Automation Empire Free Download


Automation Empire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Automation Empire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Automation Empire is a simulation / management game all about efficiency and expansion. Start with nothing, and build up a massive interconnected industrial network of factories and machines. Economical transportation of resources will be essential to your success as an automation-engineer. Utilize every tool you have access to, including mine carts, drones. trucks, trains, and cargo rockets. Employ your ingenuity and creativity to plan out an efficient logistics network of machines to form a mechanical superorganism of production. Harness your creativity to engineer a beautiful machine of clockwork precision. Start with basic “A to B” systems utilizing simple delivery drones, but later, expand the complexity of your transportation-line as you construct an interwoven mesh of tracks in order to allocate all of your resources exactly where they need to go. Make it your mission to rout out all of the bottlenecks in your supply-chain. Extract and process precious metals and ores from the ground including gold, iron, and coal. Craft and refine your resources into more valuable products through the use of an optimized factory production-line.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Automation Empire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Automation Empire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Upgrade your facility’s infrastructure as you discover new technologies by harnessing the power of the resources you extract. Throughout your engineering endeavors you’ll gain access to advanced automated machines and systems which will further compound your production capacity. Work around your planet’s naturally occurring geological formations and rough terrain as you integrate your ever expanding industrial systems. Seven different planets, with differing biomes, each present unique landforms you must factor into your base’s layout. This is a ‘quite like’ review, with a few buts…. What attracted me to this game (and what I DO like about it) is the quality of its graphics. After a pixelish Factorio, I was pretty excited to see another game but using 3D assets. The game looks great, and it IS fun. I just don’t know whether it really has the longevity of similar games (Factorio, Factory Town etc). This game’s main obstacle is the existence of Factorio, and I think the devs knew this because they DID emphasise quite openly that this game would not have the depth and scale of that game. With these nice graphics, I’m not sure it would even be possible. This game is more a Factorio-LITE. The tech tree is quite shallow and there are only 3-4 levels of equipment you can unlock.


Limiting the scope of the game considerably and it won’t take you all that long to unlock everything there is. Chances of any further content have really slipped away because it appears the devs abandoned the title back in 2020. Camera movement badly needs a way to drag the screen around more quickly (waiting for slow edge-screen panning is frustrating). A map would solve it (clicking on a map to choose that position). Drones aren’t coded well at all. Each truck can carry 6 crates. Now you could have 30 trucks waiting for crates, but all 100 of your drones queue for one crate and all try to take it to one truck (the drones should be coded so only 6 aim towards each truck). They could use some zoning control too. Adding drones to a busy delivery point is of no use if they all fly off to another part of your factory. The cost of power (as mentioned by many) becomes too steep too quickly, leading to your factory plummeting into the red without you being able to rescue it. The game does need a difficulty measure, but this power taxation is brutally high. Ideally, there should be a sandbox mode to let people create freely. In and out tunnels have to be built within the vicinity of each other, into a cliff. This causes problems in trying to expand your delivery zones to elsewhere on the map.Parkasaurus

Automation Empire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Automation Empire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This seems to be a needlessly frustrating limitation and the in-and-out tunnels would have been better like the surface to below surface tunnels in Surviving Mars. Lastly, there is NO tutorial. This would be okay if there was a little more logic and consistency applied about how things work together. Transfer pipes cannot connect to each other, conveyor belts can’t be built through an open door, and moving goods raw or in crates causes logistical headaches. Factorio left most of the game to the player to figure out too, but everything was much more logical in that game. It has taken me the best part of a day to figure out a small part of the game. Now that I have, I’m beginning to enjoy it for what it is. This is no Factorio and it is important to play this game for what it offers rather than how it compares to other games, otherwise you will likely be hitting the refund button very quickly! There are frustrations aplenty and the game could definitely use more content, but what is there offers a lot of promise and I’m enjoying it as a casual game more than anything, hence the tentative recommend. since I first wrote this review, much better contenders have surpassed this game including the exceptional Dyson Sphere Program. If this ever appears on discount and you’re a bit of a factory-game addict like me.


