Open Country Free Download


Open Country Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Open Country Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Last May 10 we went to an undefined mountain location in the United States, in search of the tranquility and peace that only wild nature can offer. I told you on that occasion how the first hours of the game didn’t go quite as expected due to bugs and much more serious problems, which had prematurely condemned my very first game. Determined as never before, I put my hand back to Open Country , the new hunting game from the Romanian team of Fun Labs and published by 505 Games, with a totally new character and unaware of the fate that had befallen the previous hunter, now abandoned in who knows what beech and larch forest. As I said in the preview , the incipit of the game features a typical office worker, now tired of the monotonous and noisy city life, in search of silence and peace that can only be found in the wild nature. Abandoned paperwork and digital devices, our adventurer decides to head with his camper to an unspecified mountain location to breathe the freedom that only the open air is capable of giving . Here he stops at the Snowridge Lodge, a hut managed by Gary, the chubby trusted bartender who will immediately prove to be available to us, and who will be the basis for all our subsequent operations in the three game areas.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Open Country Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Open Country Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The game structure is based on carrying out missions assigned to us by the characters who animate the Snowridge, such as Gary himself who will give us the first tips on how to get around better, entrusting us with simple tasks in the Mellow Hills. The first four missions will therefore act as tutorials , showing how to gather materials, navigate, build structures and useful objects, and of course go hunting. Open Country certainly does not shine on the narrative front, indeed some situations are totally surreal and out of context, such as the fact that despite being perfect strangers we are welcomed with open arms and sent on risky missions as if nothing had happened. The thirty missions aren’t particularly exciting eitherand those of pure hunting, which should be the heart of the game, must share the space with research assignments, complete with a fetch quest aftertaste. Most of them propose the same plot, forcing the player to start from the cabin, walk for a quarter of an hour, complete the objective and then go back again to the Snowridge. From time to time you will be asked to complete some secondary objectives making you make small appreciable detours from the monotony of the main quest.

Hone Your Skills.

The developers have been busy with level design. The three maps are all unique in their own ways and challenge players with increasingly dangerous situations and challenges . Mellow Hills is the very first area where we will learn the basics and complete the quieter tasks, it is characterized by large plains, clearings and lakes in which to fish. Tumnus Valley is the second explorable map in which we will begin to have the first difficulties, considering the presence of hills and passes to overcome and less visibility due to the dense forests. Snowridge Mountain is the final area and is the one that will require the most effort in all respects due to the harsh high mountain climate. The three locations offer breathtaking moments and noteworthy glimpses, especially from the peaks that allow you to observe the whole valley . In addition, the map is dotted with points of interest, including some parking lots that will be the starting point for exploration, which will allow you to orient yourself on the map. In fact, a peculiarity of the game is that there is no minimap, but only a compass that indicates the direction, and it’s up to us to understand the right path to take to reach a certain place.PERISH

Open Country Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Open Country Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Without having to go around in circles or perhaps go in the exact direction opposite to. As we said in the introduction, Fun Labs has tried to differentiate their product from the more classic arcade adventures, adding a pinch of survival to the formula . This component includes the cardinal principles of the genre, with hunger, thirst and energy bars that will be discharged as we continue in the adventure and which can be filled by taking food, water and sleeping in shelters. It should be noted that sleeping will not stop time, but hunger and thirst must be considered when counting the hours, and it will be impossible to sleep beyond a maximum threshold. The state of these three parameters will also be influenced by the atmospheric conditions, as in the case of the cold which will make us more tired, or the heat which will force us to drink more frequently. Getting supplies is relatively simple and you don’t have to hunt animals to get some meat (although of course this will add a huge amount to your hunger bar). The game world is littered with berries that can be eaten raw, though consuming too many will lead to indigestion. Similarly, filling the water bottle, the main source of water, from a pond is highly discouraged due to the possibility of contracting diseases such as dysentery.

Level Up.

These are just some of the effects that could debilitate the player and prolonged fatigue, accidental falls and obviously lacerations due to attacks by wild animals must also be considered. However, what has been said cannot be cured by simply heading to the base, and the statistics will not be filled, which could be unnerving if after having managed to survive in the woods without water, we died one step away from the river. Now, people who go hunt live animals in real life can go jump off the planet. But in a videogame – especially one like Open Country, where hunting isn’t presented as a sport but as a means of survival – it’s slightly different. I feel mostly okay about shooting at a digital bear because it’s about to rip me in half. But shooting a deer majestically grazing in a field, doing harm to no-one? Nope. There’s no need. To be fair, I’ve mostly survived in Open Country on berries and mushrooms I’ve foraged from the forest floor. I did once eat a bit of raw wolf meat when I was on death’s door via starvation, however. I’d killed the wolf in self-defence, so it felt rude not to pick up its flesh and stuff it in my backpack for later, just in case. Thankfully, berries and mushrooms are usually in abundance, and there’s no risk of a berry charging at me, teeth bared, as I pluck it from its bush.Bus Driving Sim 22

