High On Life Free Download


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High On Life Free Download GAMESPACK.NET They say that tragedy + time = comedy, but in gaming the real tragedy is the amount of time we have to wait between quality comedy games. Thankfully, in the opening moments of High on Life, as my talking gun belittlingly whispered to me that I was doing a great job as I shot dancing aliens in the face, I got the feeling I’d struck gold. While it has bugs and performance hitches and occasionally frolics in unimpressive toilet humor, it largely succeeds at being the type of absurd space satire I’ve always wanted. Whether I was chatting with my shotgun about the merits of science and formulas, covering myself in alien poop to sneak into a secure facility, or inexplicably watching a full live-action movie from the ‘90s on nearby television, High on Life is a game that just knows how to have a good time, and there really aren’t enough of those. This delightfully inappropriate first-person shooter puts its comedic premise and characters front and center and absolutely refuses to take itself seriously. After Earth is taken over by disgusting aliens who kidnap humans to be smoked as hallucinogenic drugs, you begin a ridiculous space odyssey to get revenge against the extraterrestrial drug cartel responsible. All the while, you’re accompanied by the stars of the show: the extremely rude weapons themselves. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Who serve not only as your tools of destruction, but as the story’s most important characters. These animate weapons (called Gatlians) are easily the best part of the adventure, and include Kenny, the easily flustered pistol that’s basically Justin Roiland doing his usual Rick & Morty thing, Sweezy, the foul-mouthed sniper rifle that seems to be a reference to Halo’s Needler, Creature, who shoots uses his rapidly gestating children as ammo, and my personal favorite: Gus, the surprisingly wholesome shotgun voiced by Curb Your Enthusiasm’s JB Smoove. While some took a while to earn my love, spending an entire 16-hour journey with these guys held up right to my face ended up being a fantastic excuse for lots of amusing dialogue and character development. By the time the credits rolled, I really didn’t want to have to put my new best friends back in their holsters. That’s due in large part to High on Life’s mostly solid writing, which piles on dumb gags, curse-laden rants, and lots of TV screens airing idiotic shows that look like they could have been pulled straight from one of Rick & Morty’s Interdimensional Cable episodes. One level features an intentionally irritating alien who follows you around and rambles on, seemingly without end, until you finally unlock the ability to murder him dead.

Rescue and team up with charismatic, talking guns to become the deadliest intergalactic bounty hunter the cosmos has ever seen.

Another makes you go to Space Applebee’s and have a full meal for no apparent reason. You can also find a movie theater playing the real-world movie from 1990, Demon Wind, complete with Mystery Science Theater 3000-like commentary via some nearby aliens, which you’d better believe I watched in its entirety. The campaign is only about eight hours long if you have the willpower and focus to ignore all of these delightful distractions and power through, so naturally my first playthrough took me over 16 hours, specifically because I was goofing off for so much of it. The entire thing is just packed with so much silliness and it’s always exciting to spend time planet-hopping through it; I never knew when I might run into something insane, like when I teleported a stretch of freeway onto a jungle planet and watched the occupants of the cars who’d been taken with it slowly devolve from a group of aliens with road rage into an insane cult that sacrificed their own to appease the asphalt gods. Edge Magazine once famously lamented that we couldn’t talk to the monsters. Well, a paw from a monkey the size of King Kong must have curled a finger somewhere, because High on Life had me begging for the monsters to shut their flapping gobs. 2022 has generally been a year in which video games Talked Too Much.Sea of Thieves

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Whether that’s Dying Light 2’s exhausting cutscenes, or Atreus’ unwelcome hints in the PS5 exclusive God of War: Ragnarok. High on Life takes this trend to its maddening extreme, with a case of verbal diarrhoea so acute it’s at risk of suffering a prolapsed face. If you’re sat there thinking “Well, duh. It’s a game developed by the studio co-founded by the co-creator of Rick and Morty, of course there’s a lot of talking,” let me stop you right there. Rick and Morty is a 20-minute cartoon where Justin Roiland’s fast-stammering style is (usually) funnelled through scripts sharper than the pickled scientist’s barbed tongue. High on Life is 15 hours of Interdimensional Cable—a deluge of meandering word salad that’s constantly searching for the joke and only occasionally delivering it, usually covered in something sticky. It’s the difference between a shot of expensive balsamic and having your head shoved into a vat of white vinegar. Which is not to say that High on Life is never funny. Sometimes it is. But that’s the headline problem with High on Life, it’s only ever sometimes anything. It’s a first draft of a comedy script with a handful of good jokes, a generic sci-fi universe with a couple of decent levels, and a thoroughly mediocre shooter where its handful of interesting gimmicks are stretched to breaking point.

Navigate dynamic and changing worlds that range from a jungle paradise, to a city built inside an asteroid, the hub of the cosmos.

