Through Spacetime Free Download


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Ship with eight beautiful women picks up emergency signal and quickly acts to save the only survivor of a failed experiment. There’s an issue though, the survivor is the last human male in the Universe. Harem game with few choices and two intervening plot lines. For a sci-fi, sex-first story-second, type of game, I was pretty disappointed in the sex scenes. There are a lot of them, like the opening TL;DR of the game page says “Guy goes into space and sticks penis wherever”, that’s a pretty accurate description. But it also pretty much stays at that level. You have one guy, and one or two women (not even a foursome at any point, there were so many opportunities for great orgies), having the hottest sex that a 14-year-old boy could imagine. It’s just fairly boring, extremely safe for insecure straight guys, and just more and more of the same. Even the alien women don’t have anything about them that might make the sex scenes weirder or more interesting, they just have a different skin colour. Speaking of skin colour, as you can already see from the main game page, the lineup looks pretty homogeneous. The main LI’s, except for the blue chick, are all white. There is one Asian girl on the ship who has two short sex scenes but otherwise appears to not exist in the story and one black girl whom you have one sex scene with before her too weirdly disappearing from the rest of the game. And then less than a handful of other alien encounters. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Through Spacetime Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Through Spacetime Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It just all seems way too safe and boring for a game like this, why make a sex-driven sci-fi game when you’re not going to explore a bit more adventurous stuff? And just n.b., there seems to be a weird dislike of anal creampies, it’s really odd once you start paying attention to it. There’s a fair bit of anal in the game, but while with vaginal sex you almost always get the option of either creampieing the girl or pulling out, there is not one scene where you get an anal creampie, you always pull out after anal sex. It’s not that important of a point, it’s just very weird and I don’t really get it. Conclusion All in all, I’ll stick with my initial assessment of “average”. This game is probably not gonna blow your mind, it’s very straightforward and you mostly get what the label promises. Playing it through wasn’t a bad experience, there’s a lot of (fairly boring) fap material in there, but that’s also about it. Seeing as it’s now almost finished, with just the second of the two possible endings still needing to be implemented, I’ll probably go back for that once it comes out for a sense of conclusion, but I don’t see myself coming back to this one after that. This game is profoundly mediocre. The models are decent at best, the sex scenes are short and stilted, and the writing/worldbuilding is just embarrassing. I genuinely couldn’t even get to the end of the first episode. The only reason I’m not giving this 1 star is because I didn’t finish it and it might get better later, but the writing did not inspire confidence in that possibility.

A sexy young redhead, i have a thing about redheads anyway so yeah she is hot too

First off, the “Last man alive” concept is already dumb and it’s almost never done well in these games. Women will often act in such a way that is completely unbelievable in a world devoid of men. But this story is even worse because it’s sci-fi. You’re telling me that in nearly infinite planets with many, many species of intelligent humanoid life, not one of them have male lifeforms? It’s a completely ridiculous premise normally, but the sci-fi setting makes it even worse. Second, the rest of the writing is a confusing mixture of banal and lightning-fast. It somehow manages to be incredibly boring and unengaging, while also moving way too fast. You’re 5 minutes into this game on a spaceship full of women who have apparently never seen men in their lives and have been taught to distrust and hate them, and you’ve already fucked half of them and at least made-out with another. There’s no buildup. I literally turned off the game when the one girl meets you for the first time and immediately wants to kiss you because she apparently “watches old romance movies”. Dark Deception

Through Spacetime Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Through Spacetime Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This begs the question: If the government is apparently an incredibly powerful and controlling organization hell-bent on making people hate men, then why would people even have access to “old romance movies”? Surely this government would have destroyed any record of men being portrayed in a positive light. This is what I mean when I say the world building makes no sense. These devs that make these dumb “last man alive” games never put even the smallest amount of thought into the implications of that premise. This game is no different. My advice to devs is this: If you’re not willing to put any amount of effort and thought into making these big world-building decisions seem believable, just don’t make them. This game could have been just a generic sci-fi setting and it would have been like 50% better. It’s pretty good. There’s plenty of sex, even if it is a bit boring. English is coherent, clear, and correct. Not too many spelling mistakes and typos, and only a few errant commas. The writing falls somewhat flat, even mechanical at times in the early game. There’s not a lot character development nor character growth, especially for the protagonist. The characters are all likeable, like actually every single one except the true villain once revealed, but none of girls or MC are deep or dynamic enough to be sympathetic or lovable. Sure, some of them have backstories, even tragic or lonely ones, but mostly they’re just pretty faces and sexy CG bodies.

