UNITY OF COMMAND II – DON 42 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET War strategists can rejoice over time, because Unity of Command II is rightfully included in the hall of fame of the best that the genre has ever produced throughout its long history. This very complex, yet surprisingly accessible strategy will put you in a comfortable general’s chair, from which you will not want to get up. The original Unity of Command from 2011 was already praised by both hardened and occasional virtual commanders due to its accessibility and lavish graphics. Therefore, it is surprising that this work of the Croatian 2×2 Games under the baton of Tomislav Uzelac completely escaped the attention of the domestic gaming press. Well, it’s time to fix it. The first part was fought on the Eastern Front, the sequel instead moves to the South and West, putting you in the shoes of the High Command of the Anglo-American military alliances in the base campaign from 1943-1945. But don’t think that the number two is just a reskinned variant of its excellent predecessor – both strategies are quite different from each other. The original game serves more as a template TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)


It incorporates real-world units, locations, and events from the time period, allowing players to experience the challenges faced by commanders during that period.

the core of which is a strong emphasis on maintaining logistical routes and the wonderful circling maneuvers that the endless Russian steppe directly encouraged. It was these elements, along with the inexorable move limit of each operation without the possibility of saving and uploading ongoing positions, that were also reflected in Unity of Command II . But the similarity pretty much ends there. The first new feature any returnee will notice is the headquarters mechanic along with your troop progression. Each of the sub-armies you have access to during the campaign has an unlockable specialization tree that can be purchased for prestige. Unit progression across the campaign means gaining experience for individual brigades and divisions. But progression also works the other way around – if, for example, you lose your Polish or Indian divisions in Africa at the head of the 8th Army, and if you play on a higher difficulty, the probability that you will meet them in the future decreases rapidly. Before each major operation, you decide at the commanders’ conference where to place your limited resources and which army to specialize in for support operations and which for engineering or logistical tasks.

Headquarters are not only essential to reinforcing and recovering lost unit strength

In addition, it is possible to purchase one-time support cards for this or that battlefield. These can be used to perform a variety of bonus actions – air raids, naval support, aerial reconnaissance. All of this will come in handy against the local killer AI. The AI ​​is top notch and you can rarely count on it to make a major bot, even on a lower difficulty. Every now and then it sacrifices a division to slow your advance or to fall into an unsecured rear and cause a supply battle instead of just obediently retreating from your rampaging machinery. At the same time, he does not hesitate to use the special skills of his own divisions. You will often have to defend against a local counterattack during the campaign, and when it comes down to it, the AI ​​is usually good at calculating how to deal with you. That an elite, buried but isolated unit stands in the way of the Germans? Not a problem! Nothing that a combination of signal maneuvers and an assigned heavy howitzer battalion couldn’t handle. The game often resembles a giant military puzzle, but with the difference that even the best plan here, like in the real world, will not survive a clash with the enemy. Maneater F



I definitely do not recommend higher than normal difficulty for the first playthrough to newbies and by extension even more experienced generals. Although there is a comprehensible interactive tutorial that will teach you the basic principles for the movement, combat and logistics of armies, many of these elements require additional study of the manual, instructional videos or experimentation directly on the battlefield, which you would properly jump on the classic difficulty. As I mentioned in the introduction, the game cannot be continuously saved during operations, so the only option left is to restart. He is additionally penalized by the loss of points of the total score. If you came from the Panzer Corps or Order of Battle game world, you’ll feel like a complete rookie. Unity of Command II is in a different league and stands exactly in the middle between the more accessible co-op games and hex hardcore in the form of Decisive Battles, Operational Art of War or God forbid grand titles from Gary Grigsby . Another striking difference compared to number one is the presence of the fog of war. So no more clearly predictable maneuvers!

Motorizing units using HQ trucks, and many more.

