Mahokenshi Free Download


Mahokenshi Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mahokenshi Free Download GAMESPACK.NET In the opening hours of Mahokenshi, I was really digging the game. The game loop here is unlike any I’ve experienced in video games, with each level presenting two or three very unique challenges for the player to overcome. The first few levels take it easy on the player, and I was in a good place, where I was learning the ropes, feeling like I was getting it, and making a bit of progress. Then, a couple of hours in, Mahokenshi lowers the boom, blasting the player in the face with very difficult (but not impossible) challenges that even the most stringent and disciplined samurai would be hard pressed to overcome. To put it crassly, this game beat my ass. But before I get into the way Mahokenshi took a flamethrower to my fighting spirit, let me share a bit of setup and praise for the game’s very unique flow. At first glance, players could be forgiven for thinking that this game is a Slay the Spire-style roguelite deck-builder. But in reality, this is a game that has very specific challenges that push the player to piece together the best strategy. There is nothing procedural or random about anything in Mahokenshi. There are instead meticulously constructed levels that have clearly been created with great care. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Mahokenshi Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mahokenshi Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The player starts the game with one character, or Mahoken, but quickly opens up another (a third and fourth eventually follow). These characters each have their own specific decks of cards, each of which focuses on a unique skill or approach to combat. Akaya is a swift and deadly character, able to traverse the terrain quickly. Kaito is a slower, defense-based character, who is able to build up counter-attacks. Sota focuses on stealth and poison, while Misaki is a confusion/misdirection mage. The player selects a character and enters one of the game’s gorgeous levels. These levels reminded me more than anything of beautifully designed tabletop board game levels. The player starts the level with four “energy”, or moves (though in some cases, you can add more as the level goes on). These energy points can be spent to move your character, or to play cards, each of which has its own energy cost. Each character starts with a simple deck, containing a few basic attacks and movement skills. By moving through the level, the player is able to build their deck, either by buying cards at nearby villages or looting them from the terrain. Cards vary; some are straight attacks, some are movement-based, some are defense-oriented.

Wielding both blade and magic, it is your duty to protect the floating Celestial Islands from powerful opponents who seek to corrupt them.

The story is quite generic, although I’m pretty sure fans of the genre won’t be playing the game for that alone. Even so, there are some interesting bits of lore from the Japanese mythology in Mahokenshi, which adds to its charm. In Mahokenshi, you must protect the floating Celestial Islands from powerful enemies who seek to corrupt them. Each mission takes place on a grid map that features various landforms such as forests, mountains and plains. You’ll spend energy to move and fight on the map and then end your turn to replenish the energy pool. Moving doesn’t require you to play cards, but to win a fight you’ll have to play cards. The positioning aspect is one of the additions to the deckbuilding card formula. There are powerful cards that offer great benefits when a character moves. Not to mention that depending on where you are (forest, mountain, plain), your attacks will hit harder or your defense will be much sturdier. It’s another layer of strategy that you must take into consideration when you start making your way to the objective. Although you have limited energy and number of card draws at the beginning of a mission, you can boost both from special locations that sometimes are found on the map. After the first few missions I learned that the most important thing in Mahokenshi is mobility. Since many of the challenges must be finished in a certain number of turns, you must be pretty fast to be able complete them. Amnesia Rebirth 

Mahokenshi Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mahokenshi Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mahokenshi treats every mission as a new run, which means that you’ll revert to the basic deck of the faction you decide to play with. You can add new cards, remove and upgrade cards during the mission by visiting marketplaces and temples. More cards can also be added to your deck directly from the map, and the faster you replace your basic deck, the more likely the chance you’ll succeed. The character you play with will unlock a talisman slot after the first few story missions. New talismans get added to your collection as you level up, but many of them only offer benefits once every three or more turns. Fans of Slay the Spire and its inspired ilk will immediately warm to Mahokenshi’s character-focused combat design, with multiple avatars to choose from, each of whom are as differentiated as the Ironclad and the Watcher. Rather than the cloistered small play areas of Into the Breach (or recent indie deckbuilder Nitro Kid), Mahokenshi’s maps are sprawling hex grids packed with choices, alternating terrain, and upgrade shrines. The story, as with most deckbuilders, is on the lighter side, but provides an effectively interesting cultural backdrop for each level objective. Otherwise, Mahokenshi’s missions are completely self-contained chapters with creative conditions and circumstances that prevent them from feeling stale.

Evolve your character with every playthrough, and become the Mahokenshi the world needs.

