BeeFense BeeMastered Switch NSP Free Download


BeeFense BeeMastered Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

BeeFense BeeMastered Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Bees and tower defense are a match made in heaven. You’ve got the hive and queen to be defended, and – if Winnie the Pooh has taught us anything – honey is going to attract a lot of attention. You have drones to protect the hive, while pollen can be gathered from the surroundings as a resource. But most of all, bees mean honeycombs, and BeeFense BeeMastered cuts the game board up into honeycomb-like hexagons, which ties the theme up in a nice little bow. It’s clearly a concept that’s worked for ByteRockers’ Games, as their 2017 PC release has got a terribly named 2021 ‘BeeMaster’ for console. Normally, a port of a PC strategy game sets off alarm bells: you can rarely translate mouse and keyboard to a game controller. But in the case of BeeFense, it’s a snug fit. BeeFense is a simple tower defense game (although simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy), and the movement to console suits BeeFense just fine. You play as a faction of bees, under the nervous rule of the Queen Bee. You mostly want to survive and flourish, but a deranged hornet queen called Queen Hornetta keeps sending wave after wave of fleas, hornets, moths and even zombees at you. You’re always on the back foot, moving from region to region just ahead of Hornetta. Luckily, you begin to gather an entourage of helpful allies, including a bandana’d Rambee and a black ninja wasp.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

BeeFense BeeMastered Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

BeeFense BeeMastered Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rumbling in the background is an ecological message that’s more than you’d expect from a tower defense game, but still gossamer thin. There are 26 levels here, unlocked linearly, and you mostly start with your base, a single bee, and a map of hexagons. Some of these hexes will be resources, with the primary ones being pollen, which generates the currency for buying and upgrading towers, and nectar, effectively a slush fund that the towers use to stay powerful. There are a couple of other tiles, including water (used to temporarily power-up your turrets) and trees which offer berries (finite, a kind of ‘research’ currency), but your first job will be to spot the gates that represent the entry-points for your enemy. They have connecting paths that wend to your hive, sometimes splitting or converging, and you’ll need to choose the placement of your towers well if you want to make the most of your limited pollen. The towers are relatively conventional, and you can probably spot the equivalents from other games. You have Cherry Guns, which are machine gun turrets that can be switched into a DPS mode or a slowing-down ‘hot wax’ mode. You also gain access to Bumblebee Bombers, which are long-range artillery, and can be upgraded into mortars or railguns. The absolute MVP is a Chestnut Shelter, a pillbox full of mines, and we raced to get one of those bad boys directly in front of our hive as soon as we could. Enemies are varied, but not in a way that’ll surprise you.


You get the big, slow bullet sponges, like the Hornet Fighters; the swarms of one-hittable Fleas; and speedy Honey Thieves that will bypass your defences unless you slow them down a tad. Moths abandon the paths completely and worms dive beneath the soil, and both – if we’re being honest – are a pain in the arse. BeeFense BeeMastered never feels like it gives you adequate tools to deal with either of them, so you’re commonly throwing the sink at them and hoping. BeeFense BeeMastered has a chunky progression system between the battling, with towers to buy and upgrade. There are also perks to unlock, like faster bees and a better starting level for each placed turret, and some consumable weapons like dung balls that can be triggered from the d-pad, acting like Raiders of the Lost Ark-style boulders. BeeFense is a substantial package for the money, even if the 26 levels seem initially low, as there’s plenty to grind for, including secondary objectives. Levels average out at about twelve minutes of play each, so you’re not just getting a quick buzz for your £6.69. This is a reasonably long game. BeeFense BeeMastered has so much going for it that it becomes hard to pinpoint why it feels unsatisfying. It’s simple, but not reductively so: you’ve got plenty of strategies available to you, and levels get difficult pretty quickly. The art style won’t be for everyone, as it’s on the garish side, but it’s got character and colour. So why were we fine leaving BeeFense BeeMastered behind?Demon’s Souls Remake PS5

BeeFense BeeMastered Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

BeeFense BeeMastered Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

A lot of it comes down to how much manual labour there is. BeeFense BeeMastered makes the bold decision to make your worker bees and your soldier bees one and the same. Building a turret means nothing if they’re not manned (bee’d?), so you have to forcibly allocate a bee to them. That bee could be gathering you resources, so you have to make a call on which is more important at any given moment. The gameplay is quite interesting in BeeFense BeeMastered. Besides the typical tower defense mechanisms, you’ll also be managing your resources and allocating bees all the time. The basics still apply: armies of zombees (yes, there are zombie bees), flees, and hornets will come for your honey and try to steal it. If you run out of honey pots, you’re done. You’ll need to install various weapons like cherry guns and bumblebee bombers that can defend your bees and the precious honey. These weapons will need bees to operate them, so make sure you have enough bees! The enemies come in waves and you can always see when the enemies are going to attack, where they will come from, and how many will march down. Besides this, your bees will be busy with other tasks as well. They have to gather pollen so you can build new defenses/weapons and raise new bees, but you’ll also need nectar to feed your bees or they will go hungry and stop working. These are mandatory, but there are also optional things to do for your bees. Even though they are not required.