Just make sex dolls of them all, they will sell millions men would buy them and only keep women around when necessary

The only thing I would’ve liked is for the endings to be explored more only because I liked the way it was going.Just waiting for the king path to be done honestly. The lack of animation was compensated by the whole setting which even though you won’t be seeing some groundbreaking writing in the story it is still pretty straightforward and loyal to it’s core which is ” you can pretty much the whatever you want l” which is why I’m waiting for the king path After warping through a black hole, you end up arriving 800 years in the future as the last surviving human male. Discovered by a ship of ladies… you can see where this is going. While the second half of the story does get interesting for a bit, there’s no personal growth for our MC or any of the girls. This game offers a kinetic novel experience where you spend your days and nights fucking and things fall into place for you without any effort. Renders are good but not remarkable. I wish there was some variety in the dynamic the MC has with the girls but it’s all the same. Atleast 4-5 of the women have the same personality(sassy, smart talking, and hyper competent). We play as a hapless goofball and I don’t like this style of MC at all. Dakar Desert Rally 

Through Spacetime Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Through Spacetime Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Still, with all that said, just hold CTRL down and go through the scenes, you’ll find yourself satisfied with the sex available. Some might even say it’s too much. Light 3 stars for the renders and one star purely for the second half shenanigans of double crossing and revelations which I found interesting. In their next game, the dev team should focus on characterization, plot and buildup the story organically. The game is funny with plenty of spit your drink out moments. The amount of sex scenes is huge I mean there are hot scenes every few minutes. Basically being the only male in the universe and being rescued by hit women who haven’t seen a man in 100s of years, well you don’t need to be a genius to know what goes on throughout the game. Renders are very good and the sex scenes are mainly run of the mill but you won’t mind as the models are hot as the hottest thing in the universe. To be honest just make sex dolls of them all, they will sell millions men would buy them and only keep women around when necessary, much better than having drama with women lol. The game is not like excessively long you can get through it in about 1/2 day but it doesn’t need to be longer. There could have been scope to make a sandbox version after the end, maybe where the MC could go around other planets either buying/conquering etc and spreading his love to the aliens lol.

Sex-first story-second, type of game, I was pretty disappointed in the sex scenes

Thank you for an enjoyable game I look forward to seeing the alternate ending. There is a lot to like in this VN but I feel like a 3 star rating describes this game pretty accurately because it is, in so many ways, just so very average. Visuals and Music (3 stars) The renders are ok to decent. Generally, the girls look very hot and I like their bodies but you do have typical DAZ problems with bustier gals like clothes somehow wrapping around and under their boobs or the breasts just looking weird and awkward when the women are in any other position than just standing. One of the few points of criticism I have are the alien girls, which I really don’t find hot. Admittedly that’s purely personal and may not be an issue for many. I’m aware, that a sci-fi game is supposed to feature some extraterrestrials, too. It’s just not my thing, although I do like sci-fi in general. One of them is almost ridiculous, the one with the wolf ears and the tail, while the rest of her body is perfectly human. Maybe she was designed to please the furry lovers (not my cup of tea), but at the same time not alienating the ones with a more common taste too much. But let’s be fair, it’s hard to imagine another humanoid alien species… turns out they just look like us, but with a red or violet skin colour and fancy eye colours. LOL. But it’s actually what Daz offers us as alien.

Through Spacetime Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Through Spacetime Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

In this game it’s explained during the plot, why most aliens are humanoid, but I’m not interested in alien sex in general. Anyway it’s only a minor part of the game, except for violet skinned Andromeda. Still the rest of the cast makes up for this unpleasantry. The human girls of the diverse cast are awesome and there are plenty to please everyone’s tastes. (My favourites were Capt’n Morgan and Nicole, although Nicole should have more of a personality and not just act like a mindless fuck doll, nevertheless a very beautiful one.) So some characters lack unique personalities, which would be my next point of criticism. I hope, that characters will get some more unique personalities in the future.The environments are fine but also look exactly the same like all these other Ren’Py sci-fi games. The music is somewhat okay mainly because it’s not too distracting but the dev also seems to only have bought two tracks; one for general all-purpose scenes which is just fairly atmospheric and non-obtrusive, and one for sex scenes which is a somewhat melodramatic piano piece that can sometimes feel a bit out of place. Both of these would be fine if they weren’t the only two tracks we hear throughout so that it really does get extremely repetitive.

Story and Writing That could pretty much summarize almost every conflict or event that happens in the story: “Person A shows up. MC fucks her. Problem X arises. MC fucks it.” And basically any of the levity in the game can also be succinctly summarized: “You sure like T&A and fucking, MC!” “Haha, sure do!” “MC! You’re a man-whore!” “Can you blame me?” “Oh, MC! You rascal! You’ll stop by my room later, right?” Oh, I think there are a couple quippy movie references, too. That said, while it’s not the top tier writing that you’d find in the top rated games on F95, it’s definitely still better than 85% of the tripe we AVN consumers force ourselves to slog through. The writing actually improved as the story went on, but still throughout the conflicts remained rushed and unsatisfying due to lack of tension. The girls’ CGs look good. There’s a variety of body types in the girls, but stacked, curvy bodies dominate. For me, that’s a good thing, but I definitely appreciate the variety too. All the faces are pretty, but not terribly expressive, which was even more true on the little headshots next to the text box. The MC’s renders bugged me though. I got tired of seeing his dirty-looking stubble after the 5th scene. I think he’d have looked less like a night-club scumbag if he were clean-shaven or had a 5 o’clock shadow instead of a perpetual two-day stubble. Daddy Daughter Love

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