Some are satisfyingly difficult to crack, especially on first blush and with limited upgrades, though a persistent currency is unlocked from completing secondary objectives, many of which do not require finishing a level to complete. After all, plenty of games resemble each other, both intentionally and by pure accident. Take today’s review, Mahokenshi. It’s a deckbuilder steeped in Japanese mythology with lite randomized elements and plenty of challenge. That instantly reminded me of another title I reviewed, Castle Morihisa. That game ultimately failed to impress me, mainly due to a frustrating lack of pacing and balance. This Mahokenshi review will establish whether this deja vu adventure suffered from the same fate, or found ways to differentiate itself for the better. Developed by Game Source Studio and published by Iceberg Interactive, Mahokenshi is a tale of fierce samurai. They all live on the Celestial Islands and defend the floating landmass from demonic incursions. If you’re at all familiar with Japanese myths, you’ll know they have a ton of monsters to contend with, from Yokai to brutal Oni and even spectral Yurei. In this game, there are 4 Great Houses, clans of samurai who battle against these horrifying monsters. Better yet, each House is allied with a mystical entity that grants them magical might. Ruby soars with the Tengu; Sapphire has a mighty defense thanks to the Kappa; Jade follows the poisonous Ogumo; and Topaz wields illusion courtesy of Kitsune. Amnesia: Later x Crowd Switch XCI

Mahokenshi Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mahokenshi Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Each House has a distinctive playstyle that you will learn to embrace. Ruby likes to spend health for powerful benefits, and since they’re allied with Tengu, they have a tendency to sprout wings and fly all over. Sapphire is defense-oriented, though also able to unleash devastating area-of-effect attacks. Jade employs stealth and poison to assassinate their foes (honestly, more of a ninja than a samurai). Lastly, Topaz is sneaky and uses powerful magic to snipe enemies from afar. There’s no right or wrong House, though some missions are easier to finish with one than another. For example, one early mission requires you to beat a certain amount of foes within a time limit. I struggled and struggled to do so with the slow-moving Sapphire tank but found outstanding success with the high-flying Ruby samurai. As the player begins moving through a level’s hex-based environment, Mahokenshi’s board game influences become apparent. At first, I balked against having to share my energy between movements and card plays, but the wisdom of this setup quickly becomes apparent. With constricted energy, the player has to make serious choices about where and when to move, making every action subject to very careful consideration.

Challenge your fate and build your card deck to defeat foes and complete missions.

It is this need for constant care and attention that is Mahokenshi’s greatest strength and biggest frustration. Though I’m sure this isn’t quite true, it often felt to me that each level had a specific “solution”. Not every character can handle every challenge; it often feels like a specific character is needed, who in turn must be working a particular strategy. Waypoints must be reached in a specific order, and certain buffs were absolutely needed to see a level through to the end. Again, I’m sure that there is more than one way to defeat these levels. But after a great deal of trial and error in each level, I was left feeling like I was parsing out the winning strategy through failure. Typically, you’ll want to take a good look at the map and decide which route to take. Hopefully, you’ll manage to hit some marketplaces and temples on the way to fine-tune your deck and be ready for the challenges. The game wants you to find a balance between being fast enough to reach the objective and having enough gold to build your deck. Amnesia: Memories Switch

Mahokenshi Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mahokenshi Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Purchasing, removing and upgrading cards requires gold, which can only be obtained by killing enemies on the map or by completing side-quests (which usually involve more killing). Spend too much time fighting enemies and making money and you might fail to complete one or more challenges. On the bright side, Mahokenshi is not a roguelike, so if you fail a challenge or an entire mission, you can always retry it. The maps remain the same, so you can build your tactics according to what you already know. The roguelite aspect comes from the fact that you’ll be offered the chance to choose from a different set of cards to add to your deck each run. Character level is also something to take into consideration because new, more powerful cards are unlocked as you progress. Trying to beat the first story mission with a level six character will be infinitely easier because you’ll be offered cards from a better pool.

Just from the screenshots captured it’s easy to notice that Mahokenshi looks gorgeous. I love the art style and I think that it perfectly fits the setting. Even if you many may not like some of the design choices, no one can deny that Mahokenshi looks great.  Take today’s review, Mahokenshi. It’s a deckbuilder steeped in Japanese mythology with lite randomized elements and plenty of challenge. That instantly reminded me of another title I reviewed, Castle Morihisa. That game ultimately failed to impress me, mainly due to a frustrating lack of pacing and balance. This Mahokenshi review will establish whether this deja vu adventure suffered from the same fate, or found ways to differentiate itself for the better. Developed by Game Source Studio and published by Iceberg Interactive, Mahokenshi is a tale of fierce samurai. They all live on the Celestial Islands and defend the floating landmass from demonic incursions. If you’re at all familiar with Japanese myths, you’ll know they have a ton of monsters to contend with, from Yokai to brutal Oni and even spectral Yurei. In this game, there are 4 Great Houses, clans of samurai who battle against these horrifying monsters. Better yet, each House is allied with a mystical entity that grants them magical might.


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