Ebola 2 Free Download


Ebola 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Ebola 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Indie Games Studio (actual name) recently launched in Early Access Ebola 2 on Steam. Ebola 2 is a first-person survival horror game currently priced at just $12.99, with a planned Early Access phase to last only one or two months, after which time the price is expected to increase. Ebola 2 seems to be a sequel to the original Ebola video game published by Indie Games Studio in 2019. In fact, both games use nearly the exact same cover art. But whereas Steam has Ebola listed as having ‘mixed’ reviews, Ebola 2 is currently rated at ‘positive’. The original Ebola is still on Steam, included in the platform’s Winter Sale with a 67% discount to $4.61. Indie Games Studio also currently has three bundles with various numbers of game in each being sold at $20.43 (four games / 55% discount), $31.56 (12 games / 71% discount), and $40.74 (21 games / 72% discount). Ebola 2 comes with a mature content warning for scenes of violence and blood, and is not recommended for gamers under the age of 18, “as well as to people with a weak psyche.” According to the Steam page notes, the game’s story involves an “accident” at Krot 529, a “secret facility where different viruses and vaccines against them were created.” As a member of a special emergency team dispatched to the facility, your mission is to enter the lab “to recover the consequences of the accident.”TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Ebola 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Ebola 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Ebola 2 features non-linear survival horror gameplay through the secret underground labs’ 10-story structure. Each floor has its own unique interior, the notes state, with design emphasis placed on environment, lighting, and audio, all to present you with an immersive atmosphere of horror and tension throughout the game. To assist in your survival efforts, you’ll be able to interact with a great many in-game objects, as well as numerous weapons. You’ll need to use both to the best of your advantage to deal with environmental obstacles, various multiple enemy creatures, and “unique epic bosses”. Even though the game just hit Early Access, the studio states it’s currently “completely playable”, with a beginning and an end, and with all the mechanics in between working stably. If you’re looking to escape the real-world pandemic for a while to fight a virtual one, check out more Ebola 2 info on Indie Games Studio’s Facebook and Twitter channels. The fact that this developer knows damn well he’s been busted on stealing trailers from the Unreal marketplace to make his game trailers.. and that he still hasn’t taken those videos down says everything we need to know about his character and his integrity. Do you really want to support an indie developer who has such low levels of honesty and ethics? Please carefully consider who you support with your hard earned money.


This developer has proved now that he doesn’t give a damn about his actions or the intellectual property he has stolen and claimed as his own. If he gave a damn, he’d already have removed all the current trailers which don’t show true gameplay from his game anyway. This game is just more extremely low effort garbage made up of pretty assets purchased off the Unreal marketplace. Much of the video footage and the trailer itself is stolen from asset pack trailers on the Unreal marketplace as well. Avoid this like you’d avoid Covid or erm an Ebola plague. Save your money. Stop judging games by their pretty graphics err assets and look for games made from real effort and inspiration rather than made from assets. My score… an unimpressed 2 out of 10. The dialogue seems to be made from the developer. Unless of course this is all just an asset pack called “Thesin” as the executable for this game is thesin.exe which I find interesting too. Things that make you go hmmm.. When you first check out the store page for Ebola 2, you might question its validity if you notice the developer’s name is indie_games_studio; a company title so generic it beckons the call of ‘obvious scam’ to those who’ve been burned by one too many of the shovelware releases on Steam. It also doesn’t help matters that the game was removed for some time due to a DMCA complaint regarding the soundtrack, a qualm which has since been resolved, and a developer behind the curtain who was less-than-mature about the whole situation.Monster Sanctuary

Ebola 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Ebola 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

However, beyond the veil of everything that has attempted to keep Ebola 2 from surviving lies a game that strives to revive the long dead challenge of survival horror classics. Make no mistake about it, Ebola 2 is far from being a unique entry into horror, but not much is these days. Everything has been done to death, and this title does nothing to try and reinvent the wheel. Put simply, it’s the original Resident Evil, in first-person mode, and the developer doesn’t even try to hide that fact. The similarities are shamelessly in-your face; you have to save using ink and a typewriter, there’s a chest for your items, you heal with herbs, and all of the generic stock weapons are included. Except this time it’s not some mysterious virus that a power-hungry corporation has unleashed, it’s Ebola, and you’re not escaping from a mansion, it’s a storied military complex. Now, you may be thinking about passing up on this release since it could simply be a Half-Life mod, but stick around and listen to why you might wanna consider otherwise. Game developers have strayed far from the light of what true ‘survival horror’ means; most of the time, the classification is broad and generic these days, with some releases seeming to think that limited inventory space is a sole qualifier. Much like the original Resident Evil, survival horror is meant to be tough, and most modern releases have neglected presenting a real challenge.

Unique epic bosses.

