SWORN Free Download


SWORN Download Full Version GAMESPACK.NET

There is a great amount of customisation here, 4 characters each with 4 separate weapons and spells that all scale differently with the different gods. It plays a lot like Hades with the focus on dodging and the boss fights and runs only take around 30 minutes. Keep Driving

There’s a base hub with meta-progression that expands as you unlock new things, regular meta-upgrades are split into different categories and are very impactful to your overall survivability and you can upgrade every one of each characters weapons which is awesome, there are even nodes on both that can be flipped for an alternate effect. However I will say that a lot of the basic nodes are very samey small increases which don’t feel very impactful.

The game feels very unbalanced, a lot of stage rewards are meta-currency, I’m still working my way through meta-upgrades but I feel like once I am done that a lot of runs are going to start feeling redundant, why does it matter which meta-currency I pick if it doesn’t help me at all in that current run, I already feel weak in most runs and it’s complete rng whether I get offered health increases or upgrades, let alone getting offered a good god.

Because of the above, it feels like we rarely get offered upgrades, In a full run I get around 10 choices, which is a very very weak build, not even considering the enemy stats at higher difficulties. There is a secret shop which allows you to buy an upgrade for 100 gold (very easy to get) that upgrades a skill by 4 levels. what? I’m not even gaining that many levels in a full stage. Now I’m not saying to remove this, but it needs to rebalanced differently. I’d much prefer if all stage rewards were some form of upgrade and all meta-currency was optional, at-least past each meta-progressions introduction. Melee weapons are severely underpowered, now I haven’t played with them all but I have managed to win with a ranged weapon. In a game where all enemies are shooting projectiles and spamming attacks, it feels terrible to have to be super close to them and then also be doing pitiful damage, it just isn’t fun to play melee in the current version.


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