Asterix & Obelix XXXL The Ram From Hibernia Switch XCI Free Download


Asterix & Obelix XXXL The Ram From Hibernia Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Asterix & Obelix XXXL The Ram From Hibernia Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET There was an era (which is recovering, by the way) in which all companies launched platform adventures almost without rest. All of them wanted to have their “pet” within that competitive and profitable genre, which is why they often resorted to successful characters and sagas that could have more appeal among users. That is precisely what happened with Asterix, Obelix and the rest of the characters from the famous series created by Goscinny and Uderzo, who starred in various platform adventures for different classic formats in the 8 and 16 bit era and, later, gave the leap to 3D with the arrival of new systems. One of his best-known and well-received adventures by players was Asterix & Obelix XXL., a title that appeared in 2003 for the PS2 and GameCube consoles (as well as PC) and that now comes to current formats with a very good remastering . Under the name Asterix & Obelix XXL: Romastered (yes, with “o”), Microids and the OSome Studio team have wanted to revive what, for many users, is one of the best adventures starring this pair of Gauls so famous. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Asterix & Obelix XXXL The Ram From Hibernia Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Asterix & Obelix XXXL The Ram From Hibernia Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

At least in the field of 3D, since in 8 and 16 bits they left us some truly magnificent works. A production that despite the time that has elapsed since its original release continues to maintain remarkable playability . And this has a lot of merit and speaks highly of the original product, although it is also fair to point out that on this occasion a good number of small improvements have been made, both aesthetic and playable .that bring more life to the title itself. Some swaps that go further than most of the remasters that appear on the market usually offer us, something that is greatly appreciated. The argument that puts this production on the table is not that it is the most elaborate in the universe, but it is not bad either. And, the best (and as happened with the original title), it is dubbed into our languagequite solvently, which is always appreciated. The tiny village of Armorica remains untouched by Roman occupation… at least until one day the Roman Empire decides to invade it, leaving it totally destroyed and on fire. And the worst of all is that they are not satisfied with that, since they also capture part of the friends of the two protagonists such as Panorámix, Karabella and other types.

New stylish combos and finish moves are available to beat them all!

From there we have to put our hands (and fists) to work and give the Romans their due, being necessary to go through a good number of relatively large levels such as Rome, Greece or Egypt itself. An odyssey that can take us about six or seven hours to complete .These Romans are crazy! If at least once in your life you have heard or read this sentence it means that you already know Asterix & Obelix , a couple of Gauls who in the imagination of René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo were able to stand up to the infinite and powerful Roman army on their own. Thanks to the mythical Magic Potion created by Panoramix, which guaranteed the two (and their entire village) superhuman strength. Their adventures have colored hundreds of comic pages but also entertained millions of gamers since 1983, when the first video game was released on the Atari 2600 . Since then, with an enviable total of just under 30 titles , they have reached virtually all platforms. The narrative premise of Asterix & Obelix XXL: is obviously based on the eternal rivalry between the Gauls and the army commanded by Julius Caesar, increasingly angered by the inexplicable and grim resistance of this small group of rebels. Ion Fury

Asterix & Obelix XXXL The Ram From Hibernia Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Asterix & Obelix XXXL The Ram From Hibernia Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

But all of a sudden, with a surprise raid, a handful of Roman soldiers managed to kidnap some villagers. These are held captive not in the capital of the Empire but sent to its four corners , a gimmick that allowed the developers of the time to give some variety to the game’s locations. In accordance with its remaster status, Asterix & Obelix XXL does not change the formula of the original game. You still embody the two brave Gauls who, following an attack by Caesar on the village of diehards, captured a good part of the protagonists of the comic strip. Scattered across the four corners of the world, Asterix’s friends are waiting for only one thing: for him to come and rescue them. The title will therefore be an opportunity to visit several countries, from Gaul via Egypt to Italy, countries through which you will have to make your way generally by distributing a maximum of slaps to the Romans, solving a few little puzzles and making sure you collect as many helmets as possible to be able to buy new combos from the street vendors.  The very redundant structure of the game, quite archaic today, is not helped either by a gameplay which has certainly taken a hit of old.

Challenges in each levels demanding skills to get success and rewards.

