Days Gone Free Download


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Days Gone Free Download GAMESPACK.NET An outlaw biker drifting through a Pacific Northwestern post-apocalypse is a killer premise, and Days Gone occasionally lives up to it. When you’re alone on the broken road, riding your scrappy motorcycle between missions, it’s easy to get swept up in the apocalyptic romanticism of it all. It’s just you, your bike, and an unforgiving land. No job, no bills—just two wheels, a thirsty gas tank, and all the time in the (end of the) world. You play as Deacon St. John, a young Oregon biker who wears a backwards baseball cap at all times—even at his wedding. Two years after a mysterious outbreak has turned half the population of America into zombie-like cannibals called freakers, Deacon embarks on a quest to find his missing wife, Sarah. There are other stories too, including discovering the truth about the pandemic—because there’s always a truth behind these things. But it’s reuniting with his beloved spouse that really drives our anti-hero. Days Gone is an open world game, set across a large swathe of the American Pacific Northwest. It’s a sweeping, rugged landscape, with old-growth forests, cascading waterfalls, dusty stretches of desert, one-horse towns, and kitschy motels. It’s a completely boilerplate zombie apocalypse, decorated with the End of Days Starter Kit: abandoned government checkpoints, mass graves, gutted houses, car tunnels stuffed with wrecks, and so on.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Days Gone Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

But it’s all well presented and often extremely atmospheric—especially when the sky turns a gloomy slate-grey and the rain and thunder roll in. Your bike is your life in Days Gone, and keeping it running is a full-time job. As you ride from place to place you burn gas, which means scavenging for fuel when the tank inevitably runs dry. If you crash hard or you’re ambushed by opportunistic bandits, you have to gather scrap, another valuable resource, to repair it. It’s a very basic simulation of motorcycle maintenance, but it means there’s more to every long distance trip than just slamming the throttle and tuning out until you reach the objective marker.  Popping open the hoods of abandoned cars to yank out scrap or dodging zombies to duck into roadside garages and hunt for gasoline is a satisfying loop—although it can be frustrating if you just want to quickly get to the next mission. You can fast travel, provided you have enough gas and the road ahead is clear of freaker nests (which you can clear out with a Molotov.) But I always resist the urge, realising that riding between jobs, enjoying the scenery, and tinkering with my bike is where Days Gone is at its best—and everything else is just disappointing. On a grand scale, when it’s speeding past you in a blur, the world is great.

A striking setting.

But whenever I stopped to take a closer look, there was never anything interesting to find—just empty rooms, swarms of freakers, and a stingy scattering of generic crafting loot. This is a world with no stories to tell, and it’s always deflating when you see a building on the side of the road, pull up, nose around inside, and leave with no deeper understanding of the outbreak and no insight into the people who lived there. Beyond the eternal hunt for fuel and scrap, exploration is pointless, which makes the world feel dead. As for the actual missions, they’re an underwhelming mix of stealth and cover-based shooting. Stealth involves crouching in conveniently placed waist-high bushes, waiting for enemies to pass, then stabbing them violently in the head. You also have to watch out for bear traps and tripwires that’ll give away your position, and can throw rocks as a distraction. It’s incredibly basic stuff, with no unique systems to experiment with, and some very skittish, unconvincing AI—whether you’re sneaking past freakers or humans. If you get spotted (or, as is more likely, bored of creeping around), Days Gone turns into a cover shooter that is, unfortunately, every bit as pedestrian as the stealth is. The character movement is lethargic, the guns are unexciting, and once again, the dim AI means there’s no real sense of danger or urgency to the firefights.Paradise Lost

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Days Gone Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I do like the melee combat, though. When you whack a bandit or a freaker with a large, heavy piece of wood, or a makeshift machete created out of an old lawnmower blade, you can really feel it. There are more than 150 missions to complete in the game, a mix of story and side missions. But even if you just doggedly pursue the story and ignore everything else on offer, you’re still looking at 35-40 hours of game here, which is way too much. I have no problem with long open world games. I mean, I’ve played through the immense Red Dead Redemption 2 twice. But the missions in Days Gone just aren’t varied enough—nor is the story interesting enough—to justify its length. There are some standout moments, though. In one especially tense mission, Deacon is kidnapped by a fanatical self-mutilating death cult called the Rippers and has to sneak and shoot his way out of their creepy compound. I just wish there were more memorable moments like this. Days Gone is also deeply joyless, with a grim, self-serious tone a story about apocalyptic bikers with names like ‘Boozeman’ really shouldn’t have. Everyone you meet is either miserable, dying, or trying to kill you. The flashbacks to Deacon and Sarah’s pre-pandemic relationship are overly sentimental. And Deacon himself, who is mostly angry and monosyllabic, is hard to love. Days Gone thinks being ‘mature’ means snuffing out all traces of warmth and humour from its story—even though people in a world like this would depend on these things even more to cling to their dwindling humanity.

Brutal encounters.

