Super Antonio Direct Download


Super Antonio Direct Download  GAMESPACK.NET

Super Antonio Direct Download  GAMESPACK.NET Only got .4 hrs but I gotta recommend this game already. Best movement of any “only up”-like I’ve played before. “Only up 64” is nice but it’s mainly a troll hack for sm64 but ever since kaze released that I’ve been hoping for an IP that actually adds interesting movement to the only up/3d getting over it formula. Nothing crazy good like pseudoregalia but enough movement options to free up the player from a fixed route Satisfying 3D Platformer movement paired with the ability to turn every missed jump into a pure feeling of dread. The platforming is fair, with the true difficulty being determined by a player’s own skill (or lack thereof). A bit bare-bones in terms of game UI, but an amazing camera controller makes up for any graphical nit-picks. A true Sisyphus simulator, which I will be playing with checkpoints to preserve my sanity. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Controls feel tight and responsive the character is so much fun to move around in, the platforming is pretty difficult (I am glad checkpoints are both optional and available), and clearing through chunks of obstacles is very satisfying. I like that its not always a single railroaded path, and that there’s room to explore different options to get around places. Easily worth the $5 for the quality of the experience. Also I just vibe with the happy go lucky but also subtle music on this, it just hits right Full disclosure I did help test the game, but if you’re looking for a challenging “only-up” style game with actual good platforming mechanics, this game absolutely checks all the right boxes. Mario 64 style jumping mechanics with a bit of Celeste thrown in for good measure. Overall a very fun game with a healthy dose of frustration that makes the satisfaction of success all the better. Level design is varied and has a nice mix of open areas and more linear platforming challenges. The difficulty settings are a good touch that allow the game to be much more accessible for those who don’t vibe with the frustration/rage inducing only-up style games because you can personalize the amount of progress you lose. Underground Turtle Races Free Download


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