Lake PC Free Download


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Lake PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET It’s been a long while since I was last in Providence Oaks. Too long. It’s the town found in Lake, and one I thoroughly enjoyed exploring back in April when I previewed the game’s demo. Since that preview, I’ve thought of nothing but returning. I’ve longed to hop in the rattly van and deliver mail all across the sleepy lakeside town. Fortunately, the wait is finally over. I’ve had my two-week vacation in Providence Oaks, met its colourful cast of residents, and delivered all the mail I could. I’ve taken part in a photo competition, saved a cat from eating too many cupcakes, read a thrilling romance novel, saved a forest from corporate greed, stuck it to my boss and even fallen in love. Lake has truly been one of the most memorable and fulfilling experiences of my life, and one deserving of the title: indie game of the year. From the sun-soaked streets to the cascading waterfalls tucked behind the creaky cabin, Lake is undeniably beautiful. Dense foliage lines the cobbly incline beside the glistening lake. The sun rises from behind the staggeringly spectacular snow-capped mountains. Light breaks through the tree branches as the wind sweeps in from across the shore gently shaking the windows of the sleeping town. The blisteringly bright sun washes the streets with an orange glow as cars begin rattling to life before the hazy horizon.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Lake PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Lake PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I feel as if all these fancy descriptions still fail to do Lake’s astoundingly gorgeous visual style any justice. Fortunately, I’ve packed as many screenshots as I can into this review to give people a glimpse into its wondrously heavenly world. This is truly one of the most magnificent looking games I’ve had the pleasure to experience. While Lake would still have been an outstanding title without its unbelievable visual style, it certainly helps to immerse oneself into the world of Providence Oaks. Fortunately, there is not only overwhelming beauty to be found in the general world of Lake, but also in its minute details. Plenty of the smaller details scattered across the world help to truly bring it to life. Additionally, Lake is packed with pedestrians, roaming cars and wildlife to help make it feel more substantial and ultimately alive. It is a truly remarkable achievement on behalf of the developers to bring such a captivatingly moving world to life. Fortunately, Lake’s gameplay is just as great as its visuals. What makes it so perfect is how it is ultimately supplemental to the narrative. That’s not to say that it isn’t brilliant in its own right. Far from it. In fact, it is Lake’s gameplay that affords its wholesome atmosphere. Rather, similar to Death Stranding.

Escape to a beautiful, rustic environment without cellphones and the Internet.

you’ll often find that narrative and gameplay are perfectly intermingled with one another. For example, bringing a letter or parcel to Mildred will then draw you into a story all about her cupcake-fed cat and its urgent need of absolutely no more cupcakes. Seriously, don’t feed your cat cupcakes. You may receive a letter intended for a campsite on the other side of the lake. This of course encourages exploration while also having you meet two new characters who are overly happy about singing rather awful songs. The game never forces you to undergo long sections of gameplay only to then burden you with long sections of story. Instead, it perfectly weaves the two together to create a beautiful harmony. Essentially, the gameplay ensures that the story is constantly moving, while also managing to be immensely fun in its own right. Additionally, I found Lake’s map to be the perfect size for the gameplay on offer. It’s neither so large that you constantly lose your way nor too small that you feel constricted. There’s enough here for the player to explore and uncover while being just small enough that you quickly become accustomed to it. It’s simply perfect for a game all about delivering mail.Blair Witch

Lake PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Lake PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Despite Lake’s overall wholesome nature, it still manages to pack a hefty amount of heartwarming sincerity and genuinely moving moments throughout its expertly crafted narrative. The writing team over at Gamious are mind-bogglingly talented and astoundingly brilliant. The world and characters they have crafted coalesce to create a phenomenally poignant yet hopeful narrative. They weave together so many struggles and desires into a cast of characters so incredibly endearing I was heartbroken when I had to leave them. They have not only managed to craft characters that feel alive and real but also perfected the feeling of community. Frankly, the hardest part of finishing Lake is that when I inevitably return, no one will remember me. The themes of loss and ambition, life and love, home and family and ultimately that of the world moving on without you are handled expertly here. While my time with Lake was relatively short – lasting just under 7 hours – the writing team have still managed to make every story beat, character interaction and relationship development feel significant and important. No tale is left untold and everything has a satisfying conclusion. There were stories I feared would have been forgotten. Perhaps I had started them too late and their resolutions wouldn’t trigger before the game came to a close?

Experience two weeks of branching story that doesn’t shy away from slice-of-life themes.

