward. Help her find a job and succeed in her studies to become a successful woman or lead her down a dark path of drugs and debauchery. Basically, their lives (and love lives) are yours to control! Played this game quite a bit over the years; usually starting over from scratch every so often considering that every six months or so saves seem incompatible with prior versions. First run through the game was really good.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Love & Sex Second Base Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Love & Sex Second Base Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I didn’t mind the tedium of grinding or the several clicks it takes just to get out of my room to go outside; but after a few playthroughs it’s a slog. Story is okay, and some of the characters have quite a lot of depth. Some in personality, but mostly in how they develop over the story and how the MC can impact them. While some of these paths have been shallow as a puddle for years now you probably won’t care unless you are focusing just on that one character only, which given the varied cast isn’t likely first playthrough. Though there are a lot of complains on tedium. bugs and lack of convenience features, the biggest issue for me was what was the strongest issue for the first couple years. I don’t know why but newer releases seem to have art that is worse than the start, some of the standing sprites/pictures also are different in quality as well. LoSeb is no stranger for revising/changing art or even full character appearances, but I get the feeling that the art I’m seeing in later stages of the game is more definite than the changed art from literal years ago.A lot of the complaints about this game are about how grindy it is, and if you’re going for an authentic 100% completion then yeah sure it’ll probably take you a long time – as in several days to a week’s worth of dedicated play.

Free roaming.

If you’re not trying to do everything with every girl in one clean sweep then it’s a lot more managable. Alternatively, use the wiki and make plenty of saves, because this game does not protect you from fucking yourself over – much like real life. If you hate grinding, there are cheats to bypass most of it so even that’s a none-issue. I would recommend at the start adding +20 submission and +10 love to most of the characters since that gives you more options to increase that stat, taking out a good chunk of the early grind. That said, this game is fairly rare in that it has a large cast of romancable NPCs who are *all* quite unique both in looks and personality (not copy/pasted bimbos). There are certain characters – like Kylie and her sister Alexis who are… shall we say interesting in ways which you might want to avoid if you don’t have certain kinks or a reasonable understanding of the consequences of certain choices – but this (along with the mostly decent voice acting) only enhances the immersion of seeing them as people rather than images on a screen. These characters aren’t mindless sextoys; they are semi-realistic depictions of people that you can seduce or repulse depending on your actions.Clone Drone in the Danger Zone

Love & Sex Second Base Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Love & Sex Second Base Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I’m guessing if you’re looking for a porn game, you want something more than a quick fap over a character you feel no connection to, L&S:SB delivers that in spades with a massive amount of regularly-updated content. If there’s one thing I would suggest to improve, it would be for the dev to add the option in the mission log for a *spoilers* button to give more detailed information and warnings about potential consequences/suggested route-timings so people don’t have to rely on third-party resources and building up a compendium of knowledge if they just wanna build their harem in peace, without ruining things for people who like authentic progression and consequences. It would also be nice if there were more actions which increased stats by more than one so it cuts out much of the grind – like maybe make gifts more impactful? Well, that and more optional fetishes/content but then that’s really up to the dev to decide what they want to make. I gave this game a shot initially because I was intrigued by touted diversity and breadth of the characters. After 100+ hours (probably much more I don’t track playtime) this game while having some good bits has some MASSIVE problems.

Play as a man or a woman.

the in game ”quest” guide is unclear, misleading, or just useless and directs you to dead ends or situations that are almost impossible catch I recognize that people love for their “choices to have impact” but when the only impact is for you to be locked out of content …it’s an exercise in masochism. Miniami, Lavish, Samantha, and Lexi chains all get borked by unknown switches that get flipped by … ???. Who knows??? events get put on pause by X character in X stage but then that character is nowhere to be found and you try and track them down and they respond “I think I’m lost” … while funny it’s distinctively unhelpful. Perfect example … you speak with Lexi and she tells you how her trailer burnt down … so immediately you go talk with the other girls in your home harem and get their ok for Lexi to move in … get to the stage of the quest where it says invite Lexi to stay and you go talk to her but she won’t accept the invitation.I could say a lot about this game, I could talk about it’s freedom and variety. I could talk about its depth and how it somehow encompasses a complete sexual identity. Its use of tropes for humor, and how it builds upon tropes to elevate the gameplay experience.Escape Dungeon

