Live To Fight Free Download


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This is the Story of a Young boy who gets in trouble with money for stealing the wrong person, now he must return it and he don’t have it, he will have to go with an old friend to help him, a friend who knows the underworld, the world of Illegal fights to get fast money and on the way to solve problems, all kinds of sexual situations can happen​ MMA is revered like the fighters were some higher level of human beings. The protagonist doesn’t want to make a big deal about being a fighter, so naturally he just can’t wait to humble brag about it to everyone. A day later everyone in the story knows he fights. A lot of the story is wasted at gym repeating basic martial arts exercises that this former champion has somehow forgotten. Not very sexy content for a porn game. The protagonist looks like 20-something but “goes way back” with his teacher. Somehow he also had years of nothing to do in between and forget everything about fighting during that time. He wins fights in the ring and against any thugs in the street and bars, but can’t do basic stuff in training and constantly loses to the other kid half his weight while sparring. A story full of inconsistencies. Being a humble guy the protagonist has no need for money, but to get back at his father for mistreating his mother the only thing he does is steal half a million of his money and leaves the abused mother alone with the father while he goes and buys a luxury apartment for himself with the stolen money. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Father gets angry, but somehow can’t track the son who stays near all his old friends in the luxury apartment bought with stolen money. Just another perk of being an MMA fighter I guess. All the women in the world simply love him. He has a big dick. Swag! The story is full of nameless men who treat women like objects. They use crude language and only want to fuck the women. They are scum. We solve it with violence, hitting them all. We then fuck the women. But since we’re super swag MMA fighter with big dick we’re not scum. We’re awesome, and all the women can’t wait to spread their legs for us. The ladies have very little interesting to say, but the protagonist has even less. He fights, that’s all he is. Well I guess he also fucks, but doesn’t seem very adept at that either. At least he has a big dick. He also trains to fight. And did I mention the big dick? Larger than any other man. He also knows how to fight. (except not when training) A very juvenile story. Can be enjoyable but you’ll probably forget it soon after. Writing is not impressive in any sense and most of it feels like comedy, except there are no punch lines. There is a decent idea for general story, but the storytelling is simple to put it nicely. Sex scenes are very short without much of build-up leading to them, and at least half of the scenes end with only one party of the scene getting release. Handjobs, blowjobs, boobjobs and thighjobs etc.

You have a ton of control over the main character, so if for some reason you don’t like a particular lady, they won’t be forced upon you.

A few meaningful choices that lead to alternative scenes, that’s nice. Many other choices feel like relationship point traps, which they are, and some scenes will not play if you picked wrong options in past dialogue. Personally I gave up trying to figure out what the positive choices were and just defaulted to walkthrough mod to see all scenes. There are also several missing images, not sure what that is all about. Playing this I could not shake the feeling that I was viewing the world through the eyes of unpopular 15 year old boy who has just finished his first martial arts training and a cute girl smiled to him for the first time when he walked home. Head full of ideas how he will fuck all the women in the world and finally show to those bullies at school who the REAL man is with his skinny arms and 50kg of swagger. Yes, it does get repetitive. Not that porn games need to be very deep, but somebody might want a bit more than whatever this is.This is a very interesting story where you can seduce a friend’s mother, it really is so funny, that is the most fascinating woman mrs johnson , she is absolutely first class MILF!!!! Viral venture

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Live To Fight Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The storyline is what draws me in the most to keep playing, this game needs more backers, it really is worth it! I’ll still give this game 5 stars don’t get me wrong their are some flaws to these game still but over all i still love playing it and that’s good enough reason to give it a great score to me because that is what games are for to have fun and enjoy them. Hope you keep up the good work I’m looking forward for more updates and future games.This is a pretty decent game, the story is interesting and maybe abit slow paced and relationship development between the characters are excellent and more believable unlike most of the other games here. The renders are pretty good too and as for the grammatical errors it not really that worse as everyone is making it out to be. There are definitely some bugs but that to be expected since this is the developer first game. I think the only problem I find is that the updates are pretty slow but that to be expected since he is not getting much support from the patreonI found the game was tedious and uneventful with the story that went nowhere, the dialogue was excessively dry and repetitious, and all but one character was bland and one-dimensional. Almost all the interactions and events felt like groundhogs day because they were monotonously repetitive.

You stole some money from your scumbag father, and now you have to take part in underground fights to pay off the debt.

