Dealer’s Life 2 Free Download


Dealer’s Life 2 Pc Game Download GAMESPACK.NET

Begin your journey in a rundown shack and build up your business day by day by negotiating with customers, hiring employees and partaking in auctions. But be careful! Scammers will try to take advantage of you with counterfeit items and If someone ever wants to sell you a questionable “insurance” better choose your next words wisely… Each customer behaves differently during negotiations according to their unique psychological traits. It’s up to you to understand who you have in front of you, how to treat them and how to seal the deal! Use all your negotiation, psychology and management skills to create your pawn empire! Have you ever thought about building up your own empire, without the risk of ending up sleeping under a bridge? Become the owner of a pawn shop and haggle like your life depends on it! STAR WARS: Episode I: Jedi Power Battles

I am on my first playthrough (20 hours), and yet have not reached the end of the game. Maybe I’m not the most patient but the time spent on having to click the same buttons; to sell/buy, price change, haggle, auctions, for more than 1 year in the game is incredibly tiring. The game ISN’T BAD. I just can’t play it for too long in one go.


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