We Were Here Too Free Download


We Were Here Too Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

We Were Here Too Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Adventure games have almost exclusively been single-player experiences to date, but there are signs that this trend is beginning to change. One of the pioneers for multiplayer is a group of students from the Netherlands, who banded together to produce a co-op adventure, We Were Here. The game was designed to be played online between two people controlling separate explorers who’ve been split up in an old castle, talking with one another via microphone to solve puzzles and try to escape. Their debut effort was noble, especially considering that they produced it in just fourteen weeks and released it to the world for free. Though bite-sized, it offered a neat concept and was well received, inspiring the students to tackle further development full-time. Enter the sequel, We Were Here Too. The idea is the same here, though enhancements have been made to the visuals and balancing of puzzles between players. Operating in first-person perspective, both you and a partner must work your way through various rooms in an abandoned medieval castle. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

We Were Here Too Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The game is designed for two players who must communicate and work together to solve puzzles and progress through the game.

“We Were Here Too” is a cooperative puzzle game that was released in 2018. Here are some of its features:

      • Co-op Gameplay: The game requires two players to work together to solve puzzles and progress through the game.
      • Communication-Based Gameplay: Communication is key in this game, as players must share information and work together to solve puzzles.
      • Unique Puzzles: The game features a variety of unique and challenging puzzles, requiring players to think creatively and work together to find solutions.
      • Atmospheric Setting: The game is set in a dark and mysterious castle, creating a tense and immersive atmosphere.
      • Storyline: The game features a storyline that unfolds as players progress through the puzzles, adding to the overall experience.

The game has multiple endings, depending on the choices players make throughout the game.

The two of you are physically separated most of the time, meaning the walkie-talkie in your character’s hand is the only means of communication. You can either pair with a random person online through a matchmaking function, or someone from your Steam friends list who also owns the game. I’ve no doubt one could enjoy playing with an internet stranger, an experience I’ve cherished in other online games, but I linked up with a long-time friend and here I think we both benefitted from our existing rapport. After a brief introductory cutscene, in which the protagonists follow a flare signal through the snow into the castle, you each find yourselves trapped in different rooms. One is full of coffins with symbols above them, the other a spinning mechanism surrounded by candles. You’re left to your own devices right away, using the WASD keys to move and the mouse to look and interact. No instructions are ever given, making discovery one of the game’s joys, though of course you know the general aim. Call of Duty World at War 

We Were Here Too Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

We Were Here Too Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This cooperation is tested with many interesting puzzles. In any case, it will take a while before you master everything so well that you manage to escape. A pity about the puzzle element of the game is that once you have completed the puzzles, there is actually no reason to go through the puzzles again. Each time you play the game, the puzzle is a little different due to different symbols being used. Yet the puzzle is the same in terms of approach, so there is virtually no replay value in the game. You already know the solution the second time. You play the game from two locations and could possibly choose to go through the game the second time from the other location. Nine out of ten puzzles, on the other hand, are no fun because you had to communicate so much with the other person last time that you actually already know what to do on the other side. We Were Here Too will then do everything possible to get you to play again later. There are of course the two different characters, so that you can experience the puzzles from both sides. The puzzle solutions are also random, so you will see other symbols next time, for example. In practice, however, this is disappointing. You know exactly what the purpose of the puzzles is. Finding that out was most of the fun. Also, a puzzle in our second play session had exactly the same solution as the first time.

The game can be replayed with different choices and solutions, offering a high level of replayability.

That does not alter the fact that we had a lot of fun with We Were Here Too during the first time playing. We also recommend playing the game in both roles once, because then you see the puzzles from both sides. The game also has a nice creepy atmosphere, but it is a pity that the books in which the lore is told are almost unreadable. Despite some minor bugs that forced us to restart a puzzle, We Were Here Too is a fun, original cooperative experience. Readable books scattered across the castle may add extra depth to this mysterious place, but the handwriting is so difficult to read. Each one seems to have been written by a different person than the last — and a 17th century French aristocrat at that! I attempted many times to read them — “and for you… something… the… something… forever and…. something?”— but in the end I lost interest in them. They are important to one of the endings though, so if you’re something of a completionist you’ll likely want to try to decipher them. Call of Duty: WWII Deluxe Edition

We Were Here Too Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The game features a variety of challenging puzzles that require players to use logic and deduction to solve.

