Car Dealership Simulator


Car Dealership Simulator Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Car Dealership Simulator Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Over the course of the simulator-themed week here on Cubic Creativity, I have sometimes been rather harsh in some of my criticism. There are probably people out there having a good time with “Lawn Mowing Simulator” and I am sure that helping cute animals restoring their homes is enough of a reason for some players to buy “Fresh Start Cleaning Simulator”. However, in my opinion there has to be some standard to go by, else all of the reviews I have done so far are basically null and void. My expectations differ from genre to genre, but in a simulation game I would put the emphasis on the gameplay loop. The question of whether tasks are fun and/or relaxing is a major part of my rating, since without either fun to drive me forward or the often-mentioned zen-like relaxation part there is no bloody point in playing these games. Which brings us to “Car Dealership Simulator”, a game that offers … well, nothing at all and therefore makes everything I have reviewed during this week so far look stellar in comparison. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Right after we start the game, we get what little story there is to tell: The father of the player character has retired and left his car dealership for us to manage. Apparently, he left after selling basically everything, since all that is left are the buildings, some furniture and a starting capital of 250,000 TL. Now, TL might sound like a fantasy currency, but evidence points at it being Turkish Lira, which at the point of writing the article would have been around 12,000 Euros. Clicking “Next” shows another box full of important information, which I just included down below to give you an idea of what a game we are talking about here:  Transport Fever 2

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