World of Outlaws Dirt Racing 24 Gold Edition Free Download


World of Outlaws Dirt Racing 24 Gold Edition Download Pc GAMESPACK.NET

Good fun but half baked. I never expected this game to be anything more than a simple, fun dirt racing game, and thats what it is. However the same issues that plagued earlier games also plague this one. The inside line is still much stronger than any other line at every track. Positions are frozen at the point of caution instead of the start of the lap. A driver will flip in 3rd and restart in 3rd. No pill draws, no redraws. Try running the wall and get smacked by AI. No single file restarts. I just feel like if youre going to make a sprint car game with WoO branding, at least do it right and implement WoO rules instead of a half baked arcade format for the simple sake of having less to code. Still fun, but i’d wait for a sale.

Monster games has a tendancy to slowly iterate each release and steadily increase the quality and content, and that seems to once again be the case here. The game is packed with lots of content and has a functional career mode with sponsors, upgrades, and light team management. The physics are once again solid and the driving feels a little more responsive being freed from the shackles of console. SWORN

Its nice to have this back on PC after the last game was absent, but its worth pointing out that this a very basic PC port. There are very few graphics options and unfortunately it seems the game only works at 60fps. The game itself does run above this but it seems like every aspect of the physics and driving is running at 60fps, including the camera itself while driving. Despite this, the game is stable and runs appropriately well for the graphical fidelity it presents. There is nothing out there about this yet but the game seems to work pretty well on steam deck. The game generally runs at about 50fps with a full field at larger tracks. Lernerville does seem to struggle more than other tracks I tested but its still far from unplayable. If you have been waiting for this game to release on PC and just want to be sure this PC port isn’t terrible or are interested in this type of game then it’s definitely worth a buy.

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