Jin Conception Switch NSP Free Download


Jin Conception Switch NSP Free Download Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Jin Conception Switch NSP Free Download Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Indie games often take inspiration or pay homage to classics of the past, this can help generate extra hype for these unknown titles. Jin Wave Studio’s new game Jin Conception caused quite a stir, with its visual style which is definitely a shout out to Chrono Trigger. However, Jin Conception is looking to be more than just its cool Super Nintendo visuals. In fact, Jin Conception’s main selling point is that it’s a social deduction fantasy thriller combined with JRPG elements. Jin Conception’s story wastes no time in throwing you right into the action, players will start as a party of three as they explore Final Layer, a brutal dungeon filled with enemies  There isn’t much information as to what’s actually going on, but after exploring the dungeon for some time players will find themselves being destroyed by a fearsome boss. After the opening act, you wake up as Levi the protagonist and have to start exploring the vast world. However, this is where Jin Conception’s story begins to fall short as there is little direction as to what to do next, after a lot of exploring and chatting to all the NPCs players will eventually arrive at the Fairy Village and gain their first party member. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Jin Conception Switch NSP Free Download Free Download GAMESPACK.NET1

Jin Conception Switch NSP Free Download Free Download GAMESPACK.NET1

Jin Conception looks amazing with its bright 16-bit visual style that is clearly paying homage to the JRPG classics such as Chrono Trigger and the Romancing SaGa games. Character models are great with intricate detail being paid to each of the main characters. The enemies and bosses sport fun quirky designs too. Each location is visually pleasing with every new area oozing so much distinct personality. The brazen attack animations are great to see in action, giving each character that extra bit of originality. The JRPG genre has always been integral to my childhood. I have memories of watching my dad play classics and helping with any of the puzzles. The stories enchanted me, and the imaginative locales filled me with wonder and awe. Tales of Goddesses and an Ancient Evil always had me at the edge of my seat. I owe a lot to this genre as it helped guide me through a turbulent time. Then, when I saw Jin Conception randomly on Twitter, It stole my heart. The premise of it had immediately grabbed me – it’s a social deduction JRPG. Furthermore.

Strategic turn based combat involving balance.

it boasts a striking resemblance to a notable SNES classic – Chrono Trigger. I didn’t hesitate to don my professional hat and humbly request this game. I’ve had it a few days now, and I have a few thoughts – I have a lot of thoughts, actually. As I sat there determining whom amongst my party was a bit suspicious and battling plant monsters, a question remained – is Jin Conception good? Strap in, boys and girls; this is going to be a rough one! In Jin Conception, you’ll be learning the truth of what happened to a woman named Daisy. You’ll play Levi, a young boy that wants to clear a man last seen with the alleged victim. Your quest has you venturing to the various locales scattered throughout, meeting many potential suspects. Venture through forests, temples, fairy cities, and much more as you combat the multitude of monsters lurking in the shadows. As the options trickle down to a few, who do you condemn? Was Daisy really killed, or is there a much bigger conspiracy? Nothing is for certain except for one thing – whoever it is, you’re familiar and are friends with them. Irresistible Mistakes Switch NSP

Jin Conception Switch NSP Free Download Free Download GAMESPACK.NET1

Jin Conception Switch NSP Free Download Free Download GAMESPACK.NET1

The story is, frankly put, an utter disaster. It lacks guidance, structure and moves at breakneck speed. The pacing’s atrocious and never allowed me to invest in the many characters. By the end of my play session, I came to one conclusion – Jin Conception is quite respectful of your time but sacrifices substance to do it. The game had no actual interest in creating a lived-in world and wanted to fast forward the story. None of the characters were fleshed out, and attempts at backstories were flimsy or non-existent. I’m disappointed in the complete reluctance to personify bunches of data into a believable person. The dialogue doesn’t fare any better, feeling robotic and stiff. It doesn’t make use of the many nuances of the English language, such as abbreviations. Jin Conception says every syllable to its own detriment. Doing it in this way made sure I never immersed myself in this universe, and that’s a shame. There’s a world of potential just waiting to be tapped into and unearthed. The game, however, is actively fighting itself to be forgettable and dull.

Every step of the way has at least one clue to guide the player.

