Bloodwash Switch NSP Free Download


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Bloodwash Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Giallo films are a very acquired taste when it comes to genre cinema. Basically, these Italian-made mystery slashers serve as the jumping-off point for modern-day exploitation and slasher films, filled with enough blood-soaked delights to satisfy any gorehound out there. Bloodwash, an indie game by Henry Hoare and Jordan King, attempts to replicate this niche with their own Giallo-style throwback. Bloodwash is certainly an acquired taste when it comes to horror games. Less like a Giallo and more like a video nasty, Bloodwash is the type of horror game that folks looking for something obscure to play will certainly enjoy, especially considering the premise and style of game it recreates perfectly captures the low-budget horror film feel. The plot is simple. Sara is a pregnant college student who lives with her deadbeat husband and needs to do laundry late at night after work. Sadly, the machine in their apartment is out of order, so she needs to travel across town in their run-down neighborhood to a 24-hour laundromat. The big problem is that a killer, known as the Womb Ripper, is on the loose, murdering pregnant women and stealing their unborn fetuses.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Bloodwash Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Yeah, the Womb Ripper is a bit misogynistic. In fact, a lot of insular dialogue follows this trend as well, though it is definitely on purpose for effect. Much of the setting, presented in purposefully blocky PlayStation 1-styled graphics enhanced by VHS and CRT camera filter that you can toggle on and off for extra griminess. All of this showcases a sense of pure urban decay in ways most games tend to ignore, giving the setting a sickly character in its own right. This section of the game is the best of what Bloodwash offers. As Sara you must go through the mundane task of doing her laundry, you simply have to wait about 20-30 minutes before the real horror begins to start. In the meantime, players are given a bit of freedom to do what they please in the shopping plaza. You can speak to the folks still with open shops, browse store shelves for neat little visual gags, play in-universe microgames, or even read well-drawn comic books by real artists. Heck, you can even watch cult movie trailers on TV; any game that references Sorority Babes in the Slimeball-o-Rama knows exactly what type of audience it is appealing to.

Crusty PS1-Style Graphics.

The best part about this section is that it can also service the plot if you choose to let it. Finding photographs, police reports, and missing person fliers to show to each living person in the plaza is just one avenue you can take to really try and understand the plot and motivations of the killer. Bloodwash goes for a ‘whodunit’ kind of mystery, and like most Giallo films, takes pleasure in the slow burn until it ramps up the scares and gore. The pacing of Bloodwash does have a major drawback, and it’s simply the fact that all the scares that could happen in-game are annoying jump scares. Jump scares that are enhanced by shooting the volume up real high with creepy-sounding music and sound effects. Jump scares that force the camera to linger for a moment to look at exactly what is scaring you. Jump scares that don’t even involve the killer at times, but instead random shopkeepers and hobos hiding out in basements. Some of the jumpscares are so cliche it’s not even scary, even with the sound effects. Placing a mannequin in your pathway to frighten the player is just unnecessary padding, and tarnishes the waiting game before the action begins. Sherlock Holmes and The Hound of The Baskervilles Switch NSP

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Bloodwash Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I guess the idea is to showcase that Sara is in danger at all times to highlight the tension, but the subtle clues and waiting game in an already tense location already do that job well. There is also one section of the game that just feels tacked on to justify some extra gore and a plot hole. I won’t spoil it here, but it is the only section of the game where you don’t play as Sara. It is also the moment the horror really ramps up to a rather unsatisfying conclusion. For something I never really directly experienced myself, I have a lot of nostalgia for the halcyon days of the slasher flick. The days where the good stood alongside the bad, and it didn’t really matter which you got. You were in it to watch unrestrained filmmakers try to scare, disturb, or gross you out. They could be as tacky as they wanted to be, there was a market for it. I’m too young, which is a phrase that, at my age, always makes me laugh. But maybe something stuck with me. Maybe it was glimpses of the offputting covers of those forbidden VHSs that I saw as a kid. Perhaps I have fond memories of a grade school friend who, even at their too-young age, had a passion for horror.

The Slow Burn To Horror.

