The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II Download


The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II  Download Pc GAMESPACK.NET

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 – So, usually when you play the second instalment of a game, it’s better than the first, and usually you’d be about 95% correct. In this case, it is the other 5%. Now, don’t get me wrong, the gameplay aspect itself is great, new enemy variety, great mechanics still, choices to be made, new characters, old characters. Where the issue comes in is when playing this with friends. For some odd reason, the game would completely desync and you’d actually lose your character. So here’s a quick overview of how we played almost 35 hours and all ended up with the same character:

I was demon hunter, my one friend was also demon hunter and my wife was elementalist. About 5-10 hours in, my wife’s game desyncs and she couldn’t recover her character anymore and had no characters on the character selection screen. She, understandably, was very upset that she lost her character and couldn’t continue with her customized and personal character anymore. I gave her my character and we continued. A couple of hours in, I desynced and lost my character. So I was extremely upset, because between me and Eazy, I had a ton more damage (because the skill trees are very similar to the 1st game and I understood the synergies) so I was the dps glass cannon and he was the tanky dps dealer. I then copied my character from my wife so now there were 1 Eazy and 2 Dreaderz. Couple of hours later, someone desyncs and we lost characters. Long story short, because Eazy was the host, his character never got lost and at the end of the final boss, there were 3 Eazy’s and we all had to swap out gear and characters as we went along because we didn’t have our own. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

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