Love & Sex Second Base Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Love & Sex Second Base Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I could say a lot about this game. I’d rather just say that this game, which hides nothing behind paywalls, makes real updates that includes real, high quality content and offers one of the best harem/dating sim experiences in human existence, I bought this game at full price on steam and I would highly urge all those who value high quality adult content to do the same if you are able. At least do yourself a favor and play the game. And leave a 5 star review. It hones Love and Sex: Second Base This game used to be one of the best. A lovable cast, simple enough systems to get each event and the in-game guide was sufficient enough to get you there. Better have a second monitor with the wiki open or you’ll unintentionally lock yourself out of something you won’t know about until hours later. The game has become needlessly complicated for such a simple concept. All you need to do is look at how to get Emma to see exactly the problem with the game in its current state Oh, and don’t worry about your saves. Each update slows them down more and more so you’ll eventually have to restart and go through the grind again. And there is a grind, even with cheats.

Body modification (piercings, breasts surgery…)

The art, while inconsistent at times, is likable. Morgan is my favorite. Some of the changes like Kleio’s redraw are questionable, but it’s a subjective change that you may or may not like. The biggest hurdle this game has is bugs. As mentioned before, this game gets SLOW. I have a good PC, it’s not my hardware. but this game can have moments where it’ll take three full seconds of waiting before whatever you click gets registered. That’s if you’re lucky and the option you clicked actually opens up like it’s supposed to. Some events are straight up bugged and it takes a long time for them to be fixed. The dev(s) do update consistently, which is nice but they seriously need to chill with adding content and spend some time doing some well needed maintenance behind the scenes. I can’t say anything about the voice work since I play with the game volume off. I really want to keep liking this game but as the time goes on, it gets harder to justify the headache while having to slog through the wiki to make sure I didn’t cancel two LI storylines with a simple date. The game has dissapointed me in many days which i regret the time i have spent so I could have written this review.

And none of these points of my dissapointment is about the graphics and such but rather the entire game premise, mechanics and actual gameplay. Firstly the stats are buggy and the 15 improved maxed stats doesn’t even work and dealing with your needs is a constant frustration as it actually blocks story related quest scenes and even make you fail a date cause your spesific need is 1 point lower than it should be. The spesific requirements for relationship progression is tedious and makes it feel less like a sandbox simulation and more like mini visual novel stories like a galery player. Even though maybe it might get much more flexible late game, the path to it just makes is not worth the effort and time wasted in the game. Although a life sim, not much personalization is there like the most basic skin and hair colors or like other physical properties. Rising stats is a ver important part of the game but also the cost and the need of money via work doesn’t go hand hin hand much slower one other down but also stats rising after a while has no purpose as in it caps at 100. The fact that you have to wait alot just makes it really boring like have to wait for a week for an event or couple hours for a person.

Love & Sex Second Base Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Love & Sex Second Base Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

First, I must say, I really like almost everything this game has to offer. Everything from the kinks, to the animation, to the grammar, and the relationships. However, my only current critique is that I wish more options and potential avenues weren’t closed off early or were rediscoverable or obtainable again. As someone who’s a bit of a completionist with games like these, I hate exploring a game for a couple hours and being immersed in it only to find out after all that time that certain scenes, scenarios, relationships, etc. are no longer viable because I had sex with someone too soon or didn’t learn something quickly enough. Regardless of this annoyance, I still rank this game as one of the top on this website!Pretty good dating simulator. The H game has a massive amount of HCG content, very good to see, but to get to the content takes quite a bit of time and patience for each girl. The grinding of love points is on par, but the time-date specific events take forever if you miss them and have to cycle the year. The harem is stuck in a dilemma of wanting you to grab as much ass as you can, but unless you read a walkthrough you’re not going to get there on your first playthroughs and might even block yourself out of content.Orc Massage

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