Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP Free Download


Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Live by the Sword: Tactics certainly attempts to live up to the adage that if one lives by the sword, one is destined to die by the sword. Well, as long as the one dying is not one of the plot-essential heroes in the story. The game is a throwback to the 16-bit era of tactics games and, just like those games, is an equal mix of sometimes insane difficulty, almost chibi-like character design, and decent enough gameplay. The story is generic as can be, following two heroes sworn to defend the kingdom and a young king. It’s a story that offers nothing new or interesting. Throughout the game, I was waiting for a twist to pique my interest, throw me for a loop, or just give me a hint of something not painfully rote – a moment that never came. In a tactics game, the story is one of the elements that drive you forward. As an example, the recent Triangle Strategy had a compelling story pushing you forward, and so to did the clear inspiration for this game, Final Fantasy Tactics. Live by the Sword: Tactics, however, never gets close to that high water mark. Of course, the other element essential to a tactics game is the gameplay. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Thankfully, Live by the Sword: Tactics has decent enough tactical gameplay. Your party of five, chosen from a group of seven, provides you with all the tools to claim victory. But again, the generic nature of the design philosophy comes through. You start out with a fighter, cleric, alchemist and archer, then add a magic user, thief, and monk/brawler. Each party member has access to six skills, but you can only take four into battle. This adds a little bit of complexity and decision-making before each mission, as you have to decide which might be the most useful. However, it isn’t that difficult to quickly work out what skills are overpowered and work best in combination with your party. It’s competent enough but, by sticking to such a genric roster, it doesn’t add much to the genre of high fantasy tactics. Battles play out on tiny maps and ones with no real secrets to uncover through careful exploration. The mechanics of battle would normally be influenced by the maps themselves – think changes in terrain type, elevation, or secret interaction – but you don’t get that here to any meaningful degree.

Tools to create custom battlefields.

There are elevated positions that will give ranged characters advantages, but these are simple raised steps that are easy to spot and beeline towards. When you are first starting out on your adventure, the battles feel challenging as you need to figure out how each of the many skills works, and how to pair up characters to make the most of their synergised abilities. However, as the game progresses, the challenge plateaus. The subsequent lack is made doubly so by the fact that the archer and magic user are useful to the point of being overpowered, ensuring they become automatic picks for each battle. On the rare occassions the game threw a challenging battle at me, I soon realised these were meant to be lost for story purposes – gaming’s equivalent of the Kobayashi Maru. The visual style is a modern take on 16-bit era design. The characters have that chibi-like look that can be a bit too cutesy but, in this game, they work. It feels authentic to the era and it never felt strange to be slaughtering enemies while controlling cute little sprites. Fly Corp

Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Ultimately, Live by the Sword: Tactics has some good ideas but the execution isn’t quite up to standard. The small maps and limited tactical options soon boil down to simply building a party around the powerful archer and magic user – which then removes all the challenge and fun that this genre is known for. The one good aspect of this game, if you are able to play it on a Steam Deck, is that battles are short – making it perfect for quick bursts of mobile gaming. However, that is not enough to recommend Live by the Sword: Tactics over many other excellent turn-based tactics games available on Steam. Live by the Sword: Tactics starts off with a rather simple premise. There’s no major introduction explaining the world or giving the details of a war about to break out. While these underlying concepts are still the case as is with many other tactical RPGs before it, most of it is actually done through dialogue between the characters. It gives the game a more intimate and personal feel, but does lose out on the epic grandeur of other titles. This does go in line with gameplay being more focused on smaller, denser maps instead of the larger scalecombat seen in other titles.

Adventure Mode that has you building the world as you explore it.

