Tales of Graces f Remastered Free Download


Tales of Graces f Remastered Download GAMESPACK.NET

So, I’m basing a lot of this review on my original experience of Tales of Graces f back on the PS3, but I’ll cover some of the QOL changes I’ve noticed that add a lot to the game. Now, going into this, Tales of Graces f was my favorite Tales game, but I hadn’t played it in over 10 years. Even from the 5 or so hours I’ve played of the remaster so far, though, I can easily say that my memories underplayed things, and the game is even better than I remember. I can’t speak too much of the story, as I’ve largely forgotten it over the last decade, but I have vague memories of it being pretty good, and I’m enjoying it so far, although the prologue is… both a little slow, sticking around maybe too long before you get to the adult era and have the full battle system, but also a little rushed, as the friendship between Asbel, Sophie, and Richard doesn’t really have quite enough time to build as much as I’d like. Still, other than that, no complaints so far.

Where this game truly shines is in its mechanics, and I don’t just mean the battle system, although let’s start there. TOGf’s battle system is an evolution of the original Chain Capacity system that originated in the Tales of Destiny remake on PS2, and it takes a great system and both grows it and polishes it to a level that is truly immaculate. Actions in battle are based around your chain capacity (CC), which dictates how many actions you can take in a combo. Every action has a CC cost, and when your CC runs out, you need to take about half a second to let it refresh. MP is not a thing here, and the removal of MP management means that the battle system is both brisk, but also has an interesting rhythm due to the pauses between combos to refresh your CC. Heat Death: Survival Train

These pauses don’t have to be empty space, however. You can guard, and holding guard will charge you through three levels of aura, giving you critical gauge (which guarantees a crit when full, plus gives you +1 CC), then gives you a layer of hyper armor allowing you to tank one attack without interrupting your combo, and finally guard break at max charge. Additionally, while guarding, you can tap a direction to dodge, and if you dodge at incoming attack with good timing, you get bonus CC to lengthen your next combo. Thanks to this, battle has a very satisfying back and forth between offense and defense, and feels very rhythmic once you get it down.

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