They went like this, the MC woke up, worried if his father found him, then he trained, fought, fucked someone, and went to sleep. It’s a good game, with some minor translation issues. Good models, interesting story, but the “money” thing is a little confusing (not why, but technically). You can see that the developer is getting better with some more complex parts further in the game and the animations are getting a lot better too. So the reason I’m giving this a 5 star despite the translation issues and slightly confusing money thing is that this game is surprisingly unsupported. I was shocked when I got to the patreon and saw how little patrons it has, considering the number of views it has here and how much content it has shown so far. And despite that, the developer still manages to keep going, understandably a little on the slower side. But it’s still ridiculous and this should get a lot more support. It’s unthinkable to ask for quicker releases when this good of a game only has 67 patrons. The game isn’t perfect and there’s a lot that could be improved if it had more support, so please do it, if you can.Excellent Adult Ren’Py VN with a more compelling and believable script/dialogue than most. Models are really quite good as well and it’s honestly a good balance between the story and adult scenes and sex. The whole MMA story arc fits really well and it’s got more character than the usual “MC moves in with Landlady and roommates and doesn’t actually have a life while he goes around peeping on everyone at night.” Unpacking

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Also the decisions you make actually affect the gameplay and affect which characters you see more and do/don’t have scenes with as the game progresses. I highly recommend it and look forward to future updates.Then the girlfriend appeared at his house, spoke about studies with him, went to the park to work out together and afterwards went back to his home for sex. The best friend’s mother did nothing besides clean the house, and whenever the MC came over, there was sexual tension and she ad nauseam monologued about him being her son’s best friend and how it was wrong. Lilly at the bar would ask the MC to help her serve clients, he would do that and then protect her from the thugs that show up, and she would reward him with a sexual favour to avoid answering why they were after her. Cut to numerous times of the MC’s father asking his henchman if they have located the MC, and they would respond with not yet. Every time I met or saw any of the characters, there was almost no variety in what they did, said, or how the MC interacted with them, I saw it once first, and I saw it nearly the same again afterwards. They were all like background side characters, leaving me with nothing but MC’s training and him trying to bone girls. The only exception was Emma, who had unique events and lovely dialogue accompanied by stunning looks and ended up being my favourite character.

The women are all very attractive, both in looks and personality.

That consisted of the entire story progression, which hasn’t moved since day one, and the whole premise of the MC stealing money and helping his mom is a long-forgotten memory.I really don’t understand why all the high ratings, this game is pretty bad, i mean, the renders are great and the women hot, but just that doesn’t justifies it. The writting is pretty bad, and it’s obvious that the dev isn’t a native english speaker, wich is okay, neither am i, but there is so many gramatical errors that it hurts, he doesn’t know how to write something that is in the past ex: the mc says “i hurt myself training”, while it should be something like ” i hurted myself while training yesterday” and this continues through the entire game. The conversations are odd, emotionless, cringy, and feels like it’s a robot talking, not a human. The story is kinda good, i mean, at least is original at some points, but because of the bad writting, it’s wasted. The sex scenes are average at best, the animations aren’t that good but it isn’t bad, just…okay, but i do feel that they are very short.I think this would be a 4 star, actually, but there’s a reason for the 5 star rating. It has an interesting enough premise to hold the game up but it’s overall pretty empty imo. Vampire Survivors

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Live To Fight Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There’s nothing exactly engaging me or making me want to know what comes next since a lot of it is just variations of the same routine. The constant cuts to the father demanding to know the MC’s whereabouts doesnt serve to do much unless we start seeing him create a plan of his own The renders are solid and what kept me interested in the game. Kat, Jess, Emma, Mrs. Johnson all grew on me pretty quickly The writing however needs quite a bit of work, both in fluidity and complexity. There’s quite a few grammatical errors and incorrect character tags that trip up the flow of the game. And the dialogue makes the characters, especially the MC and Mark, seem almost like Neanderthals with their peak persona being a dumb jock. As for other aspects, there also happens to be quite a few missing images while although not as important, still serves to be a problem. We get a peek of very solid animation in the last sex scene before the update ends but up until that point, the animation had been pretty minimal I’ll stick with this game because I just want to see how the story progresses but there’s still quite a bit of work that needs to be doneI’m going to have to give this game three stars. The story is interesting enough, but this game needs a lot of Polish. Missing images, mislabeled text boxes, grammatical errors, etc. Sill, the models and renders are serviceable, and the animation is decent.

I’ll definitely put this game on my watchlist. Maybe come back to it when it’s complete and the kinks have been worked out.Another good game that could be 5 Star in the future, One character I hate is the Protag’s friend Mark. EVERYTIME things are getting interesting between the protagonist & Mrs Johnson Mark turns up about as welcome as a fart in a crowded elevator. Other than that she is pretty much the most interesting possible love interest in the game, not to take anything away from the others but I had a similar experience with an older woman back in the day, I had known her years before anything happened. so yeah I have a personal interest in this part of the story. Very Good Game. One of my Favourites. Good Graphics. Interesting Story. And the one thing I like the most is the MC who is a Boxer and a good one. This game is a good combo of action and romance. But it takes to much time to get updates. Please give more updates. I can’t wait. Best Action-Romance game ever. Most Recommended. Hope updates will be faster. Thank you. Keep it on.The game/novel is very good, but even so I swear, if it’s not possible to “move forward” with Mark’s mother in this version, I’ll abandon the game … Every time it’s just in the preliminaries with her and to be honest , it’s the main reason I’m looking forward to each update. UNO


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