Zero Caliber VR Free Download


Zero Caliber VR Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Zero Caliber VR Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Zero Caliber: Reloaded washes up on the shores of the Oculus Quest, having escaped from the confines of SteamVR. It immediately starts looking for trouble. Onward sits there on the beach, sullen and polishing its rifle, looking a little broken, having barely survived the journey. Contractors VR is breezily shooting hoops and admiring itself in the mirror, and Pavlov is twitching over by the mess tent and firing an AK47 behind its back, with its leg caught in the table. The genre is hardly crowded on the Oculus Store, and there’s definitely room for a contender to sweep in and set some pulses racing by being a slick and original title. I’ll say right now that Zero Caliber: Reloaded is not that game, but I’ll explain why it might still deserve your time and money. What an oddly unrequited thing it is to both love first-person shooters and VR. Virtual reality seems built for the genre; the first time I physically reloaded a handgun whilst in a headset and then shot a guy by pointing my hand around a corner, I knew that gaming had reached an apotheosis for me. Then we come to the catch; all of the military-themed run-and-gun shooters available on the Quest, and most of them generally across all VR, possess an unacceptable level of low budget, glitchy jank. There seems to be some unwritten rule that it’s OK to charge money for a game that resembles an early alpha build of something trapped in the limbo between PlayStations 1 and 2, provided that it’s thematically based on shooting terrorists in the Middle East. Onward leads the charge on Quest, in all its warping horror, but Zero Caliber: Reloaded definitely follows its example.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Zero Caliber VR Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Come on, Doc, tell us more about the actual game. Yes, yes. You know the drill, soldier. Insurgency, military coup, ticking clock. SIngleplayer and online co-operative missions. Loadout. Pick a handgun and a big gun from various options and unlock more by shooting as many people wearing bandanas as you can. There are levels, and you play them. There are three difficulty modes; infant, normal and Andy McNab. You know all this; you’ve played Medal of Duty or Call of Honor games before.  What you can definitely expect, and if you’ve played this kind of game on the Quest before, are probably bracing yourself for, is how bloody ugly and unfinished it all seems. There’s nothing like one of these Hoo-Rah Henry shooters on the Quest to convince you that the wondrous new frontier of technology you’ve been so entranced by is actually a way of offloading a lot of unreleased Nintendo 64 code. The environments are painfully simple, and yet the geometry still manages to pop in and warp. The sun is a one-colour pixelated circle. Vehicles have square wheels and look like Minecraft affairs trying to dress up in textures so they can get into more grown-up games. The NPCs are all one repeated model; their lips don’t move and are graduates of the Neil Breen school of acting. The plot is utter guff: Tom Clancy fan fiction written by AI. It’s impossible to engage with on any level. And yet… And yet.


I really like the core gameplay of Zero Caliber: Reloaded – It’s terrific fun. Guns feel and sound satisfying, and those bad sods fall hard when killed. It’s empowering and rewarding to land shots, even if the enemy AI is on a similar level to a ticket machine in a car park. Reloading is the right mix of accessible and convincing as you scrabble for a new magazine under fire. There’s a really neat system of jumping and crouching using the right analogue stick, which feels intuitive and cool. Brilliantly, a good variety of guns can be picked up from fallen enemies, and you’ll find that your ammo belt magically carries the right ammo for them, leading to a good amount of on-the-fly improvisation. There are glorious moments when you find yourself utterly immersed. Maybe you’ll be climbing a sniper tower, hanging on to the top rung of the ladder while you cap the fool at the top with your pistol in your other hand. Or perhaps you’ll be crouched behind a crate, reloading just in time to headshot the guy trying to run you down. These cool little moments are sometimes enough to make you forget that the levels are small, unimaginative, and constrictive. Even then, the game gives you dire ‘return to combat!’ messages if you stray out of their narrow corridors. It’s so much fun that you can just about tolerate the appalling hit-boxes on any scenery that isn’t perfectly square. Want to hide behind that upturned tank and snipe?Among Us VR

Zero Caliber VR Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Zero Caliber VR Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Tough shit, your arm will get caught on the edges. There’s a crashed Chinook helicopter – maybe I can hide in the back? Nope! Look, don’t touch! Let’s party like it’s 1992. I really want to dislike Zero Caliber: Reloaded more than I do because it could have been so much better. I’m sure that making an FPS run well on the Quest must be a challenge, but there’s no excuse for lazy and inept ways to go about it. If the budget doesn’t stretch to animating faces, maybe leave the NPC conversations out? Or even just give them COVID masks. Crappy textures and simple polygons offend me. How about stylised graphics that look good on their own terms? Others have tried and succeeded. And those hit-boxes! There’s no point having great gunplay if well-aimed shots spang harmlessly off invisible scenery. First-person shooters are a dime a dozen on the Oculus Quest, with plenty of different ways on offer for players to get their fix of thrilling bullet-fuelled showdowns. Despite this, I’m always happy to see a new one release, especially when it brings with it a campaign that has multiplayer co-op support. That’s exactly what Zero Caliber: Reloaded promises with its military-orientated first-person romp, but is it actually any good? It’s worth noting that the campaign makes up the bulk of what Zero Caliber: Reloaded offers. Whilst other shooters on the platform have tried to introduce multiplayer elements, this is all about progressing through the campaign and facing off against AI foes across a range of different scenarios.