Let’s examine the corpse before I start dismembering it. High on Life has you playing a nonspecific teenager who’s home alone with their similarly-aged sister when, oh snap, aliens invade. But with the aid of one of the invader’s weapons (which, it transpires, is a sentient weapon known as a gatlian) you escape to an extraterrestrial metropolis called Blim City. Here, you learn that humans have become the interstellar underworld’s hot new narcotic, and with the aid of a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, you resolve to assassinate the heads of the organisation that invaded Earth, the G3 Cartel. All told, it’s a strong introduction. While High on Life can’t match the dashing good looks of, say, Modern Warfare 2, it has some impressive areas, especially when you leave your boxy suburb for the dense and colourful alien hub of Blim City. The hookshot idea of having guns that are also characters is interesting, too, and there is a pleasure in picking up a pistol and hearing not-Morty start chattering out of it. Comedy is tough to execute in video games, and even if done well, it still needs strong gameplay to back up the jokes. High on Life falters on both fronts.Blazing Sails

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Though it swings for the fences on presentation and tone, the mediocre action, grating humor and dialogue, and less amusing technical hiccups made me want to keep its sentient guns in their holsters. Conceived by Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland, fans of that show or his other works can expect a similar brand of relentlessly over-the-top, extremely adult comedy. As a human teenager turned intergalactic bounty hunter following an alien invasion of Earth, you must save humanity with an arsenal of talking alien guns. These weapons, voiced by Roiland and comedians including JB Smoove and Tim Robinson, talk your ears off to the point of annoyance, with your primary gun, Kenny, being the biggest culprit. Sometimes their banter doesn’t even make sense, such as a gun complaining about not being used in ages when I’d used them seconds ago. Thankfully, you can reduce weapon chatter via a menu slider, but it represents one of my biggest issues: I didn’t find High on Life funny. High on Life screams at you for hours about how hilarious and messed up everything is through tiresome dialogue exchanges that take potentially amusing bits and run them into the ground. The humor isn’t so much about setting up clever punchlines as it is about reiterating the same basic gag with a barrage of expletives until it, hopefully, becomes funny.

Leverage the unique skills of each gun to go up against a variety of criminals as you track down the nefarious Garmantuous and his gang of alien goons.

It usually doesn’t. What’s more, everyone feels like slight variations of the same crass caricature, whether it’s your irresponsible older sister or freeloading bounty-hunting mentor. The game pokes fun at everything, including making fourth-wall-breaking wisecracks about game design and the industry in general. However, it also does little to freshen up the tropes it lampoons. Ripping on a pipe puzzle for being by-the-books without doing anything unique itself makes the joke feel hollow and hypocritical. Though it never had me in stitches, High on Life has a few humorous bits. I smiled at the aggressive banter of a family of loud-mouthed construction workers, and a head-turning reference to a popular restaurant chain offers a fun visual gag. Obtaining special discs that summon small diorama-like areas that serve as large, singular jokes garner some of the better laughs, as do a sprinkling of unexpected celebrity cameos. High on Life’s humor whiffs more than it hits, and the gameplay isn’t far behind. The shooting feels passable enough to offer mindless fun, but it’s not great. Melee executions evoke Doom’s glory kills without the satisfying snappiness. The limited arsenal of living weapons have primary and alternative firing modes. Kenny, for example, fires standard pistol rounds and can unleash mortar-like goop balls that launch groups of targets airborne to juggle with bullets.

My favorite weapon is Gus, a shotgun that fires a large disc that ricochets off enemies. In a neat twist, you can strike this disc to extend its momentum. From the Co-Creator of Rick & Morty and Solar Opposites, comes High On Life. Fresh out of high school with no job and no ambition, you’ve really got nothing going for you until an alien cartel that wants to get high off humanity invades Earth. Now, you and a team of charismatic talking guns must answer the hero’s call and become the deadliest intergalactic bounty hunter the cosmos has ever seen. Travel to a variety of biomes and locations across the cosmos, go up against the nefarious Garmantuous and his gang of goons, collect loot, meet unique characters, and more, in the latest comedy adventure from Justin Roiland! Combat begins as a drag but picks up as you acquire more guns, and I enjoy combining their talents. Unfortunately, the enemy variety is disappointingly small, so most encounters feel the same. As the adventure progressed, I began avoiding optional firefights when possible since they started feeling more like busy work. Boss fights are just as flat, and some throw way too much at players, leading to several cheap deaths.

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High On Life Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Outside of battles, you’ll explore a minimal selection of planets that offer large explorable hubs featuring Metroid-style ability gating and decent platforming challenges that utilize your jetpack. Although they look good from an artistic standpoint, they feel surprisingly lifeless with NPCs that act more as signposts to deliver questionably funny quips. High on Life desperately needs a map or compass, as the zones are large and confusing enough that it’s easy to get lost. I often wandered searching for inconspicuous warp gates to return to HQ. The lack of a map is also egregious because planets have stores that sell exclusive upgrades, but locating these needles in a haystack is a chore. One shop offered a cool upgrade I couldn’t afford, and when I returned later to buy it, finding the store again became a hassle I eventually abandoned. High on Life also suffered from numerous technical shortcomings during my time with it. On top of general hitchiness, I sometimes encountered enemies that froze or snagged on geometry. I had to restart one lengthy firefight when a pair of flying enemies got trapped behind a wall, halting my progression. Prompts can sometimes break, such as when I missed out on rescuing a captive human because the command suddenly disappeared. Intrepid Izzy Switch NSP


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