Easy Red 2 Free Download


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Easy Red 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Easy Red 2 is a WWII themed FPS simulator developed by Marco Amadei. An early access game with a fun gameplay and a ton of future potential. Easy Red 2 currently offers an in-depth campaign based on real historical events set in two theatres of World War 2, and a basic firing range map called Virtual Training. The game also promises a lot and features road map containing future features to be added and a list of known issues. After going through this list and hours playing in-game, I must say I am very impressed with how the game is shaping up and what it might become in the future. Campaign: Easy Red 2 currently features two theatres of WWII Italy and the Pacific. Both feature historically accurate events and the game tries to portray that image. Battle of Anzio; The Battle of Anzio was a battle of the Italian Campaign of World War II that took place from January 22, 1944, to June 5, 1944. The operation was opposed by German forces in the areas of Anzio and Nettuno. You will be fighting the Germans on five separate battles set on historically accurate dates and times.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Easy Red 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Easy Red 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Battle of Kwajalein; is the second campaign in-game set in the Pacific theatre of WWII in the Marshal Islands. The Battle of Kwajalein was fought as part of the Pacific campaign of World War II. It took place from 31 January – 3 February 1944, on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. The game currently features one mission, the battle of Kwajalein Island.  Currently the game features a lot of functions and promises a lot of features in future updates. The gameplay is mostly a mixture between casual fps and a detailed simulator-style gameplay, which plays out well with the campaign. You can attack as the Allies or defend as the Axis powers. Basic WASD Movements, while not sluggish, are pretty slow. You are carrying a lot of gear and the weight is slowing you down, so when you think about it, the heavier movements start to feel kinda immersive, in a way. Where the movement machine comes short is its crouching and proning system. In FPS simulators, both crouching and proning play an important part. And this game comes short in this aspect with its sluggish and slow movement, glitches, and poor animations.

Fronts of War.

During intense firefights, I died a lot because of its sluggish crouching and proning systems. Gunplay; for the most part, gunplay in this game played out really well, with its historically accurate portrayal of slow-firing guns in addition to weapons that have a high rate of fire and dry out magazines in a blink of an eye. The detailing and animations are well put together and played out well, except for the heavy MG’s and Sniper Rifles, with their animation issues and issues while crouching. The devs seemed to notice this and promised a future fix. Till then, I’ll be staying away from the heavy MGs. Game mode; the game currently hosts two campaigns and six separate battles within them. There are only two styles of gameplay: Attack (as the Allied forces, capture the given targets and kill the defenders), and Defend (as the Axis powers, defend your objectives against waves of enemy infantry squads). The only downside here is that you can push in-land until you win the battle as the Allied forces but you can’t seem to push back the Allied forces as the Axis power.Call of Duty Black Ops II

Easy Red 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Easy Red 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Other than that, there’s nothing much to it currently. Soldiers: The game currently hosts infantry gameplay only. You will be playing as a part of an infantry fire team, and each team has a leader and six soldiers: Squad leader, Radioman, Marksman, Heavy MG, AT unit, & Rifleman. The whole squad can be controlled using the in-game commands. The US and German forces currently have a detailed lineup of infantry fire teams including Paratrooper fire teams with a few different weapons. And then there’s the Japanese fire teams with poor weaponry and no Paratroopers. Inventory system: The game features a detailed inventory system, with a lot of items from all the factions to interact with. You can shuffle through your inventory using ‘’I’’. Pick up gears, weapons, and ammunition from dead bodies. The game also features a one-click simple healing system with bandages, but there’s no animation for it. Sound effects: Sound effects are another area where the game comes short, with its poorly designed sound effects and issues while firing weapons (mostly heavies) and explosions.

Simulation and Immersivity.

