Among Ashes Free Download


Among Ashes Download GAMESPACK.NET

I wish Steam had something between a Yes or No rating, because this is a very interesting game that i would recommend, but there are a few problems that hold it back for me. Mainly it comes down to the balancing of Night Call, the game within the game. It feels like a Resident Evil clone in first person, but ammo feels too scarce and certain enemies hit way too hard (even when you’re blocking) and move too fast to avoid. I don’t know the enemy names, but the large one that covers its head is a particular nuisance. It’s not a good sign when enemies show up and your main thought is “well there goes all my ammo and health.” Honestly, sometimes it feels like a roadblock that just kills the pacing and mood. I want to cut it some slack because it was only made by one person, and it’s a very cool game, but it needs a patch that gives more ammo, or improves blocking, or nerfs certain enemies, before I can give it a full recommendation

If you’re even remotely considering getting this game, stop reading and buy it. It’s a lot of fun and not expensive. This game scared me. I don’t usually get scared by horror games, but this one got to me. If you’re into horror games with puzzle elements, I definitely recommend it. Although, I do wish there were more puzzles. During my playthrough, I encountered a few glitches. The most annoying one happened when I tapped out of the “Night Call” game and was in a browser. If I stayed there long enough, my mouse cursor would disappear. The only way to fix it was for the cursor to randomly reappear or to restart the game. I had to restart once, and that caused another issue: some of Mark’s messages I had seen before restarting didn’t resend. This made me think my game had glitched out. When I encountered a puzzle I didn’t fully understand, I thought, “Mark is supposed to message me,” but it turned out I just wasn’t doing the right thing. I guess it’s fitting, considering the nature of the game. Magicbook AutoBattler

Lastly, there were a few frame-rate hiccups here and there, but I assume that’s due to the game’s structure. I imagine creating a game within a game might not be fully loved by the engine. Despite these minor setbacks, I really enjoyed my time with the game. If you’re a fan of games like “Resident Devil” and others in its genre, you will definitely enjoy this one.


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