Witchcrafty Switch NSP Free Download


Witchcrafty Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Witchcrafty Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The end of a console’s life often brings together dedicated developers with an attachment to the hardware who want to keep supporting a piece of hardware they love. This is amplified when a machine doesn’t have a successor on the market – the Dreamcast received more than half a decade of official releases after its discontinuation in Japan (and continues to get homebrew games to this day, which is in stark comparison to the Wii-U which hasn’t seen a new game since 2020 likely due to the Switch’s position in the market), so it wasn’t unusual to see Witchcrafty from stalwart Vita supporters PigeonDev and Sometimes You among the final batch of six official games releasing on 20th July 2021 (the Sony-enforced last date for digital Vita releases). What is unusual about Witchcrafty is the way in which it is delivered – as a result of Sony’s surprise end date for submissions, the still-unfinished title which was aiming for a later-in-the-year-release on Vita was tweaked and put out in a different format in order to make the cut-off. This is effectively an extended demo, showcasing the gameplay ideas. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Witchcrafty Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Witchcrafty Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Art and the general gist of what I assume the final release will be, but let me stress that it is not finished and this shows when playing – which makes it a fantastic time capsule into videogame development as well as the shutdown of the Vita’s store, but not necessarily a compelling game to play. In Witchcrafty, you play as an unnamed witch who wakes from a very long nap and finds her town has been invaded by goblins and is tasked by the town elder to venture into the forest and fight the source of corruption. Along the way she encounters talking cats, finds a flying broomstick and read giant books written by ‘J Vanderwalt’ that give some insight into this world, but the story here is very vague and left open-ended at its conclusion. This is the first example I’d point out of the game feeling unfinished as it almost teases you to check out the final version by not revealing anything about what’s going on. With that said, there is a nice little message at the end celebrating Vita’s life which I appreciated, giving me a smile upon reaching the finale. Graphically, I came away very impressed with what was on offer here.

Dynamic action gameplay.

My initial impression was somewhat negative as the opening splash screen looked rather rushed and I really wasn’t a fan of the font which seemed difficult to read (the translation was also wonky at points), but the animation work here is top notch. Little things like finding a power up causing the witch to disappear into her hat which floats down to the ground or the way she chucks lightning bolts with gusto were nice touches and I loved the colour palette used which changed based on the level – the forest uses nice shades of purples and greens, while the caves are a deeper shade of purple and the icy final level is a snow-covered treat. All of them are filled with little objects (crystals, mushrooms, vines) that make them pop with life too. Even the soundtrack seems complete, offering an impressive selection of chiptune songs that would have fit in perfectly with the throwback era of 2D platformer that Witchcrafty is emulating. In terms of gameplay, this is traditional fare through and through – you can jump and double jump. Warpips Switch NSP

Witchcrafty Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Witchcrafty Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

roll and dash and need to combine these abilities to move between various obstacles in your way such as pits, moving platforms and enemy projectiles. The bad guys you’ll fight are dispatched by attacking with circle (you don’t take damage from touching them, which is slightly odd) and you’ll unlock spells such as fireballs and ice bolts as you progress – although these are only used for environmental interactions and seem rather useless for helping you fight monsters. Witchcrafty depending on your skill can be very tricky to start off with due to your low hit points, even though you start off with four hearts, most of the enemies will take two off every time you get hit, this includes the first boss should you get hit by him making it only possible to beat him with getting hit once. In all fairness, it is quite easy to learn his pattern of attacks so I was able to take him out after a few tries but it does take a few hits to take him down. You do have a double jump and a jump dash at your disposal and a roll which you can use to dodge attacks, these are welcome skills but I found them tricky to execute at times. this is due to the placement of enemies and traps in the stage.

Exploration of the world.