The need for careful aerial reconnaissance comes into play and is limited to a handful of uses in many scenarios. Additionally, it only detects the type of enemy formation, not its strength. Another notable option for obtaining information about the movements of a hidden enemy is the collection of prisoners. Every dispersed or retreating unit scatters deserters and various wandering remnants of disorganized units. Their regular capture is a guarantee of fresh news from the enemy’s rear. The change in weather also plays its role, which is especially noticeable at the end of 1944, i.e. during the slaughter in the Hürtgen Forest and the battle for the salient in the Ardennes. The terrain is also a hugely important tactical variable, and Axis troops can turn it into foci of overwhelming resistance, which often requires creative improvisation to overcome. On the sand-swept paths of Tunis, save for a few pockets of defiance buried in the mountains, you can beautifully develop armored wedges to hug and crush the remnants of the once invincible Afrikakorps. In the mountainous and well-defended Italian boot Maneater PS5 


. Each turn represents a specific period of time, and players must plan their moves carefully to outmaneuver the enemy and achieve their objectives.

you will sweat not only at the impregnable Monte Cassino, but in every single battle, after which the defensive line of the Apennine Peninsula under the command of the brilliant Albert Kesselring will move just a belt higher. Similarly, you will have a hard time cutting your way through the Normandy maze of impenetrable hedges despite overwhelming air and material superiority. In addition to historically authentic scenarios, the campaign also offers several “what if” variants in case you manage to complete all main and bonus tasks within the proper limit for selected battles. One of my high bars for a strategy game’s sequel is that I can unreservedly recommend the game over its predecessor. Unity of Command 2 is one of those games; somewhat to my surprise, as I was initially wary of all the new mechanics being added to an otherwise delightfully simple wargame. Unity of Command 2 is a new wargaming standard in every aspect. It has good mechanics, a fun campaign structure, and it even looks quite good to boot. This is a pure wargame: it’s about moving troops and tanks and fighting with no consideration for politicking or ceasefires.

Order your aircraft to provide aerial recon

Unity of Command 2 has the same baselines that made the first UoC a success. Every division on the battlefield is made up of sections called steps, each represented by a little dot below the unit’s model. Sometimes divisions have ‘specialist steps’ of attached assets—like a detached tank company temporarily assigned to support an infantry division. Steps are either active, a full circle, or suppressed, an empty one. When a unit attacks or defends its active steps are multiplied by their combat value, totaled, and compared to the other unit’s total for the odds of various results. If that sounds complicated, it’s not, because the game just shows you the likely results. Sure, there’s a detailed combat resolution table buried in the manual, but you can happily play this (quite complex) wargame without ever looking at it. That feels very good. On the other hand, it doesn’t do a great job of teaching itself. The basics like combat are easy, but expect some trial-and-error frustration while you figure out how to reassign steps, balance logistics, juggle command range and upgrade your divisions. More detailed, frequent tooltips would have been nice. Marble World



The interface is good enough though and doesn’t fight the game design—it’s certainly one of the best for a wargame of this kind. The combat lets you really focus on what an operations-scale game does best. This is a game about orchestrating breakthroughs, exploiting gaps with armor, and strategically blocking chokepoints. The terrain of the western front isn’t about vast encirclements, it’s about pushing over the mountains of central Italy or struggling through the bocage in Normandy. I found especial pleasure in capturing railway depots and balancing supply dumps to keep up with my advancing forces. A well-planned tank breakthrough once allowed me to take a third of italy with little effort by racing up the coast and cutting off the enemy’s supply—though the paratroops that held the vital bridges along the way didn’t make it. The strategy is very simple to manage but just complex enough that it feels like a challenge. That’s not to say the game as a whole lacks complexity. Every section of your army has an HQ unit, a non-combat location that your logistics, intelligence, and command efforts come from.

HQs can use their very limited command points to have divisions execute special maneuvers—suppressing artillery fire to pin down enemies, feint attacks, and set-piece assaults to reduce enemy fortifications. For example, I specialized my US 5th Army as a fast force that hit hard and excelled at breaking single points. I consistently used it to exploit gaps, pushing armored divisions into attacks on favorable terrain, but ordering them to make fighting withdrawals in the event of counterattacks. Meanwhile my British 8th Army was an iron wall of artillery that could grind down even the most determined, entrenched enemy. HQs can also deploy portable bridges, organize emergency supplies, and organize motor transport for slow infantry. As you play through the game’s campaign these HQs level up, gaining new abilities and more command points. The first Unity of Command’s very basic combat felt like a puzzle sometimes, but the mechanics are refined in UoC2 so that even the initial strategic situations in a scenario can have wildly different solutions, something the first game lacked. It’s much harder—maybe impossible—to find the most efficient way to win any one of this game’s battles.


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