YGGDRA UNION We’ll Never Fight Alone Switch NSP Free Download


YGGDRA UNION We’ll Never Fight Alone Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

YGGDRA UNION We’ll Never Fight Alone Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Yggdra Union first introduced Princess Yggdra Yuril Artwaltz to the world a few years ago on the GBA. Blending a turn-based strategy board game with card battle mechanics (not to mention the tale of a struggling princess), Yggdra Union delivered a very specific experience for gamers looking for something a little more on the hardcore side. Now, Yggdra Union returns to the gaming scene with a PSP port/remake of the original title that polishes up the visuals and adds a handful of new features. If you played Yggdra Union when it was first released in 2006, there might not be too much new here to compel you to make a second purchase, but it’s a good PSP game that will compliment a newcomer’s library. Yggdra Union follows the exploits of Princess Yggdra as she battles to restore Kingdom Fantasinia to power. A swift and bloody attack executed by the Empire of Bronquia left the kingdom kingless and in complete disarray, so Yggdra — along with the family’s Holy Sword Gran Centurio — travels the land, gathering allies to her cause. She’s at first rescued by a noble thief, Milanor the Silver Wolf. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

YGGDRA UNION We’ll Never Fight Alone Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

YGGDRA UNION We’ll Never Fight Alone Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The gameplay of Yggdra Union is surprisingly hard to grasp at first, so understanding it without the game in hand is a real challenge. The game flows from battle to battle with dialogue-filled cutscenes marking the natural breaks, but there’s really no exploration or free movement to be found. The only gameplay is battling, and even that can take some time to wrap your head around. Battles take place on a series of tiles that are overlaid over the painted world map. Before a battle begins, you’ll select the characters you want to bring into battle (who in turn actually represent an army) and then the cards you’ll use during the battle which dictate your strategies. Each character obviously has a complex set of statistics, strengths/weaknesses and the ability to equip an item, but there’s not as much character management as you might first anticipate from a strategy RPG. Each character in your forces has a pool of morale, which can essentially be viewed as hit points. When you move a unit onto a tile adjacent to an enemy, you’ll have the option to begin a clash. Clashes then play out in a separate scene, where animated character sprites battle each other from opposing sides of the field.

Lengthy campaign promises many hours of strategic battles.

Most units have four to eight soldiers in their little army and winning a clash (by defeating all the opposing enemy soldiers) will lower an enemy’s morale. Losing a clash, however, will cost you a precious slice of morale and you’ll run the risk of losing that unit for the remainder of the battle. Unless it’s Yggdra or Milanor, in which case your game ends. Oh well. Maybe it’s not entirely original, but Yggdra Union is a marathon strategy game made especially for masochists. Its narrative begins like many others in the genre. A bloodthirsty despot overruns every kingdom in the land, with conquest and destruction his sole ambition. Only Princess Yggdra survives her country’s royal massacre, escaping with a holy sword into a company of gold-hearted bandits. The tiny guerrilla group has to struggle across battlefield after battlefield, square by square, to restore peace to the world. But each little unique aspect of Yggdra Union introduces another disadvantage obstructing the player from achieving that ideal. As a package, its elements put forth a brutally unforgiving test of strategic thinking. The most basic unit of combat is when one individual challenges another. WRC 10 PS5

YGGDRA UNION We’ll Never Fight Alone Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

YGGDRA UNION We’ll Never Fight Alone Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rather than exchanging blows one-on-one, though, each side begins the clash with the strength of six warriors. For example, Yggdra fights alongside five other sword maidens, while her loyal knight Durant appears in a group of three doubly-powered horsemen. Following an initial strike by the aggressor and a counterstrike in defense, the two sides hack away until one is eradicated. It’s not a static process. A skill gauge sits at the top of the screen, and you can launch special attacks or defenses when it reaches maximum capacity, assuming other skill-specific conditions are met. To fill the bar quickly, you can order units to fight passively, inflicting less damage in the interim. Conversely, you can ramp up the energy expended on regular attacks, but that moves the gauge in the negative direction. However! The loser of this clash is not immediately vanquished. Instead, they lose a variable amount of morale, essentially HP, based on a variety of factors: margin of victory, the principals’ basic stats, terrain, and more. That means adeptly managing a fight, even if it appears you’ll fall, is of the utmost importance. Boss-level enemies are designed to take advantage of this system.

Attractive anime graphics and impressive animated combat sequences.

