Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O Free Download


Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O Download GAMESPACK.NET

i want to preface this by saying Virtua fighter 5 Final showdown is the best fighting game ever made. and for the time the netcode and online options were good.. for the time Virtua fighter 5 Revo is a port of VF5 ultimate showdown which in itself was a remake of virtua fighter 5 final showdown. which has bad rollback (so bad that it gives you the option to use delayed netcode), all customs and costumes have been gutted. ranks hacked to ♥♥♥♥, barely functional match making, and the removal of player match/quick match. you either play ranked or use the buggy rooms. overall REVO is a worse experience than FS in 2025. FS had similar netcode (if using variable delay) more customs. more modes. player match (the fastest means of finding games) and isn’t dependant on ranked match making (in which the ranks have already been hacked) Team Sonic Racing Switch NSP

VF5 returns again but thankfully its now on PC a first for the franchise I’ve been testing it on both my main PC which has a 4070 super in it and as expected it runs the game perfectly at 4k60 max. that is also the case for steam deck everything at high apart from shadows at 800p and it was a perfect 60fps. I’ve played this game multiple times on ps3,360,ps4 and now PC and wow the background scenery in some of the levels really shine in 4k they’ve done a great job in porting it over. multiplayer seems to be working nicely as well which is always nice to see in a fighting game in the few matches I’ve had they was found quick and had no lag issues. I was never that great at fighting games, but there was always something fundamentally fun about Virtua Fighter that made it a joy to just hit buttons in. Can’t really explain why, but the game just clicked with me in a way that many others didn’t. This package is pretty barebones, and sadly doesn’t have any version of the amazing Quest mode from the PS2 games. Still, finally being able to play an official (and populated!) version of VF online against real human beings is something I’ve been waiting almost 25 years for, and it was worth the wait.


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