Falcon Age Switch NSP Free Download


Falcon Age Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Falcon Age Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET We can all agree that falcons are pretty cool. What’s even cooler is the notion that certain folks out there can utilise these majestic creatures for hunting purposes, coaxing the bird into their hand with just a simple whistle. If you happen to see someone with a falcon attached to their hand and rocking a tweed flat cap, you know they’re a cut above your average human. We don’t all have the time nor the means to practice falconry in real life, so thankfully Falcon Age is the next best thing. Originally released as a VR title, the game transitions successfully over to the Nintendo Switch, albeit losing a few mechanics along the way and retaining a few others that would objectively be far more satisfying to execute in VR rather than a standard control scheme. You play as Ara, a young woman who escapes confinement after a lengthy stretch of time performing manual labour. She befriends a young falcon in the process, taking it with her as she starts her journey towards freedom. Right from the start, you’ll quickly grow quite fond of the falcon, whose absurdly cute design is immediately endearing.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Falcon Age Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Falcon Age Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The game allows you time to get to grips with the falcon mechanics before letting you loose on the world, teaching you how to feed your companion, bond with it and use it for hunting/combat purposes. As you head out into the open world, your falcon grows to full size (although you can switch back to the baby version at any point if you wish); from here, you can interact with the world’s inhabitants and work with your falcon buddy to liberate outposts dotted around the environment. The gameplay mechanics here are pretty great, as not only will you need to utilise your falcon to take out flying robots, but you yourself can get in on the action too with a handy baton/whip tool. Not only will you get involved in some pretty dicey combat sections, but you’ll also need to take part in some more relaxed activities such as resource gathering and planting crops. As you progress through the game, you’ll also unlock accessories for your falcon, including sunglasses and bow ties; it’s really adorable, and we always felt a twinge of remorse whenever our companion needed tending to after a particularly nasty injury. Our pals over at Push Square reviewed Falcon Age for PlayStation VR, and mentioned that the game is significantly diminished outside of VR; that still rings true here.

Take back your life: Rebel against robot colonizers and reclaim your culture.

There are certain features, such as the ability to casually pet your winged friend with your free hand, that simply aren’t possible on the Switch. On its own, Falcon Age for the Switch is still a fun experience, but when held up against its VR sibling, it’s an objectively lesser game. Nevertheless, we’d still recommend giving it a shot if only for its remarkably unique premise; after all, it’s probably the closest most of us will get to owning a pet falcon. Falcons have had a surprisingly big fall when it comes to video games. I mean, they’re not in the same league as cyberpunk, but this year we’ve had both The Falconeer and Falcon Age. Given that I can’t think of any other games starring or about falcons, that constitutes a pretty significant shift in representation for the Falconidae family. Mind you, it would do even more for falcons if the games in questions were actually good. The Falconeer certainly wasn’t, and even though Falcon Age is substantially better, I don’t think it’s going to be a game too many people are playing — or even remembering the existence of — six months from now. Of course, if Falcon Age is remembered at all, it’ll probably be entirely thanks to the fact the falcon in this game is so cute.Return to Monkey Island Switch NSP

Falcon Age Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Falcon Age Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Not only are you raising it from a little baby falcon to a full grown adult, you can pet it! And feed it! And bump your knuckles against its little claws in a gesture of friendship! If that’s not a way of making you feel emotionally attached to your pet, I don’t know what is. I’ll also give the game credit for incorporating the falcon in a way that makes sense. While The Falconeer was basically a flying game with falcons instead of planes, here you use your falcon as partner and a weapon. You can send her to take down flying robot and other enemies, but also to capture desert animals and uncover buried mines/treasure. Falcon Age makes your falcon one of the game’s real stars, and it helps the game stand out. Or, at least, it would if the rest of the game weren’t so forgettable. The story is that you’re embroiled in desert rebellion against a big corporation exploiting a planet’s resources, and…well, that’s more or less it. You wander around a planet that all mostly looks the same, every so often shutting down refineries and battling native wildlife. It’s pretty repetitive, and once you figure out that the key to victory is keeping your falcon close by until you need it to take out flying drones, it’s really more a matter of hoping you stumble across where you’re supposed to be going than anything else.

Bond with a bird companion: Name, pet, feed, teach, and dress up your falcon.