It hurts them very little when you narrowly win a battle, if it hurts them at all. Here’s Yggdra Union’s major catch: each side can only initiate one skirmish per turn. In order to involve the full force of your party in that single exchange, you must form a union, this game’s terminology for unit formation. The shape required depends on the gender of the union leader, and the order of action is predetermined by position. That allows you to arrange the best matchup for the familiar (sword > axe > lance > sword) weapon hierarchy. You’ll really gain the advantage if you can line your four or five members into a group, and then attack a smaller cluster of enemies. Each member of the larger faction will get a turn at close combat, which means some of the outnumbered must act more than once to even up the pairings. And there’s a penalty: those units will lose the strength of one warrior with each successive engagement. Of course, the computer is always trying to turn the tables. It’s very possible that one of your characters, though in a union on offense, cannot form a sufficient union of their own on defense, leaving them as easy prey. Jurassic World Evolution 2 PS5

YGGDRA UNION We’ll Never Fight Alone Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

YGGDRA UNION We’ll Never Fight Alone Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The maps make it very tough to organize as well. Many consist of single-width paths with no open space; it’s necessary to scope out the intersections conducive to holding your formation while keeping the opposition at bay. There is an even greater obstacle, though, to forming a more perfect union. As part of battle preparations, you select a collection of cards, usually less than ten, from your stock. One card must be played at the start of each turn; it determines the attribute associated with the skill gauge. Cards hold great powers, from casting curses to super shields to summoning golems onto the field. But they’re finicky tools. The skill may only activate with a particular union leader, on a certain terrain, or at a specific time of day. Moreover, the card serves a more rudimentary purpose: movement. Yggdra, Milanor (her crafty bandit) and their friends have no capacity to move on their own. Instead, a value on the card dictates the total number of squares your party can travel that turn, and it could be as few as three or four spaces. Cards can only be used once per battle, so there’s a constant tension between wasting a card just to move or saving it for its skill.

Deep, unusual turn-based combat system is different from most other games.

Also, if the deck runs out during a stage, it’s game over. one final component magnifies all these hardships. The morale of your characters never automatically refills; the damage carries over from battle to battle. As a result, you must rely on the precious few restorative items doled out on an irregular basis. Some are rewards for particular victories, other dropped by or stolen from powerful enemies, none likely to sustain you on their own. It’s necessary to also scavenge the battlefield for hidden items, usually found in out of the way villages or empty squares. That’s a problem for a couple of reasons, one being that movement is such a prized resource. The other being the game’s fondness in transitioning directly from the completion of one objective to the next goal. In these cases, the map extends in a certain direction, and you’re expected to soldier on without a hitch. Being scattered about, hoping to hit the healing item lottery, can place you horribly out of position. Now released on the PSP, Yggdra Union is reworked, refined, refreshed, and ready for another lease at life.

It’s great to see this game “be all that it can be” with all the extra processing power and the larger screen. The makeover is nice, but this is still the same game. If you haven’t played it before, this is definitely the one to get, but cosmetic and aural improvements aside, there isn’t enough new content to recommend to fans. RPG, strategy, real-time action, and turn-based card elements comprise the gameplay. It’s going to take you some time to grasp the overall concept of exactly how it’s played, but, fortunately, there is an in-game tutorial the gives you a good general explanation as you progress. It’s not overly detailed, as it allows you to go in armed with a little knowledge and make your own mistakes. This is the way most of us like to play. Just get in there and mix it up. It’s also more forgiving than the original game. If you get killed, the enemies will lighten up each subsequent time you retry a stage. The only downside is that you’ll lose some of your health, which is in the form of “morale.” There’s nothing particularly interesting about the story or the meandering plot developments. This is a game about battling. Hopefully, you’re a fighter and not a lover, because you’re going to be doing an awful lot of fighting in this game.

YGGDRA UNION We’ll Never Fight Alone Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

YGGDRA UNION We’ll Never Fight Alone Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There is the requisite character interaction, but there’s not a lot of tedious exploring. Most of the boring RPG elements have been distilled, leaving concentrated residuals of fun and action. Even though the game is quick to cut to the chase, at 40 hours, it’s still a lot of game. Unfortunately, I did have a number of problems with Yggdra Union. I found the entire interface to be unfriendly, though certainly not impossible. As I mentioned before, it just takes some getting used to, even when navigating menus and alternating between different views. It was also a little disappointing to see some loading stutters when such simplistic visuals are being used, but there’s nothing too painful to be found. My real qualm with Yggdra Union is how shallow the world feels. It’s almost like you’re walking through a movie set, looking at a “painted-on” storefront as opposed to an actual building. The only image you’ll ever get of the world of Yggdra Union is the flat world map and a few paintings. Otherwise, single-pose character portraits chatter their way through the many hours of story with little substance to enjoy. Perhaps it’s just a limitation intrinsically tied to the fact that this was — at first — a GBA game, but the PSP can do so much more; staring at the same tiles, maps and portraits for 40+ hours is a bit of a drag. Police Simulator Patrol Duty


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