The scale also goes in line with the limited number of combatants, usually most battles being waged in 5 vs 5 combat. The five character battles are a huge limitation when it comes to the story campaign, forcing the game to keep the encounters at very small skirmishes. This would have been fine were they not going for a similar story focused on all-out war breaking out, like many other tactical RPGs. This ends up harming the experience when playing through the storyline of Live by the Sword: Tactics. The plot might’ve only been tacked on so that it gives players a taste of the combat, which is more balanced towards skirmishes and multiplayer. The story battles are rather easy, which also defeats the purpose of these small scale encounters being more about tactics than using specifically stronger units. So with a heavy focus on the core gameplay revolving around deeper mechanics for players to rely more on strategy over gimmicks like power leveling or getting powerful weapons, does that mean gameplay is engaging? Unfortunately, it never came across as anything meaningful compared to others within the genre. NEVERWINTER NIGHTS 2 COMPLETE

Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

As stated before, there’s actually little in terms of improvement for characters throughout Live by the Sword: Tactics campaign. The only customizing the players have for each unique unit is the ability to change out their ability loadout before a battle. However, a limitation of moves never seemed to hinder builds for my characters nor did it ever encourage experimentation. Very few times did I feel compelled to adjust their movesets. Finally, battles are rather slow and tedious. Most strategies revolve around focusing on one single target to reduce the enemies numbers, as smaller engagements mean that each individual unit becomes much more valuable and losing one badly hurts the team. Yet even going down to the last 1 or 2 enemies still takes painfully long to finish the encounter when the result has long been decided. This is even more evident during story levels where you only control 1 or 2 units yourself. During these times it’s obvious you’ll only need to do the basics just to find victory. There’s even a level where you’re guaranteed to lose due to being outnumbered and it still took forever to watch my units get cut down just to move on with the story.

Multiple Game Modes.

It’s ultimately rather boring, but at the same time if the difficulty was notched up, then Live by the Sword: Tactics would end up becoming a frustrating experience where RNG can end up screwing up even a good strategy. The design just puts itself into a position where the balance lies more towards being fair against other human players, instead of AI. There are some contradictions within the world of TRPGs. On the one hand, it is a subgenre that traces its lineage to Final Fantasy Tactics, a mechanically and narratively complex title. This has led some developers to try and make games far exceeding that one in complexity. On the other hand, the basic interfaces for such games make them a good fit for mobile and other casual markets, leading other developers to produce simpler experiences. A simple game doesn’t need to be a bad one. I’ve previously looked at Vanaris Tactics, which was clearly made with newcomers in mind. A better example might be Chroma Squad, Behold Studios’ love letter to Power Rangers that really does a lot with a little. Today’s game, Live by the Sword: Tactics, is another of those simple titles.

Simple though it may be, it features a few novel, underused mechanics that I would really love to see in more games. The player will eventually gather a party of seven characters, of whom five can be taken into any particular battle. I think the idea behind the lack of a leveling system is that the player can freely choose the characters that best fit the situation rather than those with the highest levels. For example, the archer is one of the most powerful offensive characters in the party, but only if she has the high ground. Without that, her limited range makes her vulnerable. So while I might use the archer most of the time, in areas with level terrain I can swap her out for a lesser-used melee fighter who’s a better fit. I have seen other TRPGs – from big names to tiny indies – that tried to introduce similar concepts, but because those games still featured conventional experience/level systems, they fell short. The specialist characters tend to have lower levels as a result of spending so much time on the back bench, so playing the game as intended necessitates hours of dreary grind.

Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Excluding a leveling system means that Live by the Sword: Tactics neatly avoids that problem. And I do know that the devs want you to switch characters due to the other twist: The player can respec any character for free between levels. Each character has an innate ability and six additional skills, of which four can be taken into combat at a time. While you’ll typically use the same ones in most fights, you will always have the option to switch skills in and out to take advantage of character combos or to neutralize a powerful enemy. Between this and the character swapping, this allows for maximum flexibility. There are downsides to this kind of design, however. The characters are static, so once the last party member is unlocked (which is only about a third of the way into the campaign), there’s not much more to look forward to. Add to that the small number of enemy types in the campaign, and the later levels can get a bit tedious. Having the characters level-up as a party (something that Chroma Squad did, among a precious few other TRPGs) probably would have helped here. I think it is important to make that distinction because LbtS:T draws a lot of inspiration from games like Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre, however the focus in not on character development that helps you care about your team, inspired asymmetrical maps that add to the challenge and storytelling, and several other mechanics associated with a Tactical RPG. Dead Secret Circle Switch NSP

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