Days Gone kicks off relatively simply: you play as a biker riding through an open-world zombie post-apocalypse, seeking answers around his dead wife and smashing enemy faces in with crunchy, weighty melee weapons. Sometimes, there are spectacular hordes of them. So far, so straightforward. Yet through its 60-odd-hour ride, Days Gone loses its focus with repetitive missions, a meandering and thematically unsatisfying storyline, and an excess of bugs and busywork. When you slow down for a minute or two, these issues combine with a dreary, uninteresting open world and add up to an uneven and mostly toothless zombie experience. For a gruff biker dude traveling through a zombie-infested (okay, they’re technically virus-infected humans called Freakers, but functionally the same thing) Oregon, Deacon St. John is an endearingly gentle and sweet-natured protagonist. His gruff charm and unassuming ‘I ain’t no leader’ demeanor is mostly well voiced by Sam Witwer (AKA Darth Maul on Star Wars: The Clone Wars), aside from moments where he inexplicably yells during stealth missions and an occasional tendency to over-act in more frantic sequences. His bike is your constant companion, and it handles well and feels great to ride – especially after several damage-absorbing upgrades and the addition of power-boosting nitrous. Drifting around a tight corner is a lot of fun, as is sailing over a break in the road. For a PS4 game that’s so centered on riding, I’m glad that developer Sony Bend nailed that fundamental mechanic. Sakuna Of Rice And Ruin 

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Days Gone Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sadly, Deacon’s charisma and bitchin’ bike aren’t enough to carry Days Gone story, which is clumsily handled. Days Gone insists on tedious, barely interactive flashbacks of Deacon and his wife Sarah which play out like bad high school drama – her demand that he “promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike” at their wedding is a line that sticks in the mind – and repeating missions which begin and end with a stationary Deacon spouting overly-long monologues about their love. For the first half, this storyline at least forms a consistent emotional throughline and motivation for Deacon beyond simply staying alive, but it loses its direction in the second, where the focus shifts toward new characters and changing relationships with old ones, and I was left confused as to why I was meant to care. Of course, one cutscene played out for me entirely in slow motion, without audio, so maybe I missed it. It doesn’t help that Days Gone takes itself almost religiously seriously, and story missions are wrapped in dramatic importance that they don’t earn. Its desire to elicit emotion is also constantly at odds with the decision to structure even non-interactive story delivery as missions: there were a couple of times I had an extremely brief conversation with another character that would net me XP. It’s hard to be invested when its drama is so tied up in cold, numerical achievement. Mixed in with the crowd are some enjoyable supporting characters.

A compelling story.

Deacon’s primary relationship with his best buddy Boozer (aka “Booze-Man”), is heartfelt, and their bro dynamic is one of the more affecting in Days Gone. There’s also some flavor to the world-weariness of the older survivors Deacon encounters, particularly the former prison guard Tucker and all-around hard-ass Iron Mike. Days Gone was a strange game for me to assess as it simultaneously tries to endear itself to you and figuratively smack you across the face in seconds flat. Drab post-apocalyptic appearances can be deceiving as the cast is actually likable, including the lead Deacon “Deke” St. John, played masterfully by sci-fi vet Sam Witwer. This is a world that asks you to repetitively babysit your very gamey motorcycle, your main means of travel, and doles out lengthy emotional scenes that are both mysterious and beg to be seen through until the end. Much like the real apocalypse, I’m sure, it’s constantly at odds with itself. Let’s get broad for a moment. Days Gone is a survival-centric open world zombie game that focuses around a non-specific region in the Pacific Northwest. Most of the US is lost to what this universe calls “Freakers,” who mostly come in the quicker, 28 Days Later frenzied variety. Deacon St. John and his best friend William “Boozer” Gray are known as “drifters,” who move from colony to colony amid the chaos, doing odd jobs along the way.

Part of what motivates Deacon, beyond the instinct to survive, is the hope that one day he might be reunited with his wife, who was a scientist before the calamity. As you can imagine, these dudes have baggage. It’s not the most original angle, but Days Gone managed to surprise me as the tale of our duo unfolds, hitting on beats of depression and anxiety against the backdrop of a zombie-infested wilderness. That’s because there’s a lot of exposition and narrative scenes: as in, some missions are just watching people talk. We get an inside look at a lot of these characters, including supporting cast members, frenemies, and innocent bystanders. Odds are if they speak, you’re going to get a deep dive into their personality at some point. Nathan Whitehead’s fantastic score backs up all of these emotive uppercuts. Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set in a harsh wilderness two years after a devastating global pandemic. Step into the dirt flecked shoes of former outlaw biker Deacon St. John, a bounty hunter trying to find a reason to live in a land surrounded by death. Scavenge through abandoned settlements for equipment to craft valuable items and weapons, or take your chances with other survivors trying to eke out a living through fair trade… or more violent means.

Days Gone Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Days Gone Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

From forests and meadows, to snowy plains and desert lava fields, the Pacific Northwest is both beautiful and lethal. Explore a variety of mountains, caves, mines and small rural towns, scarred by millions of years of volcanic activity.  With vicious gangs and hordes of Freakers roaming the land, you’ll need to make full use of a variety of customizable traps, weapons, and upgradable skills to stay alive. Don’t forget your Drifter bike, an invaluable tool in a vast land.  Jump on the saddle of Deacon’s trusty motorbike and explore a dynamic world dramatically affected by the weather, a dramatic day/night cycle and the evolving Freakers, who adjust to their surroundings – and the people in it. Lose yourself in a powerful tale of desperation, betrayal and regret, as Deacon St. John searches for hope after suffering a deep, personal loss. What makes us human when faced with the daily struggle for survival? To be frank, I did not expect to care this much. There are five-minute scenes that focus on Deacon’s anxiety over locating his wife, and Boozer’s struggle to grapple with the uncertainty of this new world after a particularly harrowing event near the start of the game. These characters get beaten down repeatedly and we spend so much time with them that it works; it reminds me of a primo Frank Miller story in all the best ways that’s worth seeing through. But Days Gone just doesn’t know when to stop. Many of these great moments are strung together by repetitive missions, which allow it to descend into the dark realm of busywork.NBA 2K17


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