They do come in quite handy and I’m sure you’ll find yourself allocating bees to these resources. I’m talking about collecting water and honey dew. The former can be used to give your towers a temporary boost, while the latter allows you to research your towers and unlock more technology or tower upgrades (I will expand on this below).  The graphics got a very nice update after the basic looks from the mobile game. I am acutally impressed about the transition from mobile to PC and console ports, both concerning graphics and the overal gaming experience! Anyway, we get some vibrant looking environments and cute looking bees, so that’s cool. The music is very casual and happy when you’re preparing your defenses and stuff, but it gets a little more intense and tunes down a bit when an attack is happening, so this was all very well balanced. I also liked that attacks were iniated by the sound of someone blowing a horn, it was simply perfect! On the field, you can reinforce your tower defenses to make them stronger. You can use pollen to do this and it will enhance your defense in significant ways. Each tower you built can be upgraded three times and a little flag on top of the tower will indicate how many upgrades its gotten. Besides this, there is also a research lab where you can put the honey dew that you gathered to good use.Real Farm Gold Edition PS5

BeeFense BeeMastered Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

BeeFense BeeMastered Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There are tower upgrades and technology upgrades to be found here. Tower upgrades make your defense towers stronger and include reinforcements like giving your boom beetle a flame thrower or giving your cherry gun incendiary ammo. Technology upgrades also come in quite handy and can be upgraded multiple times. For example, you can get a bigger nectar tank by increasing its capacity by 25, 50 and then 100%. The research lab gives you new options along the way, and even though they are pretty standard for tower defense games, I did enjoy them. While BeeFense BeeMastered is simplistic and fun in nature, I do have a few issues with it. One of the main issues I had was a bug that stopped me from opening the tower building panel in the middle of the level and I’d have to restart the game to fix it, thus losing my progress on the level. While that was very annoying, it seems to happen less in later stages of the game. That one was a bigger issue because it affected my gameplay ability heavily in the beginning. The other issues I had didn’t affect my actual gameplay as much but are still worth noting. There is only a way to toggle sound buttons but no volume control, so you either had music that was too loud or no music at all, unless you wanted to turn down your computer volume entirely. When you get into it having more bees is great for resources but then there are so many to keep track of and you need to select them individually to make them do their job, or move them to do another job.


You’ll often be left with a few bees who aren’t doing anything because they get lost in the other bees who are doing tasks, which can slow you down and make your defenses less efficient. Overall, I don’t have a lot of issues with this game other than the main bug I kept running into, which can be easily fixed in the future. BeeFense BeeMastered is a cute and simple game that is good for people who like the tower defense style. This game also features a unique resource management system that adds more gameplay. That, topped with its cute but simplistic story, makes a pretty fun experience. Even if it looks almost like an app game you’d get on your phone it still has smooth gameplay and graphics. I give BeeFense BeeMastered a 7 out of 10 rating because of its cute and relaxed style, but the fact that there are a few bugs in the game that should be fixed. The gameplay and controls are relatively simple, you right click an empty area on the level to place towers, in order to place and upgrade towers you need pollen. You also need pollen to breed more bees and nectar to keep them all fed or they will be too slow to defend. After you breed a bee you then need to select the bee by clicking on the bee and then clicking on the area you want the bee to go, either a gathering area or one of the towers to get them to do a job. As you go on there are more resources you have to gather such as honeydew to research more upgrades and water for a power boost.

The art style of the game is very cute and bright, it almost looks and plays more like a phone game rather than a computer game. There are many different towers and upgrade options, for diverse playability. While there is a lot to do, replaying the levels for more points is worth it but can be a bit tedious at times. The overall story of the game is fun and cute if not a bit simplistic, the main villain is Queen Hornetta who wants to steal all the honey. This leaves Queen Nectarina and her hive having to leave their home to find a better place to live, you travel through many different lands and encounter many enemies along the way. Overall, it is a simple but fun game that is pretty relaxing at first but can get overwhelming quickly when you need to manage so much stuff on the screen. In the remastered version of the successful mobile game, the bees will not only have to deal with the Hornet Queen and her army, but will also encounter the evil General Hornus and his henchmen in six brand new levels. Join the bee people on their journey to the land of fireflies and help them against the general’s troops. As a master of light and darkness, you’ll expand your repertoire of weapons against the nasty invaders with flares and other useful abilities.

BeeFense BeeMastered Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

BeeFense BeeMastered Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

In BeeFense – BeeMastered, the entire graphics have been reworked from the ground up without losing the charm of the mobile game. All models and textures are now in FUll HD and in a completely new light atmosphere. Rounded off by the new animations, all the characters and the world in which they move seem even more alive. Together with your army, plunge into numerous battles, plan the construction of your defenses and protect your people on the long, dangerous journey to a remote land. BeeFense – BeeMastered is our attempt to point out one of the most important issues in the animal world with this small, not entirely serious tower defense. Bees especially need to be protected from the dangers they suffer at the hands of humans. The problem is that this scales terribly. When you’ve got twenty turrets out, you don’t want to be manually shuffling bees between twenty of them before every wave. You could leave the bees in the turrets, but then they’re neglecting their resource duties, and you’ll need plenty of nectar and water for your twenty turrets to work optimally. So, you’re spending your time toing and froing between your turrets. The tools you’re given aren’t enough to handle it. You can press RB to skip to the next closest bee, but the next closest bee is often in a neighbouring turret. Often bees run out of their resource and sit there without making a fuss, wasting your precious time. It’s all a bit of a hassle.Gunslingers & Zombies Switch NSP

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