Plants can be found on the side of the walls and goblins firing at you from afar giving you literally no space to jump over before getting to them unless a well-timed smack of your wand knocks the arrow down, this felt more like luck than anything and I just find the controls overall were a little delayed or unresponsive. Collectables in the game include gems which can be found hovering or as a lump that you smash down with your wand. These gems are a currency which is used to buy really expensive items. You will never be able to afford them unless you have done some grinding before which is unlikely unless you were already aware that they are currency. So then ensues a grind of entering and exiting rooms to respawn enemies and collect crystals that may kill you if you mess up. While the game is fun at times and has some cool spells which are cleverly utilised to overcome objects it’s not something we haven’t seen before. It executes it well enough to keep the game interesting at least. Save points are not as frequent meaning if you die you have to retrace your steps which can be long and daunting. Valuable yellow flowers that restore your health also seem to be infrequent. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Witchcrafty Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Witchcrafty Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Water fountains which restore your magic points tend to appear when you need to use a certain spell to overcome an obstacle. Everything you expect from a fairy game, but with a touch of weirdness. That is how the creators of today’s game describe their newest game. Earlier this month, PigeonDev published Witchcrafty, a magical platformer that also holds some Metroidvania elements. This will be the second game I am reviewing by said developer, but the first one on PC! About a year ago I dove into Dungeons & Bombs by PigeonDev, but this game didn’t leave a big impression on me. But a colorful, pixel art game with a twist? I’m definitely willing to give this one a try because it does sound right up my alley! I’m afraid we’re not off to a great start here. My most memorable moment is, unfortunately, not a good one. When I bumped into the Goblin Twins, I found myself facing quite a challenge. The Goblin Twins are a kind of boss fight that you have to overcome in order to progress in Witchcrafty. After dying more than I’d like to admit, I could finally taste victory! Only two more hits and those damned goblins would’ve both died… it if wasn’t for the biggest bug I encountered in this game. For some reason, the goblin froze and became immune to my attacks.

It’s still metroidvania.

Yeah… I was left no choice but to exit into the menu and restart the battle. And then IT HAPPENED AGAIN. I was close to killing the second goblin, and everything froze again! And then it happened a third time and I just gave up on the game completely. I’m sorry but if I encounter the bug three times, preventing me from continuing, I’m just done. I did watch a YouTube playthrough to see the ending because of course, I wanted to see the ending. But yeah, not a great experience here. One of the best things about Witchcrafty is without a doubt its art style. The adorable and colorful pixel art fit in with the witchy and magical aesthetic the game is trying to convey so definitely a job well done here. Both the environments and characters in the kingdom have just enough detail to make you really appreciate the work that was put into the art style. I was absolutely in love with the nameless little witch that you play as in the game. Her pink hair and oversized purple hat combined with her quirky and cute character are guaranteed to make the player adore her. Add to the mix an upbeat and arcade-like soundtrack and you’re in for a treat for sure. I swear the soundtrack will make you feel nostalgic! As for the sound-effects.

They were perfectly in place and sound almost exactly like you’d expect them to so no complaints in this area. The overall gameplay is fun yet challenging. I found myself enjoying running around the kingdom and faces various treats. Basically, you start out with 4 lives and a simple wand. You can use said wand to beat your opponent’s asses, and it’s what I ended up using most throughout the enitre game, actually. When adventuring through the kingdom, you’ll also run into magical stones. When you activate these stones, you receive the power it holds. Like the first power being a simple fireball to beat enemies or break wooden boxes. There are various magical attacks that you can gather. Of course, you can also dash your way through battes. The Metroidvania part of the game allows you to retrace your steps and find ways you previously couldn’t access. I found myself doing little backtracing, but didn’t mind because advancing was quite fun. Besides running into monsters, you’ll also run into helpful NPCs like a girl with a broom that allows you to fasttravel and a dwarf selling artifacts. He sells shards of the forest heart and shards of the witch soul (these two shards can also be found in the wild). Both serve a purpose, obviously.

Witchcrafty Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Witchcrafty Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Collecting forest heart shards will help you gain more health hearts, and witch soul shards increase your magic abilities.  Buying these shards from our dwarf friend requires 250 gems per shard. Gathering gems is done throughout your journey, as they are omnipresent in the world. Every gameplay element fits in very well and I did enjoy the concept very much. The lack of enemy variety was a bit disappointing. Sure, Witchcrafty is a rather short game but there definitely was an opportunity for more variation. Most of the time, enemies were recycled troughout the different environments, while I had hoped that every new area would introduce the player to all kinds of new enemies. I mean, there were some extra enemies, of course, like the little ghost in the castle, but often, enemies looked a little different but had the same mechanics and behavior, making them feel not that different, you know. Witchcrafty is a platformer with small metroidvania elements that immerses you in a world of magic. Something strange is happening in the Kingdom – the forests are filled with predatory plants, their peace-loving peoples have taken up arms against each other, and goblins were noticed in the deep mines. The little witch has to start her journey in search of truth and answers. Who is behind all these events? Should you trust strangers along the way? Who stole the Witch’s mail? Goat Simulator 3


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