Heidelberg 1693 Switch NSP Free Download


Heidelberg 1693 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Heidelberg 1693 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Heidelberg 1693 is a 2D action platformer from Andrade Games who we became aware of when we reviewed Sturmfront: The Mutant War which was a wild top-down shooter in the vein of Total Carnage (itself a successor of sorts to Smash TV). It was a good looking game that was absolutely stuffed with action and was a lot of fun. Well, Heidelberg 1693 is set in the same universe apparently but where Sturmfront was in an alternate 1984 where a plague had caused mutants to attack humanity, this game is set in 1963 (naturally) just as a breakout of the undead is threatening the quiet German town of Heidelberg. You play as a French musketeer who has to take on the Moon King who is resurrecting the dead for reasons unknown but we’re pretty sure none of them are good. Starting in France, you have to battle your way through to Germany and put an end to his plans but getting there is going to be no joke. As a musketeer, naturally you’re pretty handy with a sword and you’ll be using that to handle most of your business in the game. Thankfully, it’s pretty slick to use and you have some nifty moves that let you use jumping spin attacks and diving ‘death from above’ ones in order to take out enemies from all directions, as long as they are within range. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Heidelberg 1693 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Heidelberg 1693 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It’s a great weapon but completely at odds with your musket. This single shot firearm can take out enemies at range but it’s cumbersome, takes forever to reload (leaving you entirely vulnerable) and is tricky to aim which you’ll do using the right stick. However, between those two weapons, you’d like to think that you’ve got all ranges covered. Your problem is that pesky invasion of undead bastards. Initially they seem almost harmless, shambling along just waiting to either bit picked off by your sword or, better, they’ll even kill each other if they get too close. So at first you’ll be mostly be admiring the cool graphics and music. Don’t get comfortable though as Heidelberg 1693 isn’t messing around. Before long, you’ll find yourself in the first of many difficult situations. Suddenly enemies are more dangerous or positioned in ways that makes them hard to get at. Ranged enemies will start showing up and making your life a misery, floaty skull things will chase you around the place and, just for shits and giggles, dead enemies don’t really stay dead unless you double tap them and that can be difficult because ammo is scarce. In a game where speed isn’t exactly afforded to you.

Face the unyielding hordes of the undead, rendered in beautifully animated sprites!

Enemies that can appear quickly or attack from range are an issue and that’s especially true when there are lots of them and so you’ll start racking up deaths. Unlike arcade games like Ghosts ‘n’ Goblins, which is clearly an influence here, there isn’t a traditional lives and continues situation. You get to keep retrying as much as you like but when you die you will go back to the previous checkpoint. They’re not obnoxiously far apart but getting to the next one can be very difficult. On the very worst sections, it can feel as though things haven’t been designed particularly well. Enemies will cancel each other out as if there was no point them being there, while combined ranged threats make it very difficult to survive certain situations but in a way where you’ll take ten or more lives figuring it all out. That’s fine but when it represents a weirdly out of place difficulty spike, it makes you wonder about the playtesting. Even entire levels can be much harder than those that follow them, so there are definitely some issues there. Still, cleaving your way through undead armies more than willing to take a bite out of you is as challenging as it is satisfying. After its initial launch on Steam, the game is now available for the console players to try this interesting mix of old school vibes and new game mechanics.Shadow Fight 2 Switch NSZ

Heidelberg 1693 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Heidelberg 1693 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

When I first saw Heidelberg 1693, I was instantly overcome by a nostalgia for classic platformers that once upon a time were available only as arcade cabinets. Visually the game takes you back to those times but adds new elements to the classic formula, keeping in an attempt to keep things fresh. It does not revolutionize the genre, but it offers a memorable experience that starts with a story that feels like a grotesque parody of the novel written by Alexandre Dumas. You will play a lonely musketeer who must face an army of undead creatures on his mission given by Louis the 14th. The Sun King in his endless kindness and compassion sends you to slay the Moon King, who is actually his German cousin. The assassination mission turns into a twisted horror story set in the late 17th century Germany, where our hero has to slay zombies, demons, and other nightmarish creatures along with the occasional German soldiers. The story itself is a very interesting mix of historical facts and characters with occult lore and a lot of blood and gore. Yet it is just an excuse to make your way through 2D levels, by killing almost everything that you encounter from simple zombies to flying skulls. And just as any classic arcade game, Heidelberg 1693 challenges you to accomplish this task with panache and by really putting your skills and patience to the test.

Explore around 20 breathtaking stages with different routes.

