WARRIORS Abyss Free Download



A fun roguelite with a blueprint similar to the bullet heaven genre, but with active combat. Features your usual Warriors techniques – normal attacks, charge attacks, musou attacks, and dodging. Difficulty starts off easy and gradually increases during your run. Without significant unlocks, the game becomes quite difficult in boss encounters, but feels very rewarding when overcoming the odds. I’d say I get about one unlock per run, and there are ~100 characters to unlock along with with various boosts and character formations, so plenty of content in that vein. Have not yet surpassed the first (only?) boss, so I can’t comment on the content that comes thereafter. Unique weapons and other treasures are in game, though having not obtained any, it is difficult to assess their impact. The character hiring and formation mechanics should give the game a solid amount of replayability. Each character does feel like they play differently, and it feels like all of the character stats matter. Oirbo

A solid game, I’d say it’s worth the full price they’re asking ($25 USD), and would definitely be worth it on sale. Costume DLC seems largely unnecessary, and only minorly impactful. Characters cost between 100 and 5000 embers to unlock, so the bonuses there don’t go particularly far, and I did not see the option to purchase any in game (yay!). I did have some difficulty with borderless window mode – my mouse kept going off screen and ceased interacting with the game. I imagine this could easily be fixed by 1) playing better, 2) using a controller, or 3) going fullscreen. Ran this with an Arc A770 and an i5 13600K and performance was steady above 100 FPS in 1440p.


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