The Phantom Free Download


The Phantom Download Pc Game GAMESPACK.NET

TLDR: Been playing these type of games since before I knew the value of the coins I was inserting into the arcade cabinets. The Phantom is a decent 2D beat em up. Get it if you like to have fun, but you’ll love it if you’re a fan of the Phantom. First the obvious things. The game looks really nice. The graphics are very crisp with bright hand drawn comic art that looks like it’s pulled straight from the pages of the books. *Chefs kiss*. The music is very nice (I particularly like the India stage) and the sounds of all the THWAKS, POWS, SLAMS and so on are also nice and chunky.

As for the gameplay, contrary to what some reviews seem to suggest, I think it’s pretty good. Everything moves as you would expect for a side scrolling beat em up. There is a little blurry/jarry type motion but given the art style, you should expect this. The combat itself is really fun. I like that the bad guys don’t go down to a stiff breeze since it gives you the chance to experiment with combos, build your power meter and get rid of them as fast as possible without getting mobbed. The super moves are particularly rewarding when they land. Plus I enjoy the challenge in the game. It’s no cake walk. You can’t just roll up in a stage and insta whoop every thing on screen. You have to keep on your toes because every hit you take feels meaningful. Togainu no Chi ~Lost Blood~

The game features a decent mix of bad guys that all seem to have some neat gimmick to catch you off guard. However, instead of punching your way through armies of these goons, you could just blast these fools with your twin gats! Guns in 2D beat em ups are fairly uncommon and if they make an appearance its usually for a limited amount of time, but in the Phantom, you always have them available (albeit you need to manage your ammo) and they are a sort of equalizer mechanic. BUT, there’s a catch, if you use them too much and you actually KILL bad guys, you start to rack up bad juju, and if you kill too many people, you’ll get a different ending (Bad?) than if you take the rightous path but just concussing people to death. It’s a small feature in the game but its one that keeps you engaged since you have to watch your enemies life closely (I’ve not beaten the game yet but I know that multiple endings are a thing, so it get props just in principle).

Overall, I’m really happy with the game. The early reviews nearly put me off but I wanted to give it a try and i’m glad I did. There’s stuff to improve for sure. The backgrounds could use a bit more life (sometimes people in background just stand frozen), some of the animations could be smoothed out a little (like Diana’s leg scissors), the vehicle stages could be tweaked to be a little shorter, etc. The main criticism a person could say is it’s a bit simplistic/by the numbers perhaps, but with a little more polish, all these smaller rough edges would get forgotten and the game would shine for its merits.


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