Broken Universe Tower Defense Switch NSP Free Download


Broken Universe Tower Defense Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Broken Universe Tower Defense Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Tower Defense games really found their niche when touchscreen phones came on the scene. This strategy subgenre fit perfectly with the characteristics of these portable devices: the action could easily be played out on the phone screen and it was easy enough to use the touch controls to set up turrets, traps and defenses at full speed, without ever having to take a break from the action. These are features that Broken Universe: Tower Defense exploits to the fullest, thanks to its dazzling graphics and surprising amount of depth. If you’ve never played a Tower Defense game before, there’s not a whole lot of mystery behind it: your goal is to protect your base (in this case, a spaceship) from the hordes of enemies that will parade across the screen. To do this, you’ll have to set up everything from turrets to missile launchers, a variety of different traps and, of course, walls. But you’ll need to be careful. Each of the settings in this Jinthree Studio production will have several different route options, so if your enemies come across an obstacle on their way to your ship, they’ll simply take another path. This may seem like a disadvantage at first, but if you place your walls strategically. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Broken Universe Tower Defense Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Broken Universe Tower Defense Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

you can make them take a detour that will not only force them to take longer to reach your base, but you can even make them regret their decision to attack by blasting them with all kinds of pyrotechnics. If you manage to keep your ship safe until the timer (found in the top right corner) runs out, you’ll succeed and will be able to jump to the next level. As you can see, the gameplay is quite simple, just like all Tower Defense games, but Jintree Studio decided to liven it up a bit by introducing colossal bosses whose ranged attacks will knock out your defenses for a few seconds that could be dramatically crucial. Level by level, planet by planet, you’ll unlock new types of defenses, which you can place on the fly — even in the middle of the action— after choosing your favorites in the weapons menu before the round begins. This way, players can organize their arsenal however they want. This fact, along with the huge variety of level designs, manages to keep Broken Universe: Tower Defense from becoming repetitive. To top it all off, the colorful and charming visuals in Broken Universe: Tower Defense put the icing on the cake. This game is, without a doubt, great both for users who are already familiar with this strategy subgenre.

Upgrades and Technology.

As well as for newcomers (thanks to its great tutorial). Ready to wipe out the cutest hordes around? She’s nowhere to be found and he’s the only one who can save her. The explosion wrecked the entire universe. One might even say that it’s…broken. Roco with the help of ragtag group of scientists needs to protect his ship from incoming attacks.  Help Roco reach his goal and destroy the enemy waves in this unique tower defence game. Your brain is your biggest weapon. Decide where to land and how to fight your way out of enemy’s hands.  Block all paths or guide monsters down a long line of fire. Find out which towers and barriers are the best for your unique playstyle. Create your own unique strategies in this tower defense with a twist. Play any way you want and any way you can think of. You even decide how each game starts by choosing where to land! Try lots of different strategies, from blocking all paths and hiding safely behind your walls, to guiding monsters down a long line of fire. Use the unique towers and barriers to come up with your own original style of play. Try blasting monsters so hard they can’t approach, mixing monsters up until they can’t function properly, or focusing on defense and recovery to build an impenetrable fortress. Lord of Imagination: Loose Ends

Broken Universe Tower Defense Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Broken Universe Tower Defense Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You can even try backing a bunch of monsters into a corner and wiping them all out at once, or lining them up and taking them out one-by-one. Travel around space helping the hero search for his lost girlfriend while battling monsters on various planets. Not only does each stage look different, but you also have to pay close attention to the items and environmental factors of each planet in order to craft your winning strategy. If you do it right, it’ll be a huge help to your strategic gameplay. You’ll need upgrades and technology in order to face off against strong monsters. Use upgrades to make your buildings and landing pod even stronger. Freely explore the four categories of the tech tree and adjust things to your taste to aid your strategy.For a truly unique game experience, upgrades and a tech tree alone aren’t enough. Equip various modules to make your buildings one story stronger. You can also combine buildings to make completely new, stronger towers.In moments of danger, overcome the problem with skills. With items, you can begin devising your strategic gameplay before diving into a stage.Passing a stage is only the beginning.

Various modules and fusion towers.

