ALICE VR Free Download



ALICE VR Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Alice VR is devoted to atmosphere and storytelling. This is a title that’s leisurely paced to allow you time to explore, ponder and enjoy the striking environments. It’s a ‘walking simulator’, one built specifically for VR that suits the new platform splendidly. And although it’s a bit rough around the edges, this is certainly a title worth experiencing. Sometimes it’s nice to relax a bit when playing a game. Shooting, smashing, running, leaping and otherwise getting into action packed mischief is all well and good, but immersing yourself in a world and gradually uncovering its mysteries can often be just a satisfying. And indeed, Alice VR fits this bill wonderfully, taking you on an adventure of exploration and wonder through a re-imagined sci-fi version of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. You play as Alice, having been woken up from cryosleep by your ship’s AI due to your ship suffering damage and being in need of fuel. After a few puzzles that result in repairs to your ship, you are whisked away to a nearby planet in order to fetch materials to get your ship flying through the cosmos again. However, with the planet’s citizens mysteriously missing.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



you soon find yourself on a quest to figure out precisely what is going on. The pacing is slow and largely dictated by how quickly you want to proceed. Locations are large and full of detail. Visual oddities, cryptic advice from a mechanical companion, gravity based puzzles and an eerie musical score, accompany you and encouraged you to explore the beautiful and trippy scenery. It’s a very good sci-fi facsimile of Wonderland that does a great job of compelling you to discover its secrets, surprising you with clever nods to the book and straight up weird vistas that you won’t see anywhere else. Beyond exploring and enjoying the tale, there are puzzles to solve. These are fairly simply ones as well, largely based on gravity, pattern recognition, shrinking, and, unfortunately, trial and error. They never yet too cerebral, but they often scratch just enough of your grey matter to feel satisfying to complete. The trial and error ones are less tolerable, and can take you out of the experience a bit, reminding you this otherwise intriguing planet is in fact a game environment. However, it all appears to be in service of the story and the exploration. Alice VR means to provide you with a wondrous world to experience at your own pace, with as few barriers as possibly to your progress.

ALICE VR – Artbook.

You’re not working from one puzzle to the next urgent to see the ending, instead you’re here to witness the brilliantly trippy sci-fi aesthetic. However, whilst it’s intriguing enough to pull you in the first time you play it, its replayability isn’t so strong. There are plenty of hidden items to uncover, but once you’ve reached the end, experienced the story and seen all the locales, there’s little incentive to return. Mind you, with a five hour playthrough it’s one of the longer story-based VR titles, and with monitor support included, you can always experience the wacky world of Alice VR minus the VR. There is a subgenre of games permeating the marketplace that focuses on story and atmosphere. Titles like Gone Home and Firewatch have managed to capture the hearts of the discerning gamer because they package an all encompassing experience. By fostering a sense of connection with people and places, it allows the player to become invested and, hopefully, feel. Some people might dismiss these games as “walking simulators,” which the worst of the genre does earn. For the best of them, though, the moniker is overly reductive. Carbon Studio’s Alice VR can be counted among the best. Many of the slower paced, exploratory titles of this adventure sub-genre attempt to elicit a specific emotion.Ancient Dungeon



From a sense of pending dread to a general emotional malaise, each successful title can hit an effective tone for the player. Alice VR‘s overarching theme is that of wonder. A science fiction retelling of the Lewis Carroll classic, the player takes control of Alice as she awakens on a space ship on the brink of disaster. After performing some light repair work via solving some puzzles, she is shunted off to a nearby planet to recover materials to complete repairs. That is where the game truly comes into its own. The planet is filled with trippy touches and striking imagery. There’s an adorable robotic companion who pops up from time to time to offer cryptic advice, and tons of interesting environmental details. To give one early example, the player will be driving a moon rover type vehicle across the sandy plains while watching as sharks swim through the skies. Even the dream sequences that focus on solid colors hold an ethereal beauty. People who want to explore a striking new land in a relaxing fashion will be in heaven here. Adding to this are some interesting puzzles. An early one that involved rearranging pieces of a coil to reactivate the ships engine was simple and clever. Traversal puzzles that goof around with gravity are a delight to solve as they force a level of three dimensional thinking that is satisfying to solve.

Tailor-made for VR from the ground up – no compromises!

