Cloud Meadow Free Download


Cloud Meadow Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Cloud Meadow Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Cloud meadow combines elements of farming simulator, visual novel and role-playing adventure. In this erotic game, you will meet your fellow monsters to work together and build a new home in uncharted lands. Travel around the countryside to explore untouched lands. The action takes place in the world of Cloud Meadow with islands floating in the sky, created with the help of ancient magic. The human race coexists with monsters, does not lead conflicts and evolves faster. Take control of Eve or Evan to go overseas and farm. Propagate fantastic plants, take part in battles against aggressive creatures, support dying hopes and an original monster society. The surrounding area is inhabited by a variety of interesting creatures and hides various treasures. Solve riddles to discover the secret of the environment and learn ancient magic. Flirt with the characters you like and develop closer relationships. The selection system allows you to change the fate of the plot, communicate with any creatures and interact with them. Unlock over 50 animated sex scenes and achieve romance with a wide range of partners. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Cloud Meadow Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Cloud Meadow Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Create new friends and gather your own squad, fighting dangerous opponents. Breathtaking landscapes are found in exotic locations. Found ingredients will help unlock new recipes. a milking machine with dead content and devs who don’t even care for years. This is pretty much abandoned. I had high hopes when this game came out. I love sprite work and farming sim games with a breeding system that let’s you make hybrids. However the sex part is unfinished for years, well can’t even say they did anything with it at all. The little stuff that is in it isn’t done for maybe 5 years now? Stuff that shouldn’t take more than a view months. Instead they made everything else and not even that much more either. The devs only care about the 3-4 sheep who still pay for some reason and don’t realise that new content is non existent for years now. Updated review to 1/5. Game has no future. The only redeeming factor it had were the HD scenes you probably saw on rule34. Apparently those scenes will no longer be made in favor of the low pixel scenes I spoke about below.

Magical World.

Might update review if they change it but until then, don’t bother investing time or hope into this project. I think is a fair score everything considered. I like helping out new games that have potential by rating them high but this game doesn’t need that. It has a lot of potential but by the looks of it it has been in development for too long and what little content there is does not justify how long it took them to get to this point. Gameplay wise it isn’t really a farming or breeding game. It felt more like a dungeon crawler game, and while the time spent in this game was enjoyable, that’s because I actually enjoyed the combat itself for the most part. But that’s not what you’d expect or really want of this type of game.Farming is clunky, tedious, and not really satisfying. Breeding doesn’t feel satisfying because the sex scenes are lacking. The only good scenes are between the farmer and the humanoid cattle of which there are only a total of 10 or so. The humanoid on humanoid cattle scenes are very low pixel and disappointing to see. So 3/5 because this game really does have potential and there’s some really detailed scenes.MARIO + RABBIDS SPARKS OF HOPE Switch

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Cloud Meadow Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There but the slow development combined with the contradictory gameplay loop takes away from what you’d expect the game to be. Lower quality compared to previous projects, significant downgrade from previous projects, severely lacking of options and customization, significant downgrade and lack of monsters and creatures for gameplay, the farming mechanic is a time soaker and slows gameplay down even more than it should. Getting rid of the farming mechanic would improve the game and adding far far more customization, creatures, creature options, game options, player character options, all in priority over bland unrelatable NPC characters would significantly improve the game. For now however, the game as it stands is a BORING waste of time. I’m not sure if others make the same distinctions I do, but Cloud Meadow is shaping up to be more of a game-with-porn than porn-game. As a hybrid dating sim, farming sim, and dungeon crawler it’s a lot like the modern Harvest Moon games except with monster breeding too. And porn. It seems to have a stronger focus on dungeon crawling than most games in this genre, but that may be a result of how it’s still — somehow — relatively early in development.

Strive Hard To Survive.