Then still worth it for a bit of factory-lite gameplay, but otherwise, it looks like it’s pretty much become abandonware. A missed opportunity sadly. This is a good puzzle game. Nice graphics, simple mechanics. All the things you see in the videos, you will figure out make stuff like that. There is no tutorial, just a few starter structures and a list of simple tips. That is a feature, not a bug. I think some people just don’t get the point of this type of game. It does not tell you how to do things efficiently, or the best or right way to do anything. The point of the game is to figure all that out by trying different things. The game is designed to be forgiving. You do not “lose” if you do the wrong thing. You can build structures that don’t work, and get 100% of your money back if you scrap the structure. You can practically start the entire game over at any point by just destroying some or all your structures, and you get your money back. The UI is reasonably intuitive, I started playing the game easily without any videos or anything. Some people say “you’ll need to watch videos to learn the game” – I don’t agree, and in fact would recommend you don’t watch those types of videos, they just take away the fun of figuring things out. If you enjoy experimenting with things like laying out conveyors and claw trains in different ways to see what is most efficient.Tell Me Why

Automation Empire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Automation Empire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Then this game will appeal to you. If you want to google the “best way” to build a factory before even trying it yourself, this is probably not your type of game. I would call the game “incomplete” in that there’s clearly areas they need to expand on, but it is still fairly polished quality-wise compared to most “1.0” releases. The only glitches I’ve experienced is sometimes deleting a railroad track leaves a visual artifact, and in one game sometimes I got odd behavior for the first few seconds after I loaded a save game. That’s all I found after 100+ hours of play. Others are correct in that there is not a ton of replayability, but I got over 100 hours out of it playing only 3 maps. The maps play mostly the same with different graphics, the scenarios aren’t that unique. But I am not expecting to spend thousands of hours playing a game I spent $30 for. I had fun with it for a few weeks. Then I got bored and played something else. Some people would compare this game and Factorio. Most prefer Factorio, but I actually prefer this game. Factorio has more depth, but the graphics are too retro for my taste. I hope this game gets updates to that adds depth and complexity. If they never updated the game again, I feel like I got my money’s worth. Some people are complaining that the game is “dead” because the developer hasn’t updated for a “long time”.


And by “long time” that is 3 months… in the middle of a global pandemic. Some people are giving negative reviews simply for that reason. Please ignore those reviews, they’re unfairly treating a neat little game that has had a lot of care put into it. more than a few issues, the game pause button no longer works. the direction of the pips no longer works, but it still “connects” thing. the “delete colony” no longer works. you delete the listing but if you delete a game than load a new game with the name of the deleted colony, you’ll get the colony state you deleted. over all, noticed the game has been abandoned, i hear its cause of some issue with an addition. i simply wouldnt suggest this game cause its a short pointless game. factorio or satisfactory have more content. but if you want another factory game this is a away of spending some time. so its an alright game. Just started playing this and after Satisfactory and factorio, you are going to be keen on similar games. It does seem that this game offers a rough start with not too much advice or instruction, yet if you have pretty good common-sense, then you might enjoy unraveling it´s charm. I am lucky in that department, yet still found myself looking up details on YT. Like all the game types, when you know it´s very logical and simple.

It does have some charm if only via the robots help. Yet not much more than that. Like so many games, the end game is a feeling of satisfaction in seeing it come together and with time you just might feel rewarded. I´m not shore of what direction this game will or can go. I hope they have some supprises ahead. We will have to wait and see. I recomend it I do, yet if you like factory building, you need to try “factorio” and “Satisfactory” first. Automation empire – an automation simulator in which you will create your own industrial network of factories and mechanisms. Start from scratch, with a simple choice of free territory, and then build the first industrial buildings. A well-developed plan for the transportation of cargo will play an important role in creating a huge enterprise. Use every opportunity to transport materials. Build carts, trucks, trains and even rockets to transport materials from one place to another. Show your resourcefulness and ingenuity to create the most efficient transportation network. Start your journey with the initial design of systems and machines. You can create various networks of tracks, as well as distribute resources to them as you like. You will need to set up mines to extract ores, jewels and various metals from the earth. Recycle them into more valuable materials to open up access to new technologies.

Automation Empire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Automation Empire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

As you progress, you will have access to modern machines and mechanisms, more automated mines and other systems that significantly increase the efficiency of your production. Build bases in winter, desert and temperate biomes by connecting them with shipping routes. Explore all seven locations providing access to unique ores and elements needed to progress faster. When you nail down the most “correct” factory set up, you are done, the rest of the game is spent rebuilding the same build over and over again and running mine cart tracks across the whole map. Lack of easy design replication (like in Factorio with bots + blueprints) adds tediousness on top of the boredom. As you unlock the tech tree, you’re given clearly superior “options” that you will want to upgrade to straight away: drones are completely pointless once you balance your production and unlock claw loaders for trucks for example, and the only reason to continue using trucks later on into the game is to avoid the strange restriction placed on truck/train entrances where they must be next to each other, otherwise trains are superior in literally every way as a way of exporting your goods.NeverAwake Switch XCI

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