Beacon Free Download


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Beacon Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Would you look at that … Alex is about to review another rogue-lite! Yes, I am and I’m more than happy in my current cycle of dying, losing a bit of my sanity, starting over, and repeating ad-nauseam. I love this genre because it’s not about doing brilliantly, it’s about doing a little bit better each time. Eventually, you give up because your brain is bleeding or you actually get good. Very importantly, this isn’t Dark Souls “get good” when you suddenly develop an extra limb and eyes in the back of your head. This is a nice progression of getting steadily better at something until you master it and feel really good about yourself. Then show off to all your friends who don’t have the same level of insanity you do and therefore aren’t inspired to join the masochistic loop you’re living in. Today’s game is Beacon. Let’s see if it’s any good, shall we? So, I was all for the game style here before I even launched the title. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Beacon Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Beacon Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Roguelikes and rogue-lites are my jam and if the style is applied properly to the game and I’m given some fun new mechanics to play with I’m usually happy. Beacon is all about style and has a pretty unusual upgrade system so we’re off to a very good start. Let’s set this aside for the moment though and take a very brief look at the story. In Beacon, you’ve crashed your ship on the side of an unexplored alien planet. Making this particularly bad experience worse is that you’ve been killed in the process. Or, should I say, the original version of you has been killed. What’s still intact and functional in all the smashed-up debris is the ship’s cloning chamber. Kindly, this device is more than willing to cough up another version of you after you expire so you’ll get plenty of chances to explore the highly dangerous alien-infested planet. Developed by Monothetic, LLC, Beacon was released in December of 2021 on Steam after a couple of years in Early Access.

6 Randomly Generated Levels

A top-down, roguelite, twin-stick shooter, Beacon places you in the shoes of an interstellar mercenary, Freja Akiyama, as you search for your distress beacon after crash landing on an alien planet teeming with things that want you dead. Freja is fully capable of handling herself though and can utilize a vast array of weapons found across the planet. You always start with a pistol but you will wield assault rifles, grenade launchers, light machine guns, sonic cannons, and even some fancy alien tech weaponry. Alien or not, it functions to destroy your foes. Of course, you’ll have explosives on hand and not just frag grenades. How about some proximity mines or incendiary grenades or even an alien one that throws needles? There are over 300 items to find to help defend yourself. You will need all the help you can get as you scavenge the planet. The more you scavenge, the more you find, including DNA strands. Disney Dreamlight Valley 

Beacon Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Beacon Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Yep, DNA as in the double helix type. It does nothing for you when you find it but it helps when you die. You will die. Quite a bit in fact. For all the roguelites I play (it is a lot, maybe an unhealthy amount), I am always interested in the respawn mechanic and how it pertains to the story. In some games, it just happens. You die then you revive and you start over. Other games bake it right into the story which is what Beacon has done. You learn almost immediately (via a journal) that the clone bay on your ship is in an automatic print cycle so once you die, you can respawn right at the beginning over and over again. Freja’s clones are clones in the sense that they are Freja. They MAY start to look different the more you play though. You see, all that DNA you find comes into play between runs. DNA collected can be sequenced into (up to) 5 genomes. All the DNA is different and generally increases one stat while decreasing another stat.

A Rich Multi-Faction World to Scavenge

Stats include stamina, speed, luck, and health to name a few. When sequenced though, it can cause mutations. Mutations also have their positives and negatives. For example, Tungsten Guards provide a bonus to armor while lowering your resistances, or the Encumbering Claw will increase your melee range and damage but slow you down. The best part about the mutations is that they are actual visual changes on Freja. The Encumbering Claw replaces Freja’s hand with a crab-like pincer. You may grow a turtle-esque shell that protects your back and have your legs replaced by robotic ones to make you faster. Beacon contains over 100+ mutations and unlocks even more possibilities after your first successful escape. While that may not be for everyone, it opens the door for a lot of replayability. Mutations are limited in duration (they have a run counter) but this can be increased if you find one that you particularly favor. Disney Dreamlight Valley Ultimate Edition Switch NSP

Beacon Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Beacon Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

A cool side effect of the variety is that it can actually change up your playstyle. Having that claw made me want to be face-to-face so I could melee enemies. When I had the carapace mutation, I had to adapt and not be afraid to retreat as it would prevent damage until I could find health pickups. Beacon draws from a number of games and successfully fuses them. Visually, the game is vibrant and bright. Each of the six levels has their own unique look to them. While Diablo comes to mind with almost any top-down or isometric view, the pace of the game reminded me a lot of Risk of Rain 2. You are never just standing still. and combat can become really chaotic similar to when you activate the gates at the end of Risk of Rain 2’s levels. Another comparison but this one is a bit more specific is to Returnal. Without spoiling either it is hard to explain but the journal entries and the subject matter draw parallels in a cool way.

100+ Mutations and 5 DNA Types

Top-down shooters are a dime a dozen these days. In fact, so are roguelites. It is what makes that gameplay loop so satisfying that you want to start over, again and again, the crucial aspect. Beacon absolutely nails that and then some. Once things get rolling (you do have to die a few times), the (mutation) possibilities are nearly endless which means the playstyles keep changing. There are over 100 mutations in-game and with a possibility of 5 at a time, that’s….ugh math, it’s a lot. Toss in the randomization of gear you may find and no run will ever be the same. A roguelite fan’s dream scenario. Beacon is a phenomenal game and should be on everyone’s radar as a can’t miss title of 2022 (the last 2 weeks of December might as well be the new year). Hopefully, we see console ports very soon because as many people as possible need to experience this game. You find your gear as you go and there’s a lot of it.

Beacon Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Beacon Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

From weapons to auxiliaries, to passives there is a silly amount of stuff to arm yourself with. This is obviously is all being done to accentuate your build. You won’t be able to keep your kit between missions but in a fun twist, you’ll find augmented weapons that have been left behind by previous clones that will give you that much-needed leg-up. The feeling of continuity you get considering you’re playing something that changes with every new run is really something worth noting and something that keeps me wanting to come back for more. There is so much to explore and find in Beacon and this is something that makes the game stand out for me. From weapons and mods to bits of lore there is an awful lot to get your hands on. The game doesn’t just give its secrets away either. You might get lucky and find a useful bit of kit just sitting in a box in a secret room but that’s a very big might.

Some of the enemies in Beacon will absolutely flatten you and getting that wicked piece of loot might just spell and end for your run. I dropped into the game shop to see what they had for me only to be almost blown to bits by a rogue mech that just happened to be making its home there. The level of unpredictability just adds to the excitement of playing and this all adds to the addictive nature of the experience. As a little side note, (but an important one,) you’ve also got the weather to consider while you’re running about. Different storm cells explode onto the planet’s surface. If you’re going toe to toe with a large nasty and it suddenly starts raining giant shards of ice you might have to rethink your strategy. Storms always seem to hit at the worst times and this is brilliant because it just turns up the action. Lastly, I think the difficulty level of Beacon needs a quick mention. DMC Devil May Cry


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