You will hammer the button of blows to increase a gauge of combo and to accelerate the speed of your slaps, and will be able, once the gauge to the maximum, to use your combos which miss a little originality. Certainly, if you go to the highest difficulty modes (an extreme mode has been added and unlocks once the game is finished), it will be almost impossible to pass the game without exploiting them, but ultimately, their use does not provide an enormous feeling of power and the capricious camera, when the Romans are very numerous, prohibit the precision of certain blows or the precise location of theIf on PC , things go better and guarantee superior visibility of the action, the rendering on Switch is much more confused and even has the luxury of experiencing very significant framerate drops when the cards are a little more open or too many enemies and rare smoke effects.The game follows a classic set-up for an Asterix and Obelix story; the inhabitants of our heroes Gaulish village have been kidnapped by Romans, so its up to our intrepid duo to set-off in hot pursuit to save their chums from the vile machinations of Julius Caesar. Hedon Bloodrite

Asterix & Obelix XXXL The Ram From Hibernia Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Asterix & Obelix XXXL The Ram From Hibernia Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This will see them visit lands like Egypt and Greece to jump on platforms, solve rudimentary puzzles, punch legionaries and smash, quite literarily, thousands and thousands of unattended crates to collect helmets. If you’ve played any 3D platformer over the last twenty years then you’ll know exactly what to expect here. What does the whole ‘Romastered’ bit entail then? Basically you get updated graphics, refined sound and a handful of new challenges to undertake that have been peppered throughout the levels. These consist of time challenges in which you have to collect coins or race to a finish line. It’s, in all honesty, a tad underwhelming as an offering. Though there’s a neat idea that sees you able to switch between the remake and the original game with the tap of a button. This device is even utilised within the gameplay, the player having to switch between the two modes to be able to see and collect all the coins in a time challenge for example. On the downside, it also serves to reveal how little has changed between the original and the remake.

6 new worlds and use objects around you to unlock access to hidden paths.

If you’re after a significant improvement to the graphical fidelity of the original then you’re going to be disappointed, this is as basic a polish-up as you’ll find. What this remake needed, more than being a bit prettier, was an entire overhaul of the original’s fundamental gameplay mechanics. Sadly, that hasn’t happened. And because of that, look forward to spending most of your time with the game beating up boxes to collect Legionnaire helmets. Who knew that the Pharaoh’s of Ancient Egypt had such a predilection for stacking wooden crates everywhere. It’s a wonder they even ever had time to build any temples with all that box carrying going on. Every level is suffused with crates to smash, rendering it a tedious and repetitive activity. There’s no sense of accomplishment in finding a particularly well-hidden collectable as you’re literally tripping over the things. Worse still is the lack of a motivational reason to go collectable hunting. You’re meant to be able to use the helmets to buy items and power-ups from the in-game shop but there’s so few products on offer that you’ll struggle to spend your ill gotten gains.

Even more aggravating are the stupid and frustrating challenges you must overcome that require you to collect a huge amount of helmets – even though you already have a huge amount of helmets. Take one activity that required Asterix and Obelix to ski down a precarious snow coated mountain. A smug NPC demanded that I collect two thousand helmets whilst hurtling down from the peak, despite the clunky controls rendering this fairly impossible. This same NPC then taunted me with the fact he had an item that I would require to progress any further and – surprise, surprise – he’d only give it up in return for all those helmets. Why did he want two thousand bonce protectors? Who knows. I tried the challenge something like nine times before managing it, on each attempt grinding my teeth with the knowledge that I already had seven thousand helmets but for some reason the NPC wouldn’t accept those helmets as payment. What was the problem, did they have the wrong ear flaps or something? What’s the point of collecting collectables if the game world and its inhabitants render them entirely pointless.

Asterix & Obelix XXXL The Ram From Hibernia Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Asterix & Obelix XXXL The Ram From Hibernia Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Combat doesn’t fare much better and is a tedious case of smashing one button repeatedly as you punch through hordes of your foes. There’s little to break up the monotony, other than calling in your dog – Dogmatix – to bite a Roman’s bum. Other than that, you’d best make sure you do some thumb stretches to prepare yourself for all the button mashing. I suppose there’s a few moments of enjoyment to be had from the combat, finding the weak point in Roman shield formations provides a hint of strategy, but then when you do find the weakness it’s just a case of standing in place and spamming the attack button – so hardly revelatory. And that’s the quintessential problem with Asterix & Obelix XXL: Romastered. This a game that’s made up of finding collectables, fighting Romans and solving puzzles and two thirds of those things are just plain boring to do. Puzzles fair better but any enjoyment to be had is tempered by the fact that everything you’re tasked with doing is a puzzle you’ve solved countless times over the last seventeen years. Safely carrying flaming torches to light distant fires and switching between characters to remove obstacles are solid but uninspiring fare. WEST HUNT

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