I Am The Hero Switch NSP Free Download


I Am The Hero Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I Am The Hero Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Old-school arcade genres are always popular with indie developers and so Crazyant games have teamed up with prolific PSN publishers Ratalaika Games to give us I Am The Hero which is a take on the side-scrolling beat ’em up genre and it is out now for PS4 and Vita as a cross-buy title. You play as a generic hero who describes themselves as being a hero in various previous scenarios, giving the impression that they are just the hero in this one. A token role in yet another game scenario and while the plot is possibly a little meta, it’s not focused on long enough to really make any difference and before long you’re in the game, looking at various instructions as you make your way through the game’s first level. To keep the odds in your favour you’ll unlock new special moves that allow you to do massive damage to enemies, either singularly or in groups. You can also unlock new characters who offer their own special moves too and you can pair up with one of these at a time and switch out tag-team style whenever you need to. This also acts as an extra life which comes in handy although death isn’t do big of a deal here as when you do lose all your energy you’ll be able to restart from a recent, likely generous, checkpoint.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

I Am The Hero Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I Am The Hero Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The game itself has six levels and it doesn’t overstay its welcome (something that plenty of so-called classic beat ’em ups suffer from). Sure, bosses are recycled as you’d expect but it’s never in a hateful way and the progression through the game is reasonably smooth. A late boss did give me a few headaches but I was able to deal with him after a while. This was on the default Normal difficulty level and ultimately it’s safe to say that the challenge could have been more substantial. Higher levels are available but trophy whores (the usual Ratalaika punters) will be glad to know you don’t need to play on them for the platinum. I Am The Hero is a sleek, neon-infused fever dream if nothing else. The pixelated art-style along with the 80s soundtrack and colour palettes make for a memorable, and enjoyable, backdrop. The combat itself is quite flashy as well. The animations are smooth and there is plenty to love about the overall design and fluidity of combat – most of the time, at least. Various backgrounds and thumping soundtracks will follow alongside your journey. combined with the stellar pixelated visuals, are some of the better and finer points of the game.

Fast Moving, Fluid Combat.

Though it may feel like sometimes the levels and music are blending together, especially in beat ’em ups, I Am The Hero does well to differentiate each and every level and musical score that accompanies it. Level design and music design, especially in 2D games, get swept by the wayside quite often it seems. But keen-eyed gamers will notice the beauty where it sits, and you can find that within the levels here. When your main purpose, and basically only ability in a game, is to beat up enemies, there should be loads of combos. At the very least, the ability to freely intertwine them in the way you see fit is almost necessary. I Am The Hero does little in the way of allowing for creativity in combat. There are a few set combos, and the only way to truly make them your own is to either cut them short, or combine them in small ways. You can punch, kick, use jump attacks and launch attacks, and special EX attacks. The combat itself, the actual fighting, is quite good. Hit recognition is solid, and there is satisfaction to be had in a successful 20+ hit combo. However, after a few levels, the rinsing and repeating of what is essentially the same attack string becomes tiresome.Cyber Hook

I Am The Hero Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I Am The Hero Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You have somewhat of a parry move, which you must trigger just before an enemy hits you to counter-attack them. This move is only useful in one-on-one fights, so far as that you can’t genuinely plan and utilise this ability when you’re surrounded by ten enemies. The game quickly becomes a game of juggling a series of enemies, as many as you can muster, and throwing them across the screen, running over, and juggling them in the other direction. End level bosses are basically just larger versions of basic enemies and, while they offer a good challenge, don’t truly feel very boss-like. The core of the game, essentially, becomes somewhat of a burden after you play long enough. I Am The Hero has good combat mechanics, but as a whole they are not executed to their best potential. I am the Hero stars a nameless boy as he recounts his adventures against the forces of evil. Like the beat-em-ups of yesteryear, there’s minimal plot elements to follow, which is great since the focus here is on the gameplay rather than the story. In order to get through the six stages (comprised of three sections each), you’ll have to master the accessible yet deep control system which is fun to play with. I am the Hero prides itself on its combo-racking system, where punching, jumping, and kicking will allow you to string together your own combos,

Free Style Combos.