Looking back at a freshly completed maze of magnetic walls just has a way of letting the player feel like an intellectual monster. While praising the puzzles, and most are good, it feels unfair not to point out that there are a few duds. Guiding a robot around a floor of mechanical panels might seem like fun on paper, but there is no real indicator as to the correct path. This means that the puzzle becomes a case of trial and error. If the panel turns green when the bot rolls onto it, it was correct. If not, the panel will lower, and the bot has to start at the beginning. There are also lever puzzles like this, where the correct order to switch them is found only through guess work. Again, most are good, which makes the lesser ones appear as stark let downs.Really, though, this is a game focused on the experience. Part of this experience comes from the technology. While the game can absolutely be played on a regular monitor, is was built for VR, supporting both Oculus and Vive. I went with the Vive option. Using the room scale controllers doesn’t add to the experience much, beyond being able to point and pull a trigger to open a door or flip a switch. Oculus users won’t be missing out.Back to Freedom UNCENSORED



What is especially interesting is the locomotion system used. There is no teleporting here. Up on the left stick (of Vive pad) moves the player forward. Left or right strafes in that direction. To change direction, the player will need to physically turn. I was nervous at first, fearing that the disconnect would lead to motion induced problems. I still tried to play it standing for a bit, and didn’t find the experience too jarring. After some time, though, I did opt to sit in a rotating chair, for out of concern that I might be feeling some sort of disorientation. Upon reflection, this was probably psychosomatic. Still, choosing to sit allowed me to make believe that I was playing as the first hero ever to save the day while reclining in a Rascal, so that was fun. When it comes to the whole virtual reality thing, it was discovered very quickly that it all hinged on one aspect: the ability to not have a large section of the user base being physically nauseous, for the mind plays interesting tricks and maybe humans are not so advanced as thought. Without the perception of space – and the body in that space – the mind simply breaks down. Here, we have problem number one with Alice VR: moving. What many developers have quickly discovered with first-person virtual experiences is the value in eliminating all but the most necessary movement.

Gripping story with multiple endings that lets you choose your own path.

They have replaced this with a ‘look-to-a-spot and teleport’ system. Is it the most lore friendly immersive system? No, of course not, but if the alternative is genuine nausea, it’s probably worth the compromise. The lack of this compromise here is what puts things off on a bad way straight from the first moment of being woken out of stasis on an abandoned vessel. The computer AI in control of the ship quickly directs the player around the various stations on board to carry out tasks in order to prepare for the shuttle landing on a nearby planet to collect fuel. The hibernation must have played real body havoc, though. Movement is done through the analogue sticks on the Oculus Rift and as the floating protagonist glides forward, the real-life protagonist endures a lurching roller coaster ride sensation. Turning with the sticks is almost dizzying, but thankfully there are ‘snap to turn’ controls on the D-pad, which just about alleviates that particular problem. Now, of course, a clarification has to be made. This is all personal. Some people are just better used to this kind of thing, or as it has become known, have found their ‘virtual reality legs.’ That said, when the experience of moving in a straight line is more hurl-inducing than flying a spitfire through a mountain pass, there is probably an issue. It really goes back to that sense of space and place as mentioned prior.

There are some sections based in a rover vehicle and these are more manageable because it makes sense to the brain. It would not have been hard to give the main character some feet that were visible to give relativity to movement and keep the brain from collapsing under the weight of trying to process it. More simply, a point-and-click teleport mechanic would have alleviated a great many issues. It is even more of a struggle because many of the puzzles throw in a gravity switch section, in which the concepts of horizontal and vertical movement no longer have any meaning. The unfortunate thing is that for many this is likely to have them lifting off the headset to try and enjoy the adventure through more traditional gaming means, which is a deep shame. Having said all of that, it would almost be worth it for a memorable and engrossing experience. The sad reality is that Alice VR stands as more of a tech demo of the increasing power of the Unreal Engine to deliver virtual reality. At least it is a good example of the visual tech, with the city section particularly standing out impressively. Alice VR works on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and is also compatible with Razer OSVR. Traditional controllers are supported on Oculus, while both them and motion controllers work on Vive.



The game is designed to be the most comfortable VR experience possible. After a lot of research and discussions with gamers, we’ve learned how to make the game enjoyable even for players new to VR. We want you to feel relaxed through your entire playthrough. Although the world and setting is colourful and bright, and it is easy at times to stare in wonder and be totally immersed, however, these fleeting moments are hidden under a four-hour plot, which mostly consists of a walking simulator of rudimentary puzzles involving flipping switches. It’s more disappointing, as there was a real opportunity to take advantage of an excellent pulsating futuristic soundtrack, as well as positional surround sound, which delivers more of the excellent VR immersion. A lot of care had clearly been taken with the voices, as well, which, although sparse in terms of characters, are all performed skilfully. There are even missed opportunities to further awe-inspire, such as the initial shuttle ride down to the planet. On the main ship, the player gets a tease when they step onto the bridge and can look through the viewing screen at the vast planet below in the darkness of space. However, this ride down, which could have been a spectacular set piece, is instead removed for a loading screen after embarking. This exact situation is a sign of things to come, especially with the poor payoff at the end of the experience.Blazblue Cross Tag Battle 


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