The Spewnicorn Pc Game


The Spewnicorn Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Spewnicorn Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Your goal is to traverse the The Dark Forest and defeat a Guardian at either the Ice Gate or the Fire Gate to get to either the FROST Forest or the FLAME Forest. Along the way you will fight enemies that will increase your Sparkle, Shimmer, or Aura essence. Essences help you get into Stances, which each have their own powerful effects. You will come across Magic Fountains and Quests that will aid you in your journey. Along the way, you must prove your worth and unlock the Gates by fighting at least two Arenas with powerful enemies. Courage Coins are gained by winning combats and are used as currency for buying items at the market. You can buy consumable candies, permanent treasures, random cards from the four card types, and if you have any special Weapon cards, you can trade them in to upgrade them. During combat, your Speed determines how many cards you can draw per turn. Mana is used to play your cards. Some cards can be combined, which does not cost mana. Crit percentage, which increases by 1 for each attack card played, is the chance an attack is a critical hit (damage * 1.5). Crit percentage resets to 0 after a critical hit. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Aggro amount increases by 1 after each combat. Each aggro level increases monster blocks in the FROST forest and monster attacks in the FLAME Forest, and also highly increases Arena and Guardian attacks. The more aggro you create, the faster your aggro level will increase. Block completely mitigates incoming damage, and armor absorbs 50% of it. You can combine both to become nice and tanky! You can play cards to charge up your Magic Rainbow. Each time your rainbow charges to full, it activates and does damage to your foes. The type of magic summoned dictates how you apply damage. Your magic type becomes Muddled when you mix magic types. Rainbow magic does damage to all monsters, Elemental magic does damage to all monsters ignoring block, Dark magic does damage to all monsters ignorning armor, Chaos magic does triple damage to a random monster, and Muddled magic does damage to a single random monster. After each battle you have a chance of being rewarded with a Treasure, some Essences, some Shards, and a Candy. These chances increase with each battle, and your current reward chances can be seen at the bottom of the screen. There are five difficulty levels, each making the game exponentially harder. Can you defeat The Singularity on Nightmare difficulty? That’s a tall order, good luck and have fun! Just Xiangqi Direct Download


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