I’m looking forward to what it may become, but considering the alarmingly slow dev cycle I probably won’t check the project out for another five years. It’s also a coin-flip whether the project will realize its potential, be in-development for 7 more years before having “v1.0” slapped on a half-finished product and being shoved out the door, or be abandoned entirely. It’s up to you to decide which of these outcomes corresponds to the coin landing on it’s side. The art is quite good. The female protagonist is particularly sexy (which is always a plus), though very busty characters feel a bit over represented. Lewds exist as animated scenes between the protagonists and town NPCs or monsters, and sprite sex between monsters or between protagonists and Frontier NPCs. They are all well done and I like how you can change the monsters’ coloration while viewing the gallery. The gallery is available straight from the main menu and unlocking a scene with any protagonist will unlock it for both protagonists. You can choose which pairings (m/m, f/f, m/f) you want to see in the settings, so that’s nice too.  You can adventure and chat with party NPCs to raise their affection, eventually locking dates and the corresponding animations. The Last Oricru

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Cloud Meadow Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Eventually. So far a single date for one NPC has been implemented, though there is a second you can still chat with.  The farming aspect is solid, though unfortunately you need to clear part of the dungeon in order to actually unlock your farm. Theoretically you’d be specifically training monsters to work on your farm while trying to match their “fertilizer” type to the season, eventually upgrading to all-season monsters and finally dragons. Except since there isn’t much in the game we have access to all of it and dragons are allowed to break the flow/economy from week 1. Regarding monster breeding: there’s no back-crossing but also no genealogy data, so breeding can be a bit tedious. Cooking is a nice way to use all the crops you’re growing, but unfortunately it’s been poorly implemented so using high quality ingredients leaves you with a failed product. Combat is solid, with each monster and character having a unique skill set and some even having their own mechanics. The blue guy is totally busted though. Again, theoretically you’re supposed to be introduced to meet him a bit later in the game, but since we have access to everything at the stage he can start stomping all over combat from day 1.

Interesting Treasures.

I suspect there’s supposed to be some metagaming between bringing NPCs (who gain levels and stats through battle) and monsters (who gain stats through their daily feedings, but have higher stat ceilings) but it isn’t really balanced so you’ll probaly just use a full NPC team because there isn’t much to do in the days it’ll take to breed and train appropriate monsters. Very. All of the systems seem to be in place… but only one place. The game has been in development for a while so you’d expect them to have more to show for it, but whatever, maybe they were focusing on systems before content. I don’t really expect the pace of development to pick up anytime soon. As I mentioned up top, Cloud Meadow has solid potential so you can have a bit of fun with it now then maybe again in five years. The Nimbus team don’t seem to know what kind of game they’re going for. The jump from Breeding Season to this is quite jarring. This game has no soul to it, it’s just a mish mash of different things and doesn’t put its focus on anything in particular meaning none of it turns out well. The combat isn’t fun, nor should it be a focus for a game that obviously had the original intention of being a farming/breeding game. But the farming/breeding isn’t fun either.

This game has been out since 2016 and has no right to be sitting so far behind in comparison to other games in similar categories without any real soul to it. If you want a fix like Breeding Season check out the game Breeding Farm by Team Bieno instead. It’s a much better spiritual successor to Breeding Season and looks like it will actually go somewhere. “S had gone entirely behind our backs to spend an entire month’s worth of work (for which he collected over $9,000 of patron money, by the way) working on a new project that he planned to abandon Breeding Season entirely for,” HBomb’s blog post states. “Not even once had he brought up to me the notion of him leaving the project or faced me directly with his desire for different leadership. Instead he took the most cowardly possible option, to the point of even fooling Subtank [another artist] into believing the work he was doing was for Breeding Season’s benefit, and straight-up swindled us.” The real problem, though, is that Sandler allegedly walked away with half of the studio’s savings—as he was allowed to do under the terms of the contract—and demanded that all assets he created for Breeding Season be removed from it.

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Cloud Meadow Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

He’s also rejected HBomb’s offer to purchase those assets, even though, according to the post, he won’t be able to do anything with them. “This leaves Breeding Season half stripped of assets. Effectively, this would scrap the entire project as it currently stands, forcing us to start over completely from square one,” the post says. “There is absolutely no viable reason for him to do this except to be an emotionally-stunted man-child destroying someone else’s sandcastle. He can’t even reasonably repurpose any of these assets for use in another project because anything that is either based on my design or was touched by any of the other artists or animators also jointly belongs to me. And there is no way in fucking hell I am letting him get away with what he did on any level.” Its not finished, but its got a good core game with sex scenes as a large side, instead of Sex being the main focus, and the gameplay being bad. Cloud Meadow is a game about work. Its got a large variety of other parts, some bigger than others, but the biggest part of this Game is that you run a farm. As such, you are a farmer and must tend to your crops. The second thing you have below this is monster breeding.  Pixel Cup Soccer – Ultimate Edition


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