Whatever it is, I’ve been drawn to the interactive horror experiences that seem to have been spurned by indie studio Puppet Combo. Combining PS1 visuals with slasher tropes, there’s nothing quite like these lo-fi titles. Bloodwash comes to us from Henry Hoare and Jordan King and is published by Puppet Combo’s label, Torture Star Video. It’s everything we’ve come to expect and more. The premise of Bloodwash gave me pause. You’re a young, pregnant woman who is out doing laundry while a killer is on the loose. This murderer, named the “Womb Ripper” by the media, is butchering women and taking their unborn children. So, you know, the perfect night for a woman like Sara to go out and do laundry alone. The reason I hesitated is because of the concept for the villain, which, while not completely unique, is nonetheless disturbing. However, my appreciation for its late-night strip mall atmosphere won out, and I decided to give it a chance. Boiled down, Bloodwash follows pretty close to the “walking simulator” genre. There isn’t that much in terms of action, but there is some. Most characters stay in static locations, but that’s just a general guideline, not a rule. UNCHARTED Legacy of Thieves Collection

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Bloodwash Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You do what is literally written on the box, which is laundry. You’ve got a job interview tomorrow, and you find that the machine in your apartment is out of order, and the only 24/7 laundromat is on the outskirts of the city. Also, the last bus to get there is arriving soon. It’s dangerous to go alone, but you do it anyway. Where Bloodwash succeeds the most is with its atmosphere. While many of Puppet Combo’s titles have been based in abandoned locations and houses, Bloodwash takes place in a populated area, which gives the illusion of immediate safety. You aren’t alone, but, like, in a good way. There’s a guy working at the pizza place and pawnshop, and even in the laundromat, there’s another patron and a staff member there. I mean, you know things are going to go terribly wrong, but when there are people around, you’re left wondering how the carnage is going to start. Over the last couple of years, the indie horror scene has slowly become home to the world of, for lack of a better way of putting it, low-poly 3D horror games. Separate from the more typical indie fare, these games have aimed towards a very specific era of 3D visuals that evoke something close, but not quite identical to, late 90s 3D games.

First person so anything can sneak up on you.

Games like Half-Life and Quake serve as the groundwork for these wonderfully aesthetic haunts. In recent years, this style has birthed some of my favorite indies thanks to them often offering a more grounded and pragmatic experience. So is the case with Bloodwash, a new indie game developed by Black Eyed Priest/Jordan King and Henry Hoare, and produced by Puppet Combo. Inspired by Giallo horror films, Bloodwash cuts right to the bone with its deeply disturbing narrative. You play as Sara, a young college student stretched thin between her unsupportive boyfriend, joblessness, and the first few months of pregnancy. When her crappy apartment’s washer breaks down just when she needs clean clothes the most, Sara is forced to take a trip to the only 24-hour laundromat in town in the middle of the night. All that would be bad enough, but these nights are made extra dangerous thanks to a vicious killing spree, committed by the Womb Ripper, a killer that mutilates pregnant women and steals their unborn children. From the word go.

I was immediately drawn in with Bloodwash‘s surprisingly reserved pacing, which allowed the tension to build rather than sprint headlong into the scares. The game eases you into this world one step at a time and allows the atmosphere to build around you. Once Sara makes it to the laundromat, the sense of late-night loneliness, where it’s hard to not feel at least slightly unsafe, is palpable. Whether it be walking between the other open businesses next door, or simply waiting in the cold laundromat, you can feel the eerie stillness of the world around you. To ease the tension, you’re given free rein to explore the small strip mall while you wait for your clothes to finish washing and drying, finding things to make the wait more bearable. The variety of extra activities is surprisingly diverse, from flipping on the laundromat’s TV to watch old public domain cartoons and movie trailers or playing Atari era video games, there’s a lot to kill time with. One of my favorites was the inclusion of a number of fully-fleshed-out comic books that darkly mirror the Womb Ripper killings, which range in style from 1960s EC comics to the 1990s SLG indies.

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Bloodwash Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

As someone who illustrated a comic for an indie horror game last year, it’s really gratifying to see this trend catch on. The comics are put together by indie artists and creators who are all fully credited in each issue to boot. Exploring the other businesses surrounding the laundromat leads to more information about the world and the killings. Each person you can talk to offers their own perspective, and can even be pressed for more info by showing them items you collect. Some are alarmist and uninformed, while others are more down-to-earth, and others still are straight-up cryptic and bizarre. Each new character has their own quirks and personality, although all of them have a strangely uncomfortable aura, as the kinds of businesses open this late feel weirder and weirder. A 24/7 laundromat isn’t that surprising, but a hardware store? It’s worth checking in with everyone, rather than just waiting out the washer/dryer cycle (which completes in real-time), so explore as much as you can.In terms of presentation, the game features all of the “crusty” goodness you can expect from this style of game, however, it also layers a number of VHS and grain filters over top of the gameplay. Curvy Cougars Street UNCENSORED


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