After completing We Were Here Too, I couldn’t help but wonder if it took the series anywhere new, or whether it could have simply been classed as an expansion to the first. In the end, what I wanted from this title was more; I wanted to do more puzzles in this world, in this unique way, and that’s exactly what We Were Here Too delivers on. The first game was free-to-play but this one isn’t — and if charging a fee is how we get more from this series then that’s alright with me. We Were Here Too is an extremely short co-op adventure that can be completed in an afternoon (Savket and I, as beings of lower intelligence, took about 4 hours). There are hidden switches and multiple different endings that force you to go through the game again, but the obstacles are always the same just with different parts and different information. Basically, we had a lot of fun in those 4 hours, but at the end I felt that I was missing more obstacles or maybe a little more difficult obstacles. The first, basic ending isn’t satisfying, from any perspective (if you skip, you’ll see what I mean) and going through again won’t give you that “Ah ha!” moment because you already know how and what and you’re just chasing the ending to see a different cinematic (which they look like they were made for the first Play Station).

The game features voice acting for the characters, adding to the immersion and atmosphere.

This is where we come to the main gameplay mechanic of the game – communication. You have to play this game with a microphone, as the transition requires a conversation between you and your teammate. You and he are in the same castle, but in different locations, which are connected in a certain way. To pass each level of the game, you must cooperate with your teammate, because the solutions are either intertwined with actions that must be done simultaneously, or one player has a solution to a problem for another player. This is also the most important, and luckily for us, the most fun aspect of the game. That Saturday was incredibly fun for me and my colleague Totic, and we honestly laughed for the ~4 hours it took to complete the game. As you can see, the game is not long, but for the price it offers more than enough fun. However, although you can play it online with other people, the real fun is when you play it with an acquaintance, because then the fun is the best, but that also means two copies of the game, because two players must have it. Call of Juarez Bound in Blood

We Were Here Too Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

We Were Here Too Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

If you can only really play the game once, then of course you want to have fun memories of the game. That will happen. On the other hand, there are also some less fun things about the game, which have ensured that We Were Here Too was less good than it could have been. One thing that stuck with me is how nauseated you can get at times from the camera controls in We Were Here Too. Don’t get this wrong, the game works fine except for a few minor frustrating glitches that will be explained later. The camera, on the other hand, is quite annoying because every time you move everything gets a little blurry. This blurry effect made my fellow player feel slightly nauseous. Turn off that trade! The immediate challenge is twofold: figuring out what you need to do, then employing the solution. As you have no idea what your partner is looking at, it’s always best to begin by describing everything you see. A simple button press activates your walkie-talkie, through which only one of you can speak at a time, a red light indicating that you’re live. You’ll quickly come to realise what environmental indicators to pay attention to and learn that some of your actions impact the other person, like a lever opening a door or pausing a death trap.

Indeed, there is death in this game, though it only results in restarting you at the beginning of the current room. Whether it’s a rising fire or steps falling from beneath, you’ll know it’s coming. There are also segments that have no timer at all, offering a more leisurely pace. I found the challenge level seemed to fluctuate at random. In some instances the solution was clear but the time constraints were extremely tight, so much so that there were a couple of occasions when we had to stop playing out of frustration. Yet other times we breezed through without a second thought. A steadier, more gradual increase in difficulty would have been welcome – as it is, the learning curve is all over the place. It’s tough to talk about the actual puzzles without giving too much away, but it’s safe to say that some rely on your descriptive ability, like telling your partner what weapon and shield they need to collect. Sounds simple, but it gets tricky, especially when the items are purposely similar. “It’s a tall, thick sword with a triangle tip and knobbly bits at the bottom… yeah, I guess it looks like it’s had a bite taken out of it… the hilt is maybe made of wood?” You’ll think you’re being spot-on, while your partner is scrambling around trying to make heads or tails of your ramblings. It turns out I’m not very good at describing medieval weapons.


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