Ignoring minor issues with the gun sounds, I did still enjoy the gunplay, but the sound issues with the explosions were a deal-breaker for me. Visuals: Visually simple with a large playable area. The game doesn’t really appeal much with the quality of its graphics and environment design. But the game tries its best to put different elements in motion, to make the maps appear as the historical battlegrounds that they should be according to the era. It’s not perfect, but I appreciate the effort. World Design: With a large sandbox playable area, the game is giving the player much-needed flexibility to move and flank. For the most part, the world seems empty, with a few exceptions where there are areas crowded with trees and two-storied housing. This makes the game very difficult for the attackers to attack without getting shot by a sniper. Easy Red 2 targets an audience who prefer wargames steeped in historical realism, rather than tired cliches about gratuitously evil Nazis, and the joy of killing them. To this end, developer Marco Amadei has shifted focus towards more sequential gameplay, with open-world conflict shifting gradually and seamlessly across the theatre of battle as gameplay progresses.Hearts of Iron IV 

Easy Red 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Easy Red 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Indeed, Easy Red 2’s Steam page exalts the Italian front as an example of where this notion will be tested; from the landing grounds of Sicily, all the way to Montecassino, players are immersed in the Allied advance in real-time. Of course, this being a budget-end title, there are limits to this promise. Though providing a historically reliable image of simulated battlefields, the graphics are of more middling quality, lacking the resolution of many other titles with a first-person element. However, to criticise developers for this drawback would be somewhat unfair; Easy Red 2 hasn’t been designed to compete with mass-market series with occasional historical themes, such as Call of Duty. Rather, Marco Amadei’s more limited resources have been deliberately honed to appeal to the more indie support base mentioned above; the chief marker by which it should be judged is its success in reaching that audience. Where in-game features are concerned, Easy Red 2 is a somewhat unusual title; both first and third-person elements are blended together, giving the gameplay a more immersive feel.

Squad-based Gameplay.

Controlling one of a range of soldier types (e.g. Medic, radio operator, squad leader), you’ll need to do your job with distinction, to ensure your wider team meets its battlefield objectives. These objectives will range in importance; a primary objective, like capturing a set area, will be complemented by several secondary ones, such as taking out a set installation hindering your forces’ advance. Either way, without your full cooperation, you comrades will have little chance of success… Furthermore, players will have full control over armoured vehicle crews, driving forwards and firing on enemies to assist the general advance. However, not all tanks will survive battle; if one tank is knocked out, players will need to assist a crew in escaping its remains and returning to your lines without loss of life. Lastly, These vehicles will faithfully reflect those fielded in WW2, with Panzer 4’s, Sherman’s, and several others animated to a high degree of historical accuracy. Finally, as in real conflict, your enemy won’t let you win without a fight. Enemy attacks will be constant and ferocious; you’ll need to learn how best to avoid them whilst maintaining a steady advance. I found out about Easy Red when my original pc died and I was confined to my very old laptop at the time.

I was looking for something lightweight and cheap to pass the time while I was gathering money to fix my computer. It was a pleasant surprise as I found my self going back to it multiple times, despite some things that made it annoying and sometimes even unplayable. It was to my surprise one day that, in the game’s News page, I found out that instead of another update to that game, the developer was moving to another project, Easy Red 2.I was very disappointed for that as it seemed that another game in Steam was being abandoned. I get, from a developer’s point of view that the dev of Easy Red was somewhat inexperienced and during the development of the first game he acquired a lot of new skills and instead of fixing a game that was way late in development, decided to move to a new game altogether. That is, disregarding all the people that had spent money to get that game and time who have invested a lot of time in that. All that said, I was hesitant on getting Easy Red 2 for that same reason. Even if the price is pretty low, it is very troubling that someone would so easily abandon a game that he is charging money for. After getting it though, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of changes that were made from the first game to the second.

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Easy Red 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There are also a lot of nice additions that were something the community was asking for for many months/years. Before moving the things I have to say about the second game, I have to say that in both games the different factions have voices in their native language and accent, meaning that the British and Americans speak English in their respective accents and that the Germans, Italians and Japanese all have voices in that language. Now, the additions are planes squad tactics, the ability to respawn as another member of your squad when you die, and tanks with tank crews. There are many more but these are the major ones. There has also been a big graphical update and a huge performance upgrade between the two games, with Easy Red 2 both looking and running way better than the first one. Moving to the main negative point most people have to say about both games is something that I personally find fairly fun, is the gunplay. If you are coming from CoD or Battlefield, it is something that you most definitely will hate as it is quite difficult to aim when you are first starting out in the game. It is similar to Arma’s gunplay in a sense and before you laugh, what I mean by that is that it is quite difficult to aim with a gun with iron sights and there is minimal zooming when not using a scope or holding down Shift. Total War MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition

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