Amnesia: Later x Crowd Switch XCI Free Download


Amnesia: Later x Crowd Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Amnesia Later x Crowd Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET PSP and PS Vita visual novels have recently seen re-releases on the Nintendo Switch, making it don the proud title of “Visual Novel Machine III.” This moniker holds especially true with Idea Factory-developed titles, with a handful of titles coming west by way of the console hybrid. One of those games is Amnesia Later x Crowd, a two-in-one otome featuring Amnesia Later and its fandisc Amnesia Crowd (which I’ll refer to as “Later” and “Crowd” henceforth to prevent redundancy). Both titles were individual releases on the PSP, but now they’ve been rereleased on Nintendo Switch as a singular package. We’ll begin with Amnesia: Later, which is a sequel to Amnesia Memories’s true ending that takes place in a new realm called the New World. You’re once again tagged with a nameless protagonist who unfortunately lost her memories in an accident with a spirit named Orion during one faithful August. This is an entirely new parallel scenario, and there is no strict need to play its predecessor since TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Amnesia Later x Crowd Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Amnesia Later x Crowd Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Later will happily reintroduce you to all of the characters and love interests one by one. Still, you might find it slightly more enjoyable if you played Memories. Later uniquely features absolutely no bad endings. There is a normal ending for each route, which basically means your relationship with your love interest hasn’t deepened. Alternatively are good endings, where you accept the male lead’s love and become their girlfriend. Just like its predecessor, we don’t have a flowchart, but given that there aren’t any bad endings, it wasn’t as much of a negative, comparatively speaking. Still, regardless of the ending, Orion constantly got on my nerves. I honestly can’t believe how much I wished that he was just never there. But let’s say that none of the five love interests are enough to make you swoon. We’ve all been there, myself included. Amnesia: Later offers two additional stories on top of the main mode: Girl’s Party and Waka’s World.

Quality of Life

The former primarily focuses on the three girls the protagonist has been in contact with, with the love interests taking a backseat this time around. As for the latter, the story takes place exactly one month before the protagonist’s amnesia, and you’ll see the four sides of the Meido no Hitsuji manager. It’s notable how many different and enjoyable stories are present throughout these modes. Now, let’s move on to the second game of the package before I ramble any further, and that is Amnesia: Crowd, the fandisc to Later. As expected, this title offers a selection of “what-if” alternatives to the events we’ve seen in Later. You can also play a selection of minigames and a rather interesting point-and-click adventure. Furthermore, you can obtain currency known as Orion Points, which can be used to obtain a random new event that you can later view from the event menu. Tunic 

Amnesia Later x Crowd Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Amnesia Later x Crowd Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You can even play a quiz to see how well you know the Amnesia IP. I found the selection of games a cute way to pass the time, even though the Accounting one makes my brain almost explode. Regarding story scenarios, Crowd has two options: Suspense and Love. The former is a point-and-click adventure where you must save the protagonist and the love interest from a particularly hairy situation. Then, for the former, you’ll choose one of the five love interests and have a nice interactive date where if you manage to meet certain conditions, you’ll obtain a special illustration. In short, this fandisc is better suited after you’ve wrung all the content available from Later, as most of it can be considered secondary content at best. So I’m glad that they smushed the two releases together.Amnesia: Later x Crowd is simply an outstanding package for its price

Shin and the heroine walking hand in hand

Offering a great selection of stories to enjoy, especially compared to its predecessor. I honestly didn’t know what to expect from this double feature, but the titles complement each other so well, and I would definitely recommend it to any fans who want to spend more time with this endearing cast. He is a year younger than the heroine and her childhood friend. He is not the type to show his affection very often, but that makes him adorable. In the original game he knew about the heroine’s amnesia right away and helped her in her quest to regain her memories. All the while trying to solve a sort of mystery. In this game Shin is studying hard to get into his dream school, while trying to juggle making time for his girlfriend and work through previous issues. He is super hard working and I really admire this about him. Unicorn paradigm

Amnesia Later x Crowd Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Amnesia Later x Crowd Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

kki is your ladies’ man for all intents and purposes, he even has his very own fan club. He is very charming and caring but cares a lot about what his fan club thinks. The heroine is not just in a relationship with Ikki but also with his girl group. This was a big theme in Amnesia: Memories, but in the end they did fall in love and Ikki had to confront his fan club. This game will continue with the heroine trying to figure out how to be in a relationship with a ladies’ man. Kent is an analytical nerd type, who is very blunt and says whatever comes to mind. He can seem a bit arrogant at first, but later we find out he just really knows his stuff. In the first game we learned that he only dated the heroine for three days before her amnesia. While dating they were constantly arguing, but after the heroine’s amnesia, they grow to understand each other and build a healthy relationship.

Shin (Heart World)

Last time we also left off with Kent going to work in London at the end of August, in Later x Crowd this topic will be a big part in them working out their relationship. Toma had been a childhood friend of the heroine, together with Shin. He is overall very kind and really cares for the heroine. But his personality can take “caring” for the heroine a bit too far. In the original game, he finds out the heroine was being bullied by a group of girls. As a result, he tries to hide this from her and tries his hardest to keep her inside, so that he can protect her (his good intentions go south real quick). In these fan disks he tries to make everything right with the heroine and start anew with a healthy relationship.Ukyo is a bit of a wild card. He seems to have a split personality, which he does know about, and he can go from being innocent and kind to creepy and saying how you will die.

Amnesia Later x Crowd Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Amnesia Later x Crowd Switch XCI Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

But in the Joker World, which is Ukyo’s route, we found out all the blanks about the amnesia world. And as it turns out he has been through a lot, and this really made me feel for him. In Later x Crowd the heroine deals with being in a relationship with someone who has a split personality. This reminded me a little of the Gollum Smeagol situation in Lord of the Rings (Ukyo is a lot better, so don’t worry). Amnesia: Later serves as an effective epilogue that goes through a small introduction to the cast from a fireflies event that helps you see just the beginning of the characterization of the characters. You then have the option to choose to go to the event and spend time with any of the male love interests, the girls, or Waka the manager of the cafe you work at. Whoever you choose decides what After story event you unlock.

This After Story event takes place shortly after the end of the Amnesia: Memories story. If you choose Waka, you get an unlock of Waka’s World, a mode that separates Waka into four personalities that you get to choose to get to know. This is honestly where my favorite part of the game shines for me, letting me see more of characters who did not get a big spotlight in the first game. Sadly it still doesn’t have a lot of content for the four Waka’s. If you choose to spend the firefly event with the girls, you unlock the game mode Girls’ Party. You get to essentially gossip with the girls about the main love interests that then unlocks their profile for you to view. Each girl gives you gossip for different guys in the game. Be sure to redo the prologue event plenty of times to unlock every mode in order to finish them and unlock the final route which is another moment where this game shines. UNO

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