Ebola 2 absolutely fixes that, and it scratches an itch that has long been out of reach within this sub-genre. There’s limited, non-expandable inventory space; there’s extremely limited ammo and health items; there’s limited ink for saving. If you do not micromanage yourself correctly and you go into a boss fight with inadequate ammo or health items, your run is pretty well done, and that’s what makes this release so difficult, yet at the same time so fun and immersive. Hell, you even have to burn zombie bodies to keep them from coming back to life… remember that old-school mechanic? The graphics here are surprisingly good, even if the enemy models are a little cheesy. The developer even went as far to include a few minimal FMV sequences, just like in the original Resident Evil release, and that’s an attention to detail that shouldn’t go unnoticed. There are, however, a few questionable assets thrown in, and despite the game being pulled from Steam for its soundtrack, the safe room theme hearkens an eerie similarity to that from the PS1 Resident Evil 2 title. When placed side-by-side though, the two tracks are distinctly different, and it just goes to show how close in nature that the developer wanted this game to be to the original Capcom releases. Additionally, optimization here seems just fine, and I didn’t encounter any bugs, glitches, or crashes.Tools Up!

Ebola 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Ebola 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Now, a lot of my long-term readers are probably sitting there thinking, “But Horror, you normally knock this kinda stuff”, and it’s true; if you flip through my review history, I do knock this kind of thing all the time. That’s because most of these generic, idea-less, blatant ripoffs fail to deliver anything worth playing. However, through its punishing campaign, Ebola 2 manages to do just that; it delivers something worth playing. Moreover, it breathes musty, repugnant life back into a sub-genre that lost its way aeons ago. There is nothing new here, expect nothing less than a game that feels like a first-person Resident Evil 1 game inside of a Half-Life mod. But there is something beautifully old here, and those who are tired of challengeless “survival horror” games will find hours of enjoyment navigating the obstacles that Ebola 2 brings to the table. this resident evil clone or what you want to call it is a good game that really feels like a typical survival horror game. inventory management, good puzzles that are not too easy and a variety of good monster. Downsides are that the game is very short, i took my good time and spent about 5 hours finishing the game, the voice acting is meh at best and there’s not too many jump scares or scary scenes in it. It’s a decent story but again, too short, recomend buying on a sale and not on a sale, since it’s very cheap originaly. Ebola 2 is like Resident Evil from Wish dot com.

undiscovered world.

This is not a bad game, but it is far from being a good game. I understand that this is an Indie game, but some of the things inside are a way too much archaic. And it copy paste too much Resident Evil, from the locations, guns, by monsters to the bosses. Let’s start with the STORY. It’s very poor, there is no way to know more about it, there almost no in game information. A few notes that don’t really say anything. The developer advertised this game as replayable, with many choices. It’s not true at all, there is 0 replayability & 0 choices you can make. In the end of the game, there is one dialog which makes you think different but it one big . The story has only one stupid ending. Playability, controls, are normal for indie game. At least headshots works as intended. There is even stamina system, after running a while our character start to “bounce” funny. It looks more like he broke his leg, than get tired. Inventory is way too small, compared to the number of things we find. There is no separate notebook for notes, so they take up additional space in our inventory until we find our magic “resident evil” chest in one of the save game locations. Choosing textures are sometimes quite funny. From a worn wooden corridors, we go to a beautiful marble wooden library, with no trace of any damage.

Voice acting is terrible. Cut scenes, you can see that this is a random collection of anything that does not make much sense. They were put there, just to have some. They don’t make any sense, at least the initial ones. Ending ones are more connected, but still he developer did not pay attention to the fact that to keep the same character model in the scenes, he used ready-made movies, so your wife is played by various similar-looking characters>. Guns. Don’t save your ammo for action rifle, it’s the biggest trash in this game. Make less damage than basic pistol. You will find enough ammo to kill everything few times lol. Guns sounds are ultra bad. Reloading animations, are the worst, our character is looking like noob, while being the guy from “police special unit”. There is few kind of monsters, but don’t worry. You won’t encounter much variety till the last few minutes of the game. Each floor got zombies, only one of the floors got few werewolves, other got some mutated plant and some invisible guys, ahh and zombie dogs and other 2 crocodiles <there are so stupid, the you can shoot the water infinite times and you won’t kill them, till cutscene appear so gg> . So it make 6 monsters and 3 dumb bosses. Some people complain about puzzles, if you track all your progress, and continue going how the game is telling you, you won’t have a problem at all with anything. Game is holding your hand and telling you step by step where to go and what to do.

Ebola 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Ebola 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There is a lot of smaller or bigger bugs, and you can see that many ideas, were never finished e.g. safe box in the starting area. Boss animations have been cut. Fight with 1st and 3rd boss is ultra bugged. Even if the game give you some “hints” in the notes which you find at the same floors, there are more or less pointless. You just need to shot the boss till it bleed out and die. <1st and 3rd>. 2nd boss is one big joke. You can only kill it will boring repeatable “action”, so don’t waste your ammo. Most of the achievements are ok, but the ones for complete of the game on each difficulty are stupid. Doesn’t matter at all if you complete the game at the hardest level, you will have to rerun it for each difficulty level to get them all. The game will give you unrivaled surge of adrenaline, an exciting storyline and unimaginable horrors. The world around the player will change; danger lurks at every turn.  A well-designed environment and properly selected lighting create an atmosphere of horror, high-quality audio sounds – all this creates a unique world of the game, which keeps you at the peak of tension from the beginning till the end. I got killed by a zombie after breaking the boards to the key room and then watched me and the zombie falling thru space endlessly. Quit the game, reloaded to previous save point, and watched me and the zombie falling thru space again. Tried two more times and saw the game keep loading me and a fat zombie falling thru space. I refuse to go back and play the game from the start again, easy and fast refund.BPM BULLETS PER MINUTE


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