It isn’t just abnormal text that hinders it but also the absence of any soul – this is the biggest cause of frustration. It is lifeless and made me skip the haphazard lore, which isn’t something I’m known for when I play a JRPG. I’m delighted to read an engrossing story to uncover its intricacies. With this narrative, I dreaded it because I knew that it was just a waste of time. Finally, character relationships exist but are also hollow. I’m fine if I meet a new NPC with an established rapport with a party member. That’s a common tool utilized in JRPGs, but it only works if details follow – proclaim the past they shared. I could deal with soulless conversations if there’s an attempt to flesh out the individuals that make up my group. Unfortunately, Jin Conception seems reluctant to do so and has an odd mentality that story speed encompasses a strong and fun journey. I’m a broken record at this point, but it’s clear more time was needed. There’s an obvious lack of polish that it’s in dire need of. I’m enamoured by the mystery mechanic and having to determine who is friend or foe. Live by the Sword Tactics Switch NSP

Jin Conception Switch NSP Free Download Free Download GAMESPACK.NET1

Jin Conception Switch NSP Free Download Free Download GAMESPACK.NET1

Unfortunately, just the concept isn’t enough for a fascinating game, and currently, that’s all Jin Conception is – just a concept with no essence. Regrettably, Jin Conception’s shortcomings persist well into the gameplay. On a positive note, though, the controls were moderately responsive. The left joystick, however, had a habit of overshooting when selecting choices. Unfortunately, it’s all downhill from here. The foundation of what constitutes a firm JRPG experience is intact, but what Jin Conception struggles with is building a sturdy, cohesive structure. First, the combat system is classic ATB – or in other words, Active Time Battle. To attack, a line has to completely fill, and once it does, you’re able to select your attacks and react. This feature gave me such a nostalgia blast, making me feel warm inside. I smiled like an absolute dork as I’d reminisce about Super Nintendo. This sounds lovely, but it quickly crumbles thanks to a sole factor – balance. It’s absurdly off-kilter, rendering my healing redundant because I lost far more than I’d gain. Party wipes happened frequently due to failing at keeping up with the demand.

The foe or foes can change.

It made survival luck-based as opposed to being reliant on skill. Several of the battles were only won because enemy AI had mercy on me. Secondly, Jin Conception encourages you to grind but disincentivizes it at the same time. No one can learn new abilities, with all of them available from the start. One reason I dedicate an hour to battles exclusively is to get stronger and learn skills. If I’m stuck, it’s possible a technique can turn the tide and defeat the enemy. That isn’t possible with this game; all the available tools are there from the beginning. If I can’t progress, my only other choice is to increase my strength. Thankfully, gaining levels isn’t difficult and happens at a generous rate. The process, however, is so incredibly tedious; that is if I even survive. To top it off, I had to obsessively save. Thirdly, equipment is quite expensive, as are healing items. Any cash earned after battles is minuscule at best, meaning it’s impossible to afford both – I had to either choose one or the other. I’d typically decide on armaments because healing spells are adequate enough to act as restoration.

Or so one would think, but Jin Conception won’t, for some baffling reason, allow you to utilize Cure outside of combat. What’s most confusing is I’d often come by items that restored magical points. I was front-loaded with ways to harness my healing spells, and yet, Jin Conception still locked it behind battles. Using Cure is a staple by this point, dating back to the SNES era, so to not include it here to artificially provide some difficulty is both asinine and ridiculous. Furthermore, if I could even buy new armour or weapons, the terrible balance can and will still kill me. To make matters worse, items rarely drop after an encounter, so I have to either pony up cash or get nothing. I was unmotivated to go on and wanted to quit altogether. It isn’t entertaining to watch Jin Conception trip over itself so regularly. I’ve wiped my old review clean and am going to be much more concise in this one – having played both the Steam and Switch versions of the game now, I can firmly say that if you plan to play this game at all, the Switch version is the way to go – though I would skip out on both. It has less RNG  in it and the controls simply make more sense and it has overall less bugs, however.

Jin Conception Switch NSP Free Download Free Download GAMESPACK.NET1

Jin Conception Switch NSP Free Download Free Download GAMESPACK.NET1

Upon a second playthrough of Jin Conception (once on Steam, once on Switch), I can confidently say that… while there is some good here, the cons just definitely outweigh the bad. Even knowing the answers of who is friend and foe, there is virtually no way in the game to actually deduce this naturally. I had the benefit of speaking with the developer during my playthrough and was able to speak with him afterwards to try and clear up some misconceptions and unfortunately the conversation only proved to clarify what I feared: the story is in fact incomplete, with much of it simply not in the game. Multiple times the developer made it clear he did not think the story was important because the game was – in their words – “not a visual novel.” Explaining to them that RPGs require a good story too fell on deaf ears. They expressed adding story and cutscenes to the game was hard. They even openly admitted to taking the easy way out. They have brushed off all criticism saying there are not enough reviews to draw conclusions and complained that they were the only person to understand the story. Final edit/response: I put the “virtually” in because the dev demanded I prove 100% without a doubt there was no way someone could get the answer right on their first try. Harmony’s Odyssey Switch NSP

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