Sure, you can do it in co-op with a friend, but competitive multiplayer action is absent. It’s something that drew me to the game to begin with though, so I’m certainly not complaining. Players can expect to face an array of tricky shootouts during the game’s campaign, with over twenty missions of action taking place. The usual virtual reality first-person tricks are utilised in these missions too, with players leaning in and out of cover, manually reloading their weapons, and having to line up shots carefully to take out foes. It’s a surprisingly physical game too, with plenty of instances where players will have to climb objects or even swing their way across vertical obstacles – it might sound a little daunting, but it works really well in-game and adds a satisfying twist to progressing through levels. When the game first released, it was guilty of being a bit easy. Now, developer XREAL Games has patched it to add more challenge to the experience, with some set pieces proving particularly challenging if players don’t take their time. There were more than a few instances where I had to stick behind cover and slowly creep out to pick my shots, with one wrong move leaving me vulnerable to incoming fire. It never feels TOO hard by any means, but it does add a satisfying sense of realism to the game where players will have to think their actions through carefully.Green Hell VR

Zero Caliber VR Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Zero Caliber VR Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Speaking of realism, Zero Caliber: Reloaded’s arsenal of weapons are some of the most impressive that I’ve seen in any virtual reality shooter. There are a decent selection of weapons to switch between, with the likes of pistols, shotguns, and machine guns used as you unleash bullets upon your foes, whilst each has to be manually handled in different ways. This is especially apparent when it comes to reloading, where it’s never simply a case of loading a magazine into your weapon, but priming it too. There’s also a big emphasis placed on weapon customisation, with plenty of new parts unlocked as you progress through the game. If weapon creativity and realism is your thing, you’re going to love Zero Caliber: Reloaded. With the satisfying shootouts and the realistic weaponry, it would seem that Zero Caliber: Reloaded has it all. Unfortunately, the level design of the campaign could be a bit hit and miss, with some missions proving to be more enjoyable than others. Some featured genuinely impressive locales with some enjoyable action-packed set pieces, but others just felt a little open and bland with a reliance of shooting down waves of foes. Nothing is ever awful, but there can some disparity with the consistency of quality. You know what though? It didn’t stop me from having fun playing through the game, especially with a friend. Whilst Zero Caliber: Reloaded supports four-player co-op, I played through with one of my buddies and we had a really good time.


It’s clear that some levels were designed with co-op in mind, so working together strategically to take out foes and cover each other’s backs was ALWAYS satisfying. There’s a decent variety of environments to fight across too, so you won’t grow tired of seeing the same things over and over as you battle through the campaign (even if they aren’t necessarily the most pretty that you’ll see in virtual reality). I’d be remiss not to mention some of the technical issues I faced in the game, with a few tracking issues here and there when trying to grab a weapon or reload it. They were few and far between, but it could be a little frustrating when in the midst of the action. I noticed that enemies would seemingly freeze on the spot and spawn right in front of me at times too, which was just a little bit weird. It’s more of a case of them being imperfections as opposed to game-breaking bugs, but they were still noticeable when playing. Zero Caliber VR is a first-person tactical shooter developed by XREAL Games exclusively for premium Virtual Reality headsets. The story brings the player to a dystopian United States in the not too distant future where physics-based interaction combined with hyper realistic weapon handling and stunning graphics will make you feel like you’re physically part of the action. Fight either alone, or with your friends throughout the whole campaign, which is fully playable in Co-Op. Action-oriented story, gripping gunfights, realistic weapons with an on-the-fly swappable attachment system.

Immersion like you’ve never felt before in a VR military shooter! Everyone has a unique playstyle. Is accuracy your thing? Put a laser sight on your assault rifle and take accurate shots in semi-automatic mode, or just grab a sniper rifle. Are you more of a shoot first, ask later type of person? Take a shotgun, or dual wield your machine guns in fully automatic firing mode. Be careful though, recoil can make your job really difficult! Combine your favourite gun with your favourite attachments on-the-fly to find out which variation suits you the most!  Water is life. Someone should’ve made that clear before humanity started poisoning Earth with microplastics. Now water is death. People are fighting for drinkable water, for survival. The military tried their best to keep order, but inevitably they got overwhelmed. That’s when mercenaries appeared.. then entire private armies.. and then when hope started to fade away came the religious cults. The most fearsome of all is a secretive organization worshipping Tlaloc, the aztec God of rain. The “Tlalokii”, as they call themselves. Their motto? “Join us or perish”. What is even worse, they know something that can change the fate of humanity. Be part of this action-packed, story-driven VR adventure where you fight alongside your fellow soldiers trying to keep order… or what’s left of it anyway.

Zero Caliber VR Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Zero Caliber VR Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Handle, aim and reload your weapons with real-life movements! We modeled the in-game weapons based on their real-life counterparts paying extreme attention to detail. Each weapon has its unique reloading method that you have to learn and practice to fully master them. If you fancy explosions, just grab a grenade and throw it at the enemy. After you pulled the pin of course. Stay in the open for too long and you’re dead. Try to find cover instead, duck, crouch, sneak, peek around a corner, clear obstacles with real-life movements. Military combat isn’t all about shooting. Being aware of your surroundings, the terrain, and working together with your squadmates are all part of a successful mission. Don’t let your fellow soldiers down! so i really like this game. one of the sleeper vr games out there. i haven’t given out a positive review yet since the game was pretty much abandoned until the recent update. i did also buy and play the quest version so i know this game from both sides. in most aspects, this update is an improvement and it’s a show of the developers still caring to update this game for PCVR. going into more detail though, here’s some things i liked and didnt like so much compared to the previous version of the game: graphical improvement. the timber maps especially look waaaaay better than before. i was afraid this was going to be a downgrade because of merging the game with the quest version but it turned out to be a nice surprise.Sakura MMO 3 Switch NSP


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