whether it be uppercuts chaining into kicks or smashing baddies into the air. In addition to these attacks, you also have phantom dodges, endure mode and EX skills, which are special moves that consume an energy gauge that fills up as you land hits. You can get more EX skills by completing each level, or you can opt for an unlockable character that you can switch back and forth from (and acts as a spare life in case your main character bites it). The controls are very well done, and I was chaining different moves with ease; it’s a gameplay system that rewards experimentation with the controls. However, just because it’s easy to pull off attacks doesn’t mean it will be a cakewalk. While you can get through some generic baddies with ease by mashing the attack buttons in the early levels, later ones will force you to rely on timing and memorization to keep bashing the bad guys. Bosses at the end of most sections will also have some special moves up their sleeves, and considering there’s no block button, you’ll have to rely on dodging and spacing techniques in order to avoid getting pummeled. STORY OF SEASONS Friends of Mineral Town

I Am The Hero Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I Am The Hero Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Graphically, the game looks gorgeous, with a pixel art style that’s gritty and a stark contrast to other titles. The game is played on a 2D plane. but the camera angle makes it a dynamic viewing space that looks pretty neat when running forward and backwards. The character models are distinct yet minimalistic, which is impressive considering how much personality oozes out of the sprites. The enemy sprites themselves are goofy in their execution, from mooks with guns that shoot out punching gloves to a creepy guy that makes wind up frog bombs, and I really enjoyed fighting new enemy types every few sections. On the less positive note, there were some issues with technical performance, as while the game runs great most of the time, there were a few sections that had some noticeable slowdown with the framerate. It doesn’t make the game unplayable, but it can be a burden for a few seconds. A number of grammatical errors within the cutscenes and menu screens also detract from the experience, though it oddly makes the game a little more of an endearing homage. Still, I wouldn’t mind some proofreading this time around in an update.

Critical Blink.

Outside of the standard campaign, you have two other game modes to play: Challenge Fight and Workshop. Challenge Fight pits you against a single, very challenging enemy, while Workshop is the game’s ‘endless’ mode. Neither one particularly draws you in. Workshop merely tasks you with repeating the combat that becomes stale without changing stages or moving around much. Challenge Fight does offer a bit of fun, but its replay value is somewhat dim. They are both enjoyable, but the limited scope of each fails to beg another go. You can also, thankfully, play local co-op which does play very well. The game feels a bit better with a partner, as the single-player experience can become overwhelming, tedious, and bothersome at points. Playing through each story level ends with a choice: learn a new EX move or unlock a new character. The various EX moves are highlights of the combat system, and their animations are unique and can spice up any fight. The unlockable characters, however, don’t feel valuable and I found little purpose to play them.

The title character, Hero, is far away the best option; other characters feel sluggish, boring, and underdeveloped. Though you can switch to them during combat seamlessly, and they offer you a second chance should your HP drain, they have little autonomy. It’s a shame, as playable character variation is an easy, and good way, to entice players to keep going. The combo system is definitely the best aspect to the gameplay but the special moves did add some more combat options and overall I enjoyed what the game threw at me. The game does lack some common features such as weapons to pick up and power-ups which is a shame as it’d be nice to mix things up a little, likewise we weren’t surprised or thrilled by the fairly generic levels. There’s even an elevator stage. There’s ALWAYS an elevator stage in these things. Visually the game is pretty interesting. While the action is strictly 2D, it is presented in an interesting 2.5D pixelated style that gives it a fresher, modern feel than a flat version might have. Also the visuals do have plenty of character. The backdrops are pretty plain though but the action is cleanly presented throughout.

I Am The Hero Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I Am The Hero Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The game also has some boisterous retro music going on although we eventually turned it down because it can get a bit much. I am the Hero is a little on the short side, clocking in at around two hours for a normal playthrough, but this game encourages multiple playthroughs through the use of the unlockable system as well as harder difficulties that will challenge you to improve on the simple yet strict gameplay. Want a fun challenge? Critical mode makes you deal critical damage at the cost of any hit to you being fatal. In addition, there are a couple of extra modes with leaderboards that task you with beating up either endless waves of baddies or harder one-on-one fights with different opponents. They’re fun little diversions that add to the overall package; throw in some local multiplayer with up to three people total, and you’ve got a solid package for your beat-em-up buddies. When you add in the Vita cross-buy and the local 2-player co-op options, this ends up being a reasonably good buy and unlike some of Ratalaika’s other games there is a bit of challenge here. It’s still a pretty easy platinum but at least you have to finish the whole game and find some tricky collectables which stops this being a trivial max.Intruder on the Bridge


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