JUSTICE SUCKS: Tactical Vacuum Action Free Download


JUSTICE SUCKS: Tactical Vacuum Action Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

JUSTICE SUCKS Tactical Vacuum Action Free Download GAMESPACK.NET From Samurai Punk and tinyBuild, Justice Sucks puts you in control of a robot vacuum cleaner named Dusty out for revenge. His life as a friendly household appliance abruptly came to a halt when intruders broke into his family’s home, sending him swiftly into protect mode. But killing the burglars and hoovering up the evidence seemingly caught the attention of Dusty’s manufacturer, the powerful FamilyCorp, who banish Dusty to another dimension. Now, it’s up to you to find your way home – and destroy FamilyCorp in the process. Easy, right? Destroying FamilyCorp essentially means working your way through a number of locations – from party boats and nightclubs to airport terminals – taking out FamilyCorp employees as you goThe nightclub level, for example, first tasks you with diffusing four bombs, all while avoiding (and killing) FamilyCorp goons in the process. Once that’s done, the other tasks that become available include a straight-up cleaning mission, a rescue mission, another opportunity to take out enemies, and more. Doing a few of them will allow you to unlock the next level, and so it’s up to you if you want to complete everything or move on. Justice Sucks is delightfully bizarre, from its bombastic soundtrack, its bold, colourful art style to, well, its ridiculous but incredible premise. Controlling Dusty is a joy, too..TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

JUSTICE SUCKS Tactical Vacuum Action Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

JUSTICE SUCKS Tactical Vacuum Action Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Each different location has a number of missions, although you don’t have to complete them all to move on. There’s a story level, offering you a unique challenge, and upon completing that, a handful of other missions will unlock. The nightclub level, for example, first tasks you with diffusing four bombs, all while avoiding (and killing) FamilyCorp goons in the process. Once that’s done, the other tasks that become available include a straight-up cleaning mission, a rescue mission, another opportunity to take out enemies, and more. Doing a few of them will allow you to unlock the next level, and so it’s up to you if you want to complete everything or move on. Justice Sucks is delightfully bizarre, from its bombastic soundtrack, its bold, colourful art style to, well, its ridiculous but incredible premise. Controlling Dusty is a joy, too.

Justice Sucks, Alright

Manoeuvring him is easy and responsive, and he has a growing arsenal of skills at his disposal. Primarily, Dusty can hack other electronic items in his vicinity, using them to draw enemies closer then causing damage. Lamps explode, doors slam when someone walks through them, freezers shoot out ice in their faces. Practically everything can be weaponised, and it’s brilliant. But Dusty himself as a few tricks up his suction tube, too. As you progress through Justice Sucks you’ll unlock more skills and abilities and before long Dusty will be a lean, mean, sucking killing machine. He can suck up objects to then launch at enemies, or perform a deadly charge attack, for example. Gran Turismo 7 PS5

JUSTICE SUCKS Tactical Vacuum Action Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

JUSTICE SUCKS Tactical Vacuum Action Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Other abilities, like being able to temporarily go invisible, also come in handy. You can change your loadout between every mission, and so you’ll undoubtedly come to find your favourites. Of course, Dusty isn’t made for all-out combat, and so stealth plays a large part of Justice Sucks. Thankfully, being a robot vacuum, Dusty’s rather small, which means he can hide under tables, chairs and all matter of other pieces of furniture. From those safe hiding spaces, you can seek out hacking opportunities, or plan your course of attack. You can also see the vision cones of your enemies, so if you do need to move around, avoiding their line of sight shouldn’t be too tricky.

Dusty The Hostage Slayer

We’ve been playing Justice Sucks on PS5, and have been heartily impressed with how well it makes use of the DualSense’s features. Satisfying sound effects blare through the controller’s speakers, and there’s a satisfying amount of rumble and feedback whenever you vacuum something – most often, a dead body. Oh yeah, did we forget to mention that you dispose of your victims by sucking them up? The crunching of bones as they disappear inside Dusty’s tiny dirt bag would be rather grim if it wasn’t so delightfully entertaining. While no level of Justice Sucks takes too long to complete, there’s good reason to keep jumping back into them thanks to global leaderboards. Your performance is scored and graded, typically based on how quickly you kill everyone and how well you clean up after yourself. So if you’re the type of person who likes to chase leaderboard glory Guilty Hell White Goddess and the City of Zombies 

JUSTICE SUCKS Tactical Vacuum Action Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

JUSTICE SUCKS Tactical Vacuum Action Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

it’s worth playing multiple times to try and take one of those coveted top spots. Even if you don’t care about the scoreboards, though, there’s enough here in Justice Sucks to keep you entertained. Sure, it’s a stealth game at its core, but it’s so joyously bizarre that even players who typically detest stealth will find something to love here. Hacking items in your environment reminds us of a more twisted Watch Dogs, one where Aiden Pearce has been turned into a vacuum for his sins. And with a mixture of missions, all with different objectives, the action never feels repetitive or gets boring. Bright, bold and wonderfully wacky, we love Justice Sucks. Dusty might only be a household appliance but he’s a lovable – if not ultraviolent – protagonist who is a pleasure to control.

Hoovering Has Changed

The mixture of stealth and action here is endlessly entertaining, and sucking up your victims is satisfying in the most twisted way. Samurai Punk has created something truly original, and it deserves to succeed. Justice Sucks follows on immediately after the events of Roombo: First Blood. As Dusty McClean successfully stopped a home invasion, it quickly caught the attention of FamilyCorp. This antagonistic corporation want to keep crime rates high in the family home. FamilyCorp’s Warranty Squad visit the unsuspecting Roomba and after a short battle the family are kidnapped. Dusty gets flung into the living room TV ands winds up in the TV world where he befriends his fighting spirit, Sexy McClean. had no idea what I was getting myself into when I fired up Justice Sucks: Tactical Vacuum Action for the first time. Well, I did know beforehand that it’s a stealth game where you play as a Roomba, but beyond that, I was pretty clueless. So when the game’s true premise was revealed, I had to just set my controller down and have a good laugh.

JUSTICE SUCKS Tactical Vacuum Action Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

JUSTICE SUCKS Tactical Vacuum Action Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The pair are now out for vengeance to take down FamilyCorp and to save their family.The story is more involved in this sequel compared to Roombo. There’s a nicely animated 2D introduction like the first game, however, after that it’s just in-game cut scenes. There’s no dialogue, but what’s in place is entertaining physical comedy. The Hans Gruber looking villain running FamilyCorp never fell off Nakatomi Tower. He instead lets crime reign so he can profit from sales on his security hardware – making Dusty a real problem. Other than a couple of nasal exhales at some moments, I found the story to be a passable attempt of fleshing out the game’s narrative. Thankfully, being a robot vacuum, Dusty’s rather small, which means he can hide under tables, chairs and all matter of other pieces of furniture. From those safe hiding spaces, you can seek out hacking opportunities, or plan your course of attack. You can also see the vision cones of your enemies, so if you do need to move around, avoiding their line of sight shouldn’t be too tricky.

It adds motive sure, but the story beats aren’t anything to anticipate. Instead, the bulk of Samurai Punk’s efforts appear in the gameplay. After finishing Justice Sucks, I redownloaded Roombo. I had to check I didn’t gaslight myself into thinking Roombo wasn’t fun to play because Justice Sucks felt great. I was right though, the differences between the two are night and day. Whilst the core of the design has remained unchanged, the actual gameplay has had a complete overhaul. Controls now feel far more intuitive, with different buttons mapped to bring it into this decade of games. The cursor has been ditched to select traps in the hacking mode and now has a contextual lock on. Half-Life Alyx  


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