Your HP as your ammo is extremely limited, so you will have to be careful about how you tackle all the hazards that you will encounter. While your trusty rapier does a good job in close combat, getting close to the enemy is often a tall order. So, you will have to learn to precisely aim your musket for which you can only carry 5 rounds. Moreover, after each round the musket needs to be reloaded manually, a process that takes a couple of seconds, and the gun also needs to be aimed precisely, without any trajectory guidance whatsoever. The checkpoints are few and far between but succumbing to your enemies also means losing everything you have carried with you, including the points you have gathered. Being old-school to the bone, the game tracks your progress with a point system not unlike the leaderboards of the arcade cabinets. When you die, you have to start all over again and your score goes down to 0. When you finally figure out your life as a musketeer, you will be prepared to face the bosses and eventually return to locations already visited to discover alternate paths and open previously closed doors. You will also want to look out for potential love interests, since each new girlfriend you meet adds an extra heart to your limited HP pool.Fighting Fantasy Legends Switch NSP

Heidelberg 1693 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Heidelberg 1693 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

And because the game is very difficult even on normal settings, you will need every advantage you can get. But even so, be prepared to die a lot – this process is inevitable in figuring out enemy patterns. There are two kinds of people in this world: those who love 2D platformers and those who don’t. While I may not have spent my childhood hunting vamps as a Belmont or swishing my voluminous hair as Alucard, I did fall in love with it in my 20s. Ever since then, I have been looking for platformers that gave me the same feeling as those games of yore did. Games like Blasphemous and Bloodstained get really, really close and now we have another contender. Join me in the way back machine as we head to 1600’s Europe in Heidelberg 1693. If you have ever dreamed of being a musketeer fighting off hordes of the undead, well look no further than Heidelberg 1693. In this game you play as one of Louis XIV’s musketeers tasked with hacking, slashing and musketing yourself from France to Germany to stop the Moon King that is resurrecting the dead. Not only do you need to fight the undead but there’s the pesky living with their own guns you need to make it past. And lest we not forget the bombs that fall from above or the undead with throwing weapons.

Visit authentic places and meet historical characters of the time.

Then there are the traps that would make Jigsaw and the Devil blush. Heidelberg 1693 is a load of fun. That isn’t to say that I am good at this game. This game is hard and I was trash at it. However, all of that was leveled out because of how incredibly good Heidelberg 1693 looked. The intricate details of the characters was not lost as we see the tiny buckles and lace on the Moon King’s shoes. The environments were out of this world and featured horror lighting that any Giallo film fan would be proud of. The game mechanics play like most 2D platformers. You have your main sword melee attack but you have your musket for long range shots. The musket is a one shot weapon, so after you blow your load there is a reloading period to take into account while you’re staring down the barrel into the blank eyes of the undead. On top of it all, it can be a bit wonky to aim but it does get easier the more you get used to it. One fun aspect of the enemies is that they don’t like each other just as much as they don’t like you. If you leave them to their own devices for just a bit, they may kill each other or at least whittle the amount of enemies down that you will need to take care of.

There was a lot of effort put into the game mechanics and it shows. The zombies are actually nothing to be afraid of, since they are as dumb as they come, and they even eat each other. The enemy soldiers are a bit tougher, but their pattern is also easy to figure out. But the flying skulls of the Moon King wreaking havoc on you since the first stages are already the building blocks of nightmare, having multiple attack phases and a seemingly random pattern. Compared even to bosses, these nightmarish creatures are easily the hardest to beat and definitely the most annoying part of the game. Just like in many other classic arcade games you will always feel under equipped and overwhelmed. But this is why every victory feels so satisfying. Heidelberg 1693 forces you to pay attention and learn how you can use its mechanics to your advantage. And dying literally means starting over because you lose even the upgrades you have collected. So, you need a lot of patience and getting good is part of the process. The graphics of the game create a great atmosphere that takes us back to the 90’s. The pixelated and colorful visuals are very far from today’s standards yet are undeniably beautiful.

Heidelberg 1693 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Heidelberg 1693 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

On PS5 a big plus is the existence of the 60 and 120 fps modes. The audio part becomes annoyingly quiet very fast. At first, it’s fun to hear the zombies growling from the speaker of your controller, but after a couple of levels it becomes too much. Compared with the repetitive and not very inspired soundtrack, the audio design is the weakest point of the game. And then you’ve got the bosses. On the plus side, these are big and gruesome and, also, historically er… well, not accurate but they are based on real historical figures. That said, we’re not sure that the real Count Johann Wilhelm was actually a tentacle beast who lived in a tree. However, as you can imagine, these boss encounters are absolutely no joke and can seem savagely difficult at first. They also have the effect of really taking the wind out of your sails when you’re feeling good about finally beating the section before them. With that said, for all of the issues we have with Heidelberg‘s difficulty, there is a real sense of satisfaction when you pass a tricky section. If you can get past a difficult enemy layout while making the most of those somewhat limited controls, you’ll definitely feel happier and knowing that once a level is beaten, you can restart from it whenever you want definitely makes finishing them feel rewarding. Darkest Hunters Switch NSP

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