Rocket Boots Mania Free Download


Rocket Boots Mania Download GAMESPACK.NET

Ricky Runner is a fast paced precision platformer game, it’s one of the best platformer based game I ever played, I’ve put about 80h into this game even before the game was released into early access on steam, first thing first it’s now still an early access so not everything is in the game right now and I have to say that there is a lot of potential in this game, as right now this game is “just” about completing levels in best possible way to get highest amount of score to be 1st in the leaderboard. you can basically choose from 2 different difficulties “Casual” and “Hardcore” in casual in most cases you have less things that can end your run and more supporting platforms to jump on, on other hand in hardcore you have more things that can end your run really fast and no any extra supporting platforms. As now there is plan to add a lot of staff as level editor, challenges, rank system, character progression in term of experience system and lot more.

Rocket boots mania is a great platformer, were speedrunner, 100% er and casual player could enjoy. Casual : there are ghost to help you reach each medal plus access to the ghost of every player on the leaderboard. Hub is fun to collect everything inside, The level have really great introduction to new mechanics, with also small detail to help you figure out the paths you can take. 100%. Although there are no achievement (yet?), there is a lot to do. There is different number of collectable per hub (currently 2 hub, 4 in the future) then there are collectable in each level. They are labelled as coins which i think could be reworked since after unlocking all level you don’t really need them, and then, all the ultima medal. Lots of content overall Speedrunner. As said in casual, you can race any ghost you want. You can race against the first to see theirs strats, someone close to your level if you want a close challenge etc. There are a lots of small tricks to save a lots of time, bunnyhoping without strafing however, and lots of insane route you can take to aim for the world record. It’s really impressive to make a platformer appeal to a lots of player and i would definitively recommend it Dawn of Anarchy


Steam Sub 695762 Complete Pack Ricky Runner for Beta Testing Ricky Runner: SUPERBOOT CUP ( 942200 ) – complimentary reviewer package Steam Sub 306109 Rocket Boots Mania
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