

Unakis Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Unakis Free Download GAMESPACK.NET If you have a chance to review any of my previous content, you’ll see a lot of glowing words attached to the reviews of games designed or co-designed by Simone Luciani. To me, Luciani is gaming royalty. Grand Austria Hotel, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan, and Tzolk’in: The Mayan Calendar are some of the best games I have ever played. Luciani’s “T” game release with Daniele Tascini, Tiletum, was my pick for the best game of 2022. With all of that in mind, there was never a doubt that I would play Anunnaki: Dawn of the Gods (2023, Cranio Creations), a co-design with Danilo Sabia. Sabia and Luciani also designed Rats of Wistar, which will soon make its way to gamers in the US. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

i think the clean UI is pretty cool! though i kinda hate the font, it’s a bit too much like fortnite, same with the health and exp(?) bars, maybe a little bit of an ornate border could give it more character and less of a debug placeholder feeling. i really like the fast paced combat, if you want to get a bit more impact it would be cool if you added a bit of recovery time after such big jumps, dashes or strong attacks. otherwise it feels a bit too floaty, like the character is just fighting the air and playing the animations without any physicality behind it. lastly you have a great world. Maybe add a few particle systems and non monster animals to make it feel more alive. always see what happens if your character stands still in a scene. is it still engaging and interesting or does it feel like a screenshot? you can also use these things to better guide your players, mark points of interest like the chest underwater by having some fish above / around it. CarX Street Cracked Pc Game


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