Shin Megami Tensei V Switch NS Free Download


Shin Megami Tensei V Switch NS Download GAMESPACK.NET

The tone of the story is very serious, even more so than the previous smt games, there’s no room for fun or dumb shenanigans. SMT V story try to give more characterization to the demons/angels than the important characters however the sidequests and npc dialogue really fleshed out their story more than the cutscenes, so if you’re looking for a typical rpg storytelling this is far from it. The characters alignment are more vague and not as obvious so it ‘s fun to see the where the characters are going in the story flow, i do wish there’s more character interaction and camaraderie because they opt for a different approach to the story this time compared to smt iv Among Ashes


The gameplay is the star of this game, every attack animation, character model, QoL and every aspect of gameplay from the previous games are heavily improved. Bossess are difficult and very fun, strategizing and creating the perfect team is still as rewarding as ever. For newcomers and casual, the addition of dampeners is a huge help and make the difficulty very flexible. Collecting the compendium is also still as fun and rewarding experience


SMT IV sets a high standard on video game music for me, so i had little hopes that it would be as good, there’s not that many memorable music from smt v compared to iv but the ones that did are really amazing, the map ost are very eerie and the demons distorted shriek when you travel the world are very creepy and great, overall sound design is awesome


SMT V offers tons of value for a full priced game in this day and age. You got four routes each with unique ending and gameplay changes which is also necessary to complete if you want to fully finished the game 100% because of the demon compendium, it takes roughly 40 hours for one playthrough, less if you didn’t do any sidequests which are a lot

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