TRANSFORMERS: Galactic Trials


TRANSFORMERS: Galactic Trials Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

TRANSFORMERS: Galactic Trials Free Download GAMESPACK.NET If that sounds like enough of a gameplay formula then hold on to your seatbelt because the courses in TRANSFORMERS: Galactic Trials also feature segments where you transform into your robot mode. These usually short segments have you run, jump, and shoot your way to the next part of the race and as you do so, dashing is crucial as that will allow you to stay ahead of the pack. Some of these segments act as a way for competitors to level the playing field as the winning players may have to destroy some sort of gateway devices before the path ahead is cleared. Other segments are quite platform-heavy so you’ll need to carefully leap and dash between platforms as you fight which is occasionally a lot trickier than it sounds. Overall, I love this part of the gameplay as it adds a ton of variety Europa Free Download

The core gameplay of TRANSFORMERS: Galactic Trials has you race as your Autobot or Decepticon of choice. The controls are rather involving as you hold a button to drift around corners which helps replenish your Energon then you can use that to boost. Meanwhile, you can smash into competitors to the left and right of you with the corresponding face button. When you factor in Energon and health pick-ups, branching paths, panels that can hurt or even poison you, jump and boost panels, and the fact that courses change their layout every lap, you’re looking at one exciting racing formula. Considering it takes a lot of practice to master, it’s quite rewarding to boot


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