Still, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy my time with Falcon Age. It certainly has its share of flaws, but it also features some pretty great moments, and on the whole the latter outweighs the former. Plus — and this can’t be overstated — you really do get attached to that falcon. If you’ve ever wondered what it was like to have an emotional connection to a falcon, join a rebellion, or dress up your pet in a tiny hat, Falcon Age has you covered. A tale of a girl breaking free from her wrongful imprisonment who goes on to try and liberate a planet, all along with her faithful falcon in tow, players will explore a desert land either bashing up robots or merely enjoying the ride. The biggest thing you need to know about Falcon Age is that it made me fall in love with a bird. I, Geoff Girardin, am incredibly afraid of birds. As a child, I was attacked by a group of ducks and the flapping of their wings haunts me to my core. In Falcon Age, I was able to care for and get support from the very thing I fear, and to me that is beautiful. Even more satisfying is that a game developed for virtual reality made the transition to a console such as Nintendo Switch as well as it did. There are some downsides to the final product, but overall, Falcon Age was a fantastic experience.Fairune Collection Switch NSP

Falcon Age Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Falcon Age Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Read on for our full rundown of the game. Originally released in 2019 and designed for PlayStation VR, developers Outerloop will be releasing this emotional story on Nintendo Switch and PC (with VR support) on October 8th, 2020. Falcon Age is also available on Oculus Quest. Falcon Age puts you in the shoes of Ara, a young woman sitting in a jail cell. Her captors are robots, who fill her days with tests that demand assimilation and hard labor mining ore. The only respite Ara has is the small family of falcons that live on her cell’s window sill. A mother and baby falcon, whom Ara bonds with by sharing her food rations. One day, one of the robot drones tries to exterminate the falcons, leaving the mother dead and the baby to hide in Ara’s care. As she bonds closer to the falcon, Ara plans and executes an escape that reunites her with her intimidating Auntie and sends her to liberate her community. Written in collaboration with 80 Days‘ Meg Jayanth, Cassandra Khaw, and Chandana Ekanayake, the story is pretty much guaranteed to be well executed. As Ara moves through the desert area interacting with and liberating her people, she learns how falconry is an integral part of her culture. Her Auntie urges her to follow the traditions set by her family and fight the colonizers, while others try to recruit her to the side of the oppressive robots.

Craft falcon snacks: Farm, hunt, and cook snacks to feed, buff, heal and strengthen your falcon.

Personally, I welcomed the narrative. Playing as a woman of color gave me (a white dad) a chance to see the world through the eyes of someone I don’t usually have the chance to relate with, and I believe it showed that the emotions we feel can transcend our circumstances. It’s also refreshing to see that relationships with family are complicated for everybody. As the first fleshed-out character you encounter, I found myself both rooting for and shying away from Ara’s Auntie all within the same conversation. Her abrasiveness and contempt for Ara’s behavior underscore a concern that she hides beneath the surface. The strength of the writing is most evident in the main aspect of Falcon Age, which is the relationship between Ara and the falcon. It’s a wordless union, but it’s strong, as the falcon obeys every command and Ara is very clearly working through some depression and abandonment issues through this relationship. It’s a story about liberation, connection, and independence, and it’s written beautifully. Let’s address the elephant in the room first: Falcon Age was indeed first created for PlayStation VR, and that’s clear from the game itself. While first-person games have been around for far longer than virtual reality has been available, this title has that certain kind of presentation that is obviously made for the inside of a headset.

The textures and models have a lot of pop-in, pushing the right analog stick in automatically centers the camera back to starting position, and Ara’s shadow has strangely thin appendages. That being said, Falcon Age‘s gameplay does a pretty good job of translating to a more standard gameplay experience. The title runs great on Nintendo Switch, which allowed me the freedom to play with a cute bird in the comfort of my bed. At the beginning of the game, players are offered a choice of enabling combat, offering a chance to focus only on the relationship with the falcon instead of worrying about fighting controls. This accessibility option is a welcome and increasingly popular option for players who might prefer a title for its world-setting and story without getting mixed up with complicated mechanics. However, even if you choose to play with combat, it’s pretty straightforward. Armed with an electric whip, players can jerk enemies around from a distance or smash them until they explode with the electric handle. The falcon responds to Ara’s commands, meaning that you can direct it to divebomb an enemy or drop it from a great height. Larger enemies are dealt with together, with the falcon providing a distraction while players can go to town on a weak point.

Falcon Age Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Falcon Age Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

These things are all incredibly adorable, and collecting new things is a fun aspect of Falcon Age. The art style of Falcon Age is a beautiful cartoony take on an environment that could be found in a title such as Borderlands. The terrain is a desolate desert, with rocks and cliffs jutting out in every direction. Settlements are shantytowns, with buildings constructed and held together by whatever the people had available. Most NPCs you encounter are in the middle of some sort of repair or spending their days wallowing in the despair of their own existence. Everything shines when it comes to the falcon, your scarlet feathered friend. Every part of the bird is wonderfully detailed and adorable, allowing you to emotionally connect to your avian charge. As you progress, more customization options become available, from outfits to trinkets to plumage colors. There is despair to be found in more than just the environment. Pop-in is a very real occurrence due to the draw distance of the title. This carries over from VR, but thankfully the problem is softened by the art style. Having a fairly minimal set of textures helps limit how much you notice that the texture of that rock or that patch of grass just showed up later than the rest of the area.Faeria Switch NSP


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