Hell Pie Switch NSP Free Download


Hell Pie Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Hell Pie Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET One of the easiest ways to ensure I enjoy a game is to make getting around fun. It doesn’t matter if I’m leaping from one building to another in an open world game like Crackdown or finding the best strategic placement for my Worm with a Ninja Rope, as long as getting from A-to-B is fun I’m a happy camper. By adding a grappling hook to a 3D collectathon platformer, the developers of Hell Pie have pretty much made my year. Our hero (and I’m using that term very loosely) Nate doesn’t get a lot of respect down in hell. He’s the demon in charge of the eighth deadly sin – bad taste, and doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of responsibilities down at Sin Inc. When Satan personally asks him to arrange to have a pie made for his upcoming birthday party, Nate is assigned a tubby little cherub called Nugget and sent up to Earth to gather ingredients. Once you arrive on Earth via a long ride in a lift, you’re greeted by a bright sprawling hub area full of collectibles, sub-levels and charming locals.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Hell Pie Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Hell Pie Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There you’ll get to test out Nate’s wonderful powers. Like most platforming protagonists he can jump, double jump and do little dash, but with the help of his baby Donald Trump lookalike sidekick his manoeuvrability becomes much more interesting. By using Nugget as a sort of mid air anchor point, Nate can swing from the chain that attaches the duo and grapple his way to all sorts of locations. It’s a simple enough concept but when you spot a collectable at the other side of an impossible looking gap and nail the perfect combination of swings and dashes to reach it, it’s just magical. Your main objective in Hell Pie is to gather enough ingredients for your baking quest, but fans of shiny shit will have plenty to keep them busy. Each hub area and sub stage has a list of collectibles to find, from tins of Candymeat to golden lucky cats. Hidden in hard to reach places it’ll take all your baby swinging prowess to get them all, but you’ll be rewarded for doing so with all sorts of new powers. The tins are the most important of all the collectables, because they’ll enable you to upgrade Nate and Nuggets powers in their skill tree.

Become a demon.

By default you can only swing from your cherub ally once before landing on solid ground, but once you’re fully upgraded you’ll be able to swing five times in combination with all sorts of aerial manoeuvres to practically fly around any environment. It’s such a joyous experience, and although it sometimes trivialises the difficulty you’ll be having too much fun to care. Other important unlockables include horn upgrades you get by finding sheep to sacrifice at altars. By tearing enough horns off their adorable faces (which is as horrendous as it sounds) you’ll be given a new power to help you on your quest. Your initial horns can guide you to places of interest in a hub world, but before long you’ll have horns that let you sprint at super speed, horns that smash down walls, and even glowing horns to help you in dark places. Most of these abilities are pretty helpful, but by the end of the game when you can grapple almost anywhere without breaking a sweat the late game abilities you unlock are pretty underwhelming. As you might have guessed from the animal dismemberment.NARUTO Ultimate Ninja STORM

Hell Pie Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Hell Pie Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Hell Pie is a very crude game. The humour feels very reminiscent of early flash animation on the internet, with plenty of poo jokes, intense gore and gross out humour. You probably already know if you’ll appreciate this or not, but I personally found it quite refreshing in a world full of super serious emotional games to play a video game where I could swing a fat baby at Nazi pieces of actual faeces. Just because it’s crude doesn’t mean Hell Pie isn’t packed full of ideas. Each more linear sub-level has a theme, and every single one of them is so creative. There’s a psychedelic drug fueled stage that sees you fighting off addict lizards to help a drug lord take his mansion back. Another stage is set inside a whale, which contains a community of people hacking at its innards to make delicious sushi. No two levels are alike, and the imagination on display honestly reminded me of the Psychonauts games (albeit filtered through the mind of a 14 year old boy trying to gross out his friends). Although I absolutely adored my time with Hell Pie, it isn’t without faults.

Heavenly support.