Open Country Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Open Country Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The fact that any one berry bush will only yield one berry at a time is neither here or there. Open Country 1, Realism 0. For a game that tries hard to provide a realistic outdoor survival simulator, there are a lot of elements that fall wildly foul of actual world logic. I got parasites simply by putting river water in my flask, for one. Nope, didn’t have to drink it first. Simply by collecting it, those parasites entered my body, rendering me sick and prone to drop dead at any given moment for about three days straight. The game had previously told me that still water was fine to drink as long as I boiled it first, so I figured I could collect it in my flask, then go light a fire to sterilise it. Clearly I did something wrong during the process. There’s also the fact that there’s very little point in treating a sprained ankle. Jump too far off a ledge or run haphazardly down a steep banking, and you’re likely going to get a sprain. You can treat it, but that means using resources – and actually having the resources to use in the first place. But a sprain goes away on its own in about a day, and does absolutely nothing to hinder you, other than preventing you from sprinting. And considering your character has less stamina than Alan Wake, sprinting for around five seconds before depleting their entire stamina reserve, it’s hardly a great loss.

Help The Ranger and Protect the Valley.

Oh, and let’s not forget that the whole reason you’re out in the wilderness, running errands and doing the hard work, is because a local innkeeper told you that he’d put a roof over your head if you helped him out. Does he put a roof over your head? HE DOES NOT. You might be starving, dehydrated and on the brink of collapsing from exhaustion but Gary behind the bar at the Snowridge Lodge does not care. Back to find berries and a source of fresh running water you must go, because Gary sure as heck won’t fill up your flask behind the bar. And don’t think about laying down for a nap on one of his tables, either. Silliness aside, there is something enjoyable about Open Country. Its concept is a solid one; being out in nature, with only a vague objective to work towards, provides a real sense of freedom. Spending three days tracking a sick elk that needed putting down did get tiresome, but coming across fresh footprints and eventually finding the animal felt like a victory. Maintaining your own wellbeing by keeping track of your hunger, thirst and tiredness can feel like a chore, but there’s a real sense of pride in creating your own camp and fire, and cooking your own food that’ll put you back in good health. The category includes a whole series of activities that I won’t mention here.

Otherwise then the indignant shitstorm arrives (“but how! I assure you that even standing still on the spot for 5 hours in line tossing a phosphorescent necklace in the air is work! ”, one of them would surely say). Well, the protagonist of Open Country is the king of all pütòst. Indeed, no, what am I saying? He is their grand vizier! Someone who goes far beyond the sardonic meaning of the word to transform his condition of pütòst into something intimate, existential and concretely true. Our hero , in fact, abandons his life as an employee, the worry of the mobile phone, the delirium of the talk shows shouted on TV, the urban stress of the busy streets to run with his camper in the open countryside, in search of an existence truer, harder , more difficult if you like, but in complete freedom. In short, what he is going to do is simply survive, breathe, take care of some little chores here and there and hunt to get food, trying in the meantime not to die of hunger, thirst, some strange disease, from falling down a cliff or for a close encounter with a bear. Open Country offers us three scenarios in as many seasons of the year, challenging us to survive until the next equinox or the next solstice, essentially doing a few things: making tools and throwing weapons, bartering objects that are around with other characters.

Open Country Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Open Country Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Shoot helpless creatures that will no longer see their babies and sunlight, keep an eye on their vital signs and, for no apparent logical reason, ride a quad every now and then . One might wonder why the quad and not a motorcycle for real tough Americans or, while we are in the open countryside in the States, a nice horse like in Red Dead Redempion 2 , but perhaps the guys from Fun Labsthey chose that medium because they liked it, or to avoid embarrassing comparisons It’s just a shame that, for the most part, Open Country is very rough around the edges. It’s almost a good game, but it’s not quite there. It almost looks nice, but it’s not quite there. If it could render at a higher resolution, Open Country‘s environments would be pleasing to the eye, but as they are right now they’re blurry and underwhelming. A lack of real guidance makes it difficult to get off the ground running with the game, too. I wasn’t told about the flask of water I carry on my person until I was mere seconds away from dying of dehydration, for instance. There are some basic tooltip tutorials when you first start playing, but many of the game’s systems you’ll simply have to discover for yourself.SpellForce Conquest of Eo


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