ARK: Survival Evolved Free Download


  ARK: Survival Evolved Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Ark: Survival Evolved Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Running up a snowy mountain firing a machine gun at a woolly mammoth from the back of a tyrannosaurus is a fantastic example of the reason many video games exist: living out ridiculous childhood fantasies. ARK: Survival Evolved has plenty of that to go around across its multiple sprawling maps – which it calls ARKs – which can be explored solo or crowded with up to 100 players. Some lingering technical issues, bad dino AI, and an extreme amount of grinding to reach endgame are the main factors keeping it from being as sharp in the tooth as it could be. Like many of the survival/crafting games of the genre it partially helped popularize, ARK dumps you on the beaches of a massive, foreboding island with just enough clothing to stay modest and your own two fists. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

ARK Survival Evolved Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

ARK Survival Evolved Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

From there, the challenge is to stay fed and hydrated while avoiding a huge variety of terrifyingly detailed dinosaurs and other beasts long enough to progress up the tech tree. Early in the life of a character, you might be taking out dilophosaurs with throwing spears and hoping a triceratops doesn’t come and knock your thatch hut over in the middle of the night. From there, there’s a really nice flow of technological progression that makes advancement feel like more than just an increase in stats. Thirty hours later, you may preside from a sturdy stone castle from atop which you snipe pterasaurs out of the air with a rifle. By the endgame, it’s possible to have a massive steel fortress full of blast furnaces, complete with electric lighting and gas generators, churning out components for building rocket launchers and SCUBA gear.

Fjordur – ARK Expansion Map

But the excitement is dulled as the amount of menial grinding required to reach the higher tiers of technology goes up exponentially, to the point where it could take an entire day of playtime just to stock up on ammunition for certain weapons. This can cause things to really start to drag when you’re just getting access to some of the most interesting tech – especially if you don’t have a large tribe of other players to help you divide the labor. It’s one of those games that can be played solo, but at least on PvP servers, I wouldn’t recommend it. Players are your greatest opportunity and your greatest danger. On public PvP servers, other players are both your greatest opportunity and greatest danger. Farming Simulator 22

ARK Survival Evolved Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

ARK Survival Evolved Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

As I learned the hard way more than once, making sure your shelters are hidden from potential looters is far more important than making sure they are strong, and I often returned from less than 12 hours offline to find my barricades wrecked and hours worth of resource harvesting hauled off. Things get much better if you can work your way into a strong tribe of players that can protect your stuff 24/7. In offline single-player, there’s actually an extensive and detailed sort of campaign to follow that will take you to a variety of monster-filled caves to acquire artifacts and summon three challenging bosses. There’s a giant spider queen and a bona-fide fire-breathing dragon!


These encounters show quite a bit of attention to detail, though they rely a bit too heavily on summoned minions to increase the difficulty. It’s also extremely punishing to lose in one of these encounters because not only will you lose any armor, weapons, and ammo you had equipped – potentially several hours of gathering and crafting – but you’ll also lose the artifacts needed to summon the boss, forcing you to replay those challenging caves all over again. Narrative flourish distinguishes ARK from its genre brethren. Defeating all three bosses unlocks an endgame dungeon that reveals a surprising amount of backstory behind the ARKs and their purpose, which came as a pleasant surprise in a game that’s ostensibly just about riding dinosaurs around and smelting ore on first glance. Resident Evil Village

ARK Survival Evolved Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

ARK Survival Evolved Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It’s this narrative flourish more than anything that really distinguishes ARK from its genre brethren. The sheer amount of time and effort required to get there the traditional way is probably more than most solo players have the attention span for – even after more than 60 hours of focused play I had to resort to using console commands to shortcut certain steps just to be able to access the final area in time to write this review. Beyond the bosses, I was highly impressed by the diversity of creatures crammed into each ARK – most of which can be tamed, and many can even be ridden once the appropriate saddle is unlocked and crafted. From bumbling, docile dodos all the way up to the colossal, carnivorous Gigantosaurus (Latin for “I bet you wish I was merely a T-Rex”), each looks fantastic and has a distinct set of behaviors you’ll have to learn to deal with them. Riding with a pack of direwolves or taking flight on the feathered argentavis for the first time were major highlights of my ARK experience.

ARK: Scorched Earth

While I think ARK is probably one of the best examples of the what the genre is actually capable of and blows many of its clones completely out of the water, I left it thoroughly exhausted by the grind, and vowed not to touch another game of its kind for a very long while. At the same time, ARK can also be a pretty incredible experience for all its many flaws, so for as numb as I was by the end of it, it gave me plenty to look back on with approval. The elephant in the room you hear constantly about ARK is that it has numerous glitches both in the graphical and technical department. This is all true. ARK is a nightmare of micro issues, weird performance spikes, bizarre graphical glitches, generally bad A.I. and collision detection, and seemingly not much of this was rectified for the final release. Grand Theft Auto V

ARK Survival Evolved Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

ARK Survival Evolved Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

If it was, I commend its early access players: you are patient saints, all the gods bless your little souls. Pretty quickly though this becomes something you just sort of live with while playing ARK, and at least for me, it was a nuisance more often than not, and not typically something that broke the game for me. That said, I will make one recommendation up front; make sure you have a decent system. My own machine is showing its age, apart from a graphics card which is on the lower end of the spectrum. I had to tinker with settings quite a bit to find a nice balance between the admittedly pretty graphics and reasonable performance, and while the game certainly ran smoothly for me most of the time, for the less patient it might be a better move to get equipped before you jump in.

Not that it will matter much in the first couple of hours as you frantically punch trees and pick shrubs and chip away at rocks to gain as many resources as possible to give yourself a sense of protection from the prehistoric nasties that litter the dangerous world around you. This very much makes up the bulk of the gameplay in ARK all throughout the experience. We call these survival games, and that’s true to a point but ultimately after a solid hour of play, it won’t be too difficult to live the darkness of night, hunger, or weather conditions; so the survival element comes into play more when dealing with hostile creatures, or the infamously difficult climb against other, more well-equipped players. Poppy Playtime


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