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This portion of the review is where you really start to see the flaws in the design. While not being absolutely terrible, performance and optimization can be improved by quite a bit. For starters, the visual settings leaves a lot to be desired; No option to adjust the Gamma and Brightness (How and why this is absent is beyond me, ESPECIALLY in a horror game which is straight up mandatory as far as I’m concern) No way to disable Motion Blur as it’s tied into the Post-Processing (really wish developers would STOP doing this, please just make it two separate options, especially when this game uses a very aggressive form of Motion Blur) Changing the Video Quality settings doesn’t seem to actually do anything, at least visually. Performance wise, you can definitely tell that it’s doing something as my framerate nearly doubles when lowering them to low setting but visually speaking; there’s virtually no difference between Low settings and High Settings. Both Visual and Sound ques/context sensitive interactivity is either bugged or outright missing as it can be very difficult to distinguish what you can and cannot interact with; basically forcing you to randomly click on almost everything you see and/or hear. Internet Cafe Simulator 2025


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