Joyville 2 Free Download


Joyville 2 Download GAMESPACK.NET

TL:DR – Where the first did well, Joyville 2 seems to flop as it feels to be confused on what it wanted to do. And instead of working to do one thing really well, It tried to do to much. Toss story that is poorly explained and confusing mechanics that one should of never been added. Joyvill 2, with all it’s bright colors, is not a joy in any form 4/10. Too Long | Did read (spoilerishness ahead) The First Joyville game was not perfect, but it had it’s good moments and decent job of providing dread and the fear of moving forward more than once. I was eager to see what would be next and to learn more about this world. Joyville 2 sadly takes several missteps in the wrong direction in a effort to give more, meat so to say, to the game. Both in game play and story.

The game picks up right where you left off at the end of the first game. Surviving through hero armor the fall of the cargo lift The original monster that chased your this time is no where to be found. Instead you will meat 4 new ones that can talk. Most with that same creepy mouth Eye set up that is just disturbing to look at. The game tries to give you more story to what has happened to the world in this place. Most of it sadly just feels out of place. First let’s look at the game play. Majority of the game is the same creepy levels that you are walking around trying to find stuff to advance forward. A new mechanic put into the game is time travel. You get to switch between at certain moments the past when the place was all happy and cuddly. To the present where every thing is decayed, broken, and want you dead.

Though out the game you will come across a few puzzles that you will need to complete to move forward. One i did find rather unique that had you switching between the Future and past to complete. Sadly that was the only that despite me getting frustrated, did fine interesting. The rest just don’t make since and where not done well. With the rhythm one being the worst. You will have the poorest excuse of a rhythm game i have seen for a while. The game does it smart by letting you play it first with no punishment. Only to then make you have to do it right or you are punished. The problem with this puzzle is that nothing is synced. The button press timing appear to be just made on their own with a full disregard to the music playing. They are not on any beat, have no rhythm to the button presses them selves. Mark of the Deep

Long ago, Joyville was a place where dreams came true. Its founder, a brilliant inventor named Harrison Vanderbilt, created amazing toys that could transport children to a magical world—one full of joy, fun, and endless adventures. Everything changed after a sudden tragedy. The camp was closed, Harrison was imprisoned, and your sister mysteriously disappeared. Now, years later, you return to the camp to uncover the truth. But the camp is no longer what it once was. You’ll relive moments from your childhood, but this time, the games come with new, terrifying rules.


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