Some of the collectibles are tiny, and even on PS5 I struggled to spot them until I was practically on top of them. Also by halfway through the 8-12 hour game I’d also unlocked all the abilities I wanted from the skill tree, and it meant that finding collectibles was a little less satisfying (and much less necessary). Nate, an employee in the surprisingly well-organized depths of Hell, is tasked with putting together the Devil’s birthday cake. Or pie, as per the name of the game – VID Only – but I’m British, so it’s cake – anyway. Poor Nate is given the ungodly task by way of mistaken identity but with the help of his chubby cherub friend/slave, Nugget, he’s got a helluva adventure ahead of him. That’s the story. Nate goes places, collects yucky ingredients for the pie, and then goes to the next location to get more revolting ingredients. It’s simple and there’s no overarching narrative to follow – all you need to know is that if the Devil doesn’t get his dish, Nate’s probably going to be turned inside out. As the old saying goes, it’s the journey, not the destination, and that couldn’t be truer in the case of Hell Pie.Koikatsu Party

Hell Pie Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Hell Pie Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Each themed hub world houses a handful of levels where Nate and Nugget need to navigate nasty baddies, boss battles, and more than a few naughty jokes. How naughty? How about a fascist poo army? That’s the humour Hell Pie is gunning for, with mixed success. It’s good fun, for the most part, with the satisfying platforming taking centre stage thanks to the Nate and Nugget duo. See, Nugget is chained to Nate’s horns so he can’t escape his life of servitude, but this enslavement also serves to let Nate swing poor Nugget around in combat and use him as a swing anywhere grapple. Again, it’s a case of something really clever being dolled up by something really silly, but it works and after a few upgrades, I was making short work of some of the trickier platforming sections. While Nugget is a great help, he is also an unfortunate hindrance at times. Hell Pie relies on on-screen text for all of its dialogue, which for me is a no-go and really killed a lot of the humour dead. It also brought about an unfortunate annoyance when Nugget would chime in with his tips. One level had me high above a restaurant with some precision platforming and Nugget’s tips would obstruct my view as I tried to make what should have been a simple hop across platforms.


I tried to find an option to turn these off or maybe move them to the bottom of the screen where they would be less intrusive, but I couldn’t find such an option, not even as a fiendishly meta upgrade for the chubby bugger. Speaking of, because every game needs upgrades these days, Hell Pie lets you upgrade your chained cherub with new abilities, and this rides nicely into the game’s collectables. Each level has a number of collectables to hunt down, ranging from food cans to Nugget and his upgrades, to baby goats with unicorn horns. These poor souls are used to upgrade Nate’s horns; once enough have been collected, take Nate to an alter and he’ll sacrifice them by pulling their horns out of their heads. Ouch.Playing as Nate the “bad taste” demon, the story revolves around a case of mistaken identity. The devil (your boss) rings up, and tells you to make his birthday pie. Just in case the phone call doesn’t instil fear into you, as Nate, shortly after taking control you pay witness to two much larger, presumably stronger demons being castigated by the lord of hell, then being unceremoniously blown up on the spot.

First the eyeballs pop, then the head, then the whole lot. And remarkably, this is actually in service of teaching you how to double jump, but it also sets the tone. A key facet of Hell Pie, you see, is that underneath the jokes – grim beats like seeing what looks like Nate masturbating before the camera moves to reveal him shaking a drink – a lot of care has clearly been put into every aspect of the game out. Meticulously designed overworlds give way to smaller levels within levels, and exploring often rewards with a collectible or an upgrade. Nothing feels thrown away in Hell Pie, and every inch feels plotted out with a view to you discovering it. But let’s be clear, if that kind of humour does make you feel uncomfortable, then it might be a deal breaker. I guess we’re talking the South Park–style humour, where nothing is held back. In the moment, you’re going to be bouncing around the world and then you’ll encounter actual faeces in helmets you have to kill, or penis-shaped enemies in a jungle, and these are just some of the things that can be committing to writing.

Hell Pie Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Hell Pie Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

At the core of the actual experience is Nate’s move-set. He meets a friend in Nugget, a cherub who acts as your weapon and traversal mechanic. You actually swing him round and this gives you vast amounts of airtime. It can even be upgraded four times, and along with various other improvements, by the halfway point you can make a mockery of some of the designed platforming routes. The ultimate goal in Hell Pie is to collect ingredients. There are gems littered everywhere that you can collect, and these let you buy outfits to dress Nate or Nugget up in varying degrees of absurdity, ranging from a mankini to a BDSM outfit and a Hawaiian shirt, with everything in between. Each of the four main overworlds contains three levels that hide an ingredient. Most are platforming challenge-based, but there are boss fights, one of which reminds me of Crash Bandicoot of all things.Outside of the main levels, there are various locations to explore. Each overworld contains three ingredients that are hidden in the environment, but there are fast travel teleporters to unlock, secrets aplenty, and hidden hellified-unicorns, which is the final piece of the puzzle, ability-wise.SEX with HITLER


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