But each and every time I thought of something that needed wrapping up, the writers would come through with a heartwarming conclusion that made me smile. Lake’s overarching narrative, individual stories and overall writing are so perfect that I couldn’t put it down. I honestly feel that mail delivery is a great mechanic for introducing characters. It helps you get to know their location in the gameworld, gives you a window into whatever mail-related issues they’re having, and opens the door for helping them further. I don’t think postal services would seem out of place in a game like Majora’s Mask or Deadly Premonition where side characters are essential. There are a couple of games that seem to be using this method of storytelling that appear promising. And while Mail Time doesn’t have a release date quite yet, but Lake is already here. It’s time to put our postal skills to use and see if this game can deliver. I grew up in a small, rural town. Population 1800 if you came in from one side of town, 1900 if it’s the other — because the signs didn’t match. It was boring. There are worse things than a boring childhood, but honestly, it can be pretty damaging all the same. For example, it’s probably why I turned to video games, and if I had grown up in a more populated environment.Tell Me Why

Lake PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Lake PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I might have become a well-adjusted adult instead. Lake is the story of going back to that after 22 years of absence. Some people say you can’t go back home — the implication being that things change too much in your absence — but apparently, here it’s as easy as taking a two-week vacation. For Meredith’s vacation, she takes a stint as a temporary postal worker. Can you actually do that? I don’t know, but she does. So, for two weeks you go about her childhood town and deliver mail and packages. Re-establish connections, find out what changed, meet new people, then decide if this is what you want permanently. I want to put forth that Lake is exactly what it says on the box. It seems intended to be a relaxing game for people who want to get away from the city. Don’t expect anything exciting to happen, you’re just along for a vacation. You’re not going to be unraveling a murder mystery, but you might help convince the town not to build apartments near the lake. I mean, that’s a real problem small townsfolk have. It takes place in Providence Oaks, Oregon in 1986. If you’re wondering if Lake features a lake, I can confirm there is a lake. You play out each day of the two weeks, doing your deliveries each day (except Sundays). In the evening, you’re always inundated with phone calls from your parents and boss, then you can choose what quiet way you spend the evening. Occasionally, especially in the second week, you’re asked if you want to spend time with the townsfolk.

Choose after-work activities: hang out with your friends, help out your neighbours or stay home and read a book.

This gives you the chance to get to know them better, but also gives you the opportunity for choices that will affect your final decision. Then others are pointless, like when you babysit. You show up at the door, ask who’s ready for s’mores, and then it fades to the next day. “Pointless” might be going too far, I think it affects a character’s sub-plot, it was just weirdly anti-climactic. On the other hand, I’m glad I didn’t have to watch Meredith babysit, so I don’t know what I’m complaining about. You can always just say “no” to hanging out after work. I did whatever came my way because, even though I’m an introvert and have no interest in human contact, I knew it was just for a two-week period, so what the heck? The option is there, however. If you’re not that interested in someone, just tell them you’re busy. I hate the music. That’s going to largely be subjective because it is music contributed by artists, but it’s largely pop-country and that genre makes me wish my ears would just eject from my skull. You can turn off the truck’s radio, but when you walk into a store, often they’re playing that damned music. Music about how city folks have no values and they’re always waiting in line. Sorry, honestly it’s personal taste and not everyone is going to have such a strong aversion.

When Meredith Weiss – a 44-year-old computer programmer with a demanding job and a pushy boss – returns to Providence Oaks, the small lake town in which she grew up, she thinks she’s only going to be covering her father’s mail route for two weeks. But actually … no, wait, that’s exactly what does happen. There’s no big twist in this gentle slice-of-life game about driving around a beautiful, entirely unremarkable American environment in a post van. I kept waiting for something a bit Twin Peaks to happen, or for some small-town drama to bubble up into something more exciting, but it never did. You deliver the post, you talk to residents, you gently examine Meredith’s life choices. Once you abandon expectations for some action and sink into the daily rhythm, it’s a relaxing time. I am a terrible mail person, though. I drive on the wrong side of the road, crash into things constantly, and park in the middle of the street. Thankfully, nobody really cares; the van can’t get damaged, you can’t drive into the lake, and you can’t run anybody over. If you’re the kind of person who actually tries to follow traffic laws in Grand Theft Auto, this will be your vibe. Set in 1986, the game keeps things to a very small cast of characters – Meredith’s childhood best friend, the farmer who’s also local radio DJ, a lumberjack.

Lake PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Lake PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The owner of the new VHS store in town – and the rekindled relationships between them. Supporting actors such as Meredith’s boss and her parents are only ever heard over the telephone. This keeps the story focused and, of course, the development costs down. There are a lot of quick cuts here in place of animations – the game fades briefly to black when getting in and out of the van, for instance – and it can be pretty buggy: sometimes conversations ended abruptly, or I would load a save to find the van spinning its wheels vainly on its side. But time and money have clearly been directed towards Providence Oaks itself, a collection of quaint houses, pretty trees and quiet roads around an expanse of shining water, beautiful under changing skies and weather. It’s a good-looking place to drive around for a few hours, listening to country songs played on the local radio (or, if country music makes you come out in hives, a soothing ambient soundtrack). It’s September 1, 1986. You take on the role of forty-something Meredith Weiss, who returns from the big city to her quiet hometown. She exchanges her busy career at a software company to fill in for her dad, the local mail carrier. During her two-week stay in beautiful Providence Oaks, Oregon, she runs into a few familiar faces as well as plenty of new folk. As Meredith, you get to decide who to talk to, who to befriend and perhaps even start a romantic relationship with.Parkasaurus


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