Challenge yourself with 3 difficulty levels (Normal, Hard, and Wild Mode), as well as Landing Machine, Challenge Mode, Endless Mode, and more. One of the best tower defense games published recently. You have the feeling of just one more level. The levels are quite short, only a few minutes long, and that’s one of my complains. The gameplay is very fast, there is no much time to think, you have to act very quickly. But it is still one of the best TDs out there. I hope that the devs will do something to slow the gameplay down a little, maybe even 25% would be enough. Also the complexity of the game is getting higher as you progress which is great. Since developers listened to pretty much everything i said in review and postponded release to make drastic changes, have to say few words. In new version levels are longer: you have more time to plan and build, overall pacing became better and game no longer feels too short. Less story is a good change as well. After replaying from fresh save-slot i must say, the difficulty is just great. That’s the level of care and dedication we deserve in 2021 and i am proud there are small indie games like Broken Universe and Drox 2 where developers are literally in love with project and can share their passion with us. Beacon Pines Switch NSP

Broken Universe Tower Defense Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Broken Universe Tower Defense Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

First of all, Broken Universe reminds me “Go Home Dinosaurs” and “Beware Planet Earth”: it’s just a pleasant to eyes and heart, with a lot of love put in – you can feel it from evey corner. Visuals are great, they resemble “Kingdom Rush”, but have unique style. Levels design is good, player feels freedom of choise and has a lot of customisation. There are many towers, not an extent of “Primeworld Defenders 2”, but just enough to put it over many other games, even outmatching “Dungeon Warfare 2” and “Orcs Must Die 3”. And cheap price. For an early access game, this is impressive list of goodies. I don’t like childish story at all. Yes, this is Tower Defense, can’t really expect Game of Thrones from it, yet i would rather have no story at all instead of cringy stuff between plushy animals. Also there is too much dialogue. I would prefer something like “Atomicrops” or “The Tone Rebellion”, where you get an introduction and that’s it. Levels are very short, just 60-90 seconds to beat, where you don’t really have enough time to build anything big or even use 50% of map. Lastly, difficulty is easy, you can put few basic guns and use enviroment to win levels. And ‘hard mode’ feels more like ‘normal’, while challanges even easier than hard mode, not sure bug or intended.

Powerful skills and items.

Overall those meh points can be fixed over time. Right now researches, skills and merge towers making it even more easy and feel like cheats instead of proper mechanics. Way too much, way too fast. Player gets overwhelmed with different rules, buttons and mechanics. UI takes a lot of screen space. Just to read through basics it will take a hour of time. Monsters and towers have plentora of different stats and it’s hard to keep up with everything. Each next level unlocks even more stuff and you just get very angry. While there are additional hard modes, the only difference is monster hp, armor and attack. I would rather prefer difference in level’s geometry, some extra obstacles and rules, different waves or even unique creatures. No randomness. Sadly, there is nothing like random runes drop or tower parts. You beat the stage, now move on, never return. Instead of giving us something interesting to grind for, game just puts it bluntly: go farm extra coin and exp to buy even more ‘easyfication’ upgrades. All stages withing one planet feel the same, have same music and pretty much same-ish monsters. A slight difference in visuals would be nice.

While there are biomes in Kingdom Rush series, yet every level presents fresh looks and even interractable stuff.So the final question, should you buy this game? Yes. For an average player this is a good find, even a rare diamond. But for person who seeks something unique and fresh, it’s a no. Broken Universe is competitive enough to shine brightly against fattest TD projects and we don’t really have many good games on the market today. But this is just classic verison of old idea without anything special to it. Also over-cartoonish looks causing to feel like this is mobile project or something more suitable for browser, even tho it definitely has higher level of quality. For its price, Broken Universe – Tower Defense is a great tower defense game. The game seems simple at the start, but as you progress through the story you can clearly see that there are many possible strategies to beat any stage. It’s also challenging, and has even harder difficulty modes that will give small rewards in addition to those you can earn after beating the stages for the first time. Those rewards can be used to upgrade all your buildings and choose different perks that will improve many different things.

Broken Universe Tower Defense Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Broken Universe Tower Defense Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Hopefully the devs will keep balancing the game and fix english typos, but it’s definitely a game that’s worthy to pick up right now. The longer you play more frustrating the game becomes and its no longer fun to play. In the beginning even Wild difficulty is okay and you can have fun with that then you go to the next map and even Standard difficulty feels bad. I would think that Standard is the difficulty that you can see the whole game with it. I feel like that the monsters and towers need more tuning. Damage, range, price and so on. Because some towers feel really weak or too slow. User interface should be more PC-like and not this touchscreen version. If this was put on mobile devices first i would understand that but its here so it should look like the part. Some positive is the graphics and the cute look of things. Also what i’ve read the developer(s) seem to listen to players so thats a big positive thing too. You get like 500 gold every game (~3 minute) , but each upgrade cost like 5000. In order to progress, you need to do basic levels over and over and over again, manually. You can pretty much afford one or two tech trees. If it happen to fail at one of the later stages (hello B2